Chapter 439 Zhang Tao: Surprised me

At this time, Li Hao didn't know that he had been called "Little Black" by Cangmao, otherwise he would have to make a theory.

Didn't he just wear a black suit and use a black gun?
However, even if Li Hao knew about it, he just thought about it in his heart and would not do anything else...


He's about to start something...


In the sky.

There are constant battles between all parties, and everyone's energy is focused on their opponents.

Even a person as powerful as the King of War will concentrate on the battle, and will not reveal any flaws, nor will he look outside and perceive outside, so that some flaws that are not considered flaws will be revealed.

It's like a normal person walks, full of loopholes, you have made a frame, and the flaws are gone, but if your eyes turn around and you are slightly absent-minded, that frame is a fake, and there are still too many loopholes to count.

In the eyes of ordinary weak people, any standing posture of the strong is a natural skill, uncanny workmanship.

But in front of the stronger and evenly matched people, the flaw will have a great impact.


In these battles, the battles between the ancestors of the Xiao family and the Tiger King were not very conspicuous, but they were still noticeable battles.

"Tiger King lost to Thunder King after all."

The Baishan King looked at it, feeling the pressure at this moment!

What he was facing was Chen Guyang and Shen Haotian, just like this, he could fight back and forth a few times, and he still had the upper hand.

If Tiger King fled in defeat, or was even beheaded on the spot, then there is a high probability that he will be the next one!

Nothing else, other people are not suitable.

No one can intervene in the war between Ming Wang Yaozhu and Zhang Tao. They have entered the void crack. If you don't tear the void, you can't see their fight, and you can't interfere with them.

The Sunflower King and the Gopher King are deliberately used by the people of the Resurrection Land as sharpening stones, and no one will do it.

King Pingshan, King Zhu, and King Qinglang are all at a disadvantage.

King Feng couldn't beat Pluto, even if he exposed the second way, he still couldn't beat King Feng!
Everyone else is at a disadvantage, and only he, the King of Hundred Mountains, can still gain an advantage in one hit and two...

To kill a soldier is to kill a general.

Ming Wang, Demon Lord, and Feng Wang are either entangled or disadvantaged, then he is the tall one among the short ones, and he must be the next one to be attacked!
The Baishan King was anxious, but he couldn't do anything. He could only pray in his heart, hoping that the Tiger King would not be killed so soon, and he had better be alive!

Lei Wang's strength is not low, and regardless of his current advantage, if Lei Wang, Gu Wang, and Shen Haotian join forces, his advantage will immediately turn into a catastrophe of life and death!

"Tiger King, you must not die!"

Baishan King was anxious in his heart, and immediately shouted angrily, and launched an even more terrifying attack!


Just when the Baishan King was trying his best, the Tiger King also retreated steadily and was a little bit lost.

"damn it."

Tiger King's face was gloomy. He had said the word "damn" many times, and every time he was helpless and angry!

This time, it's the same!

Lei Wang is too strong, if he doesn't use some hole cards, he may be close to death!

At that moment, the Tiger King roared with anger, his face suddenly became rosy, the shattered wounds on his body, and the shattered golden body also began to heal, traces of golden liquid seeped out of the body surface, and his aura suddenly rose.

The ancestor of the Xiao family remained expressionless, did not use the indestructible substance, and continued to punch.

Tiger King snorted coldly: "Thunder King, you are very strong, but you can't kill me!"

As he said that, Tiger King punched out, and a large area of ​​void collapsed, colliding with the fist of the ancestor of the Xiao family, and it was a vaguely comparable punch!
The ancestor of the Xiao family retreated 3000 meters, and the King Tiger also retreated 3000 meters.

Tiger King laughed loudly and said, "Thunder King, it seems that you are nothing more than that."

That being said, there was no trace of joy in Tiger King's eyes, it was all anxiety and fear!

Lei Wang's strength far exceeded his imagination.

Originally thought that even if he was better than him, he would not be much better.

But I didn't expect that he, who had used indestructible matter to recover and fight, could fight a match?
Doesn't this mean that as long as Lei Wang chooses to explode indestructible matter, he can be crushed?

Fear of death suddenly appeared in Tiger King's heart. The last time he felt this emotion was when Zhang Tao attacked him.

It was also that time that he hated Li Hao so much that he wished he could kill him ten thousand times, eat meat and drink blood!

Now, he felt the threat of death again, his ruddy face became pale, and his heart felt much heavier.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Xiao family with cloudy eyes suddenly said: "Tiger King, accept the move."

Hearing the words, the Tiger King immediately waited in full force. He saw the ancestor of the Xiao family suddenly attacking him, and traces of gold ooze from the surface of his body!
"damn it!"

The Tiger King yelled, before he had time to think about it, he immediately gathered all his strength, a layer of brilliance gathered on his hand, he didn't even look at it, stepped on it, crushed the void, punched out, and the sky fell apart!


The King Tiger was instantly blown up to a hundred meters away!Compared with the previous 3000 meters and 4000 meters, this is much better, but there is no joy on Tiger King's face.

A big hole had already been punched out in his chest. His body was like cracked ceramics, covered with cracks of all sizes. He was afraid that if he touched it, he would disintegrate directly!

Fortunately, a large amount of indestructible substance immediately gushed out from Tiger King's body, entered the surface of the body, and quickly healed the large and small cracks.

It's fast, in the blink of an eye.

However, Tiger King returned to his original state, his face pale.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Tiger King kept cursing in his heart, using the indestructible substance on himself, is it really okay!
Is Lei Wang determined to kill himself?

If you are really determined...

The Tiger King looked behind him vaguely.

If Lei Wang is really determined.

He must have run away without hesitation, no king of life can restrain himself!
At the moment of life and death, nothing is more important than it!
In the world of interests, one must be alive to be valuable.

Tiger King's heart was cold. If he died, no matter what King Ming did, it would have no effect. Moreover, King Ming might not take any action.

To be dead means to have no value, and without value, there is no driving force for action.

But if the tiger king ran away, even if the king of life hated him and scolded him angrily, he was still alive and the true king, so he was still valuable!

To be alive is more important than anything else!

The Tiger King began to become very cautious, constantly observing the surroundings, and showed an attitude of not being able to move against the King of Thunder.

The patriarch of the Xiao family has remained silent since he said a word, and there is no scene of a master talking at this moment, and the golden body of the Tiger King was broken into pieces by a punch.

Similarly, Tiger King also punched the Xiao family patriarch's golden body to pieces.

It's just that the pieces of the golden body dropped by the Tiger King were the size of a head.

What the ancestor of the Xiao family dropped was nothing more than palm-sized pieces.

The difference between high and low is the difference between clouds and mud.

Tiger King became more cautious. At this time, Lei Wang had clearly crushed his strength, and he would not express any anger. The most important thing is to live!

Tiger King kept sending messages to the people around him, expressing that he was about to be overwhelmed.

"Baishan King, can you hurry up! This king is about to lose his hold!"

"Pingshan King!"

"Blue Wolf King, Bamboo King, the two of you, can't beat a War King?"

The Tiger King shouted, "If this goes on, I think everyone will die here!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly fell silent.

The king of life and the demon master also jumped out of the gap in the void, so they had time to observe the current battle situation.

As soon as he saw it, his expression changed immediately!

The situation is not very good, there are more or less injuries, Baishan King should be in the best condition here, but he also has wounds on his body.

There are also people from the Land of Resurrection.

However, from an overall point of view, the land of resurrection still has the upper hand!
King Ming frowned secretly, and glanced at King Dikui.

"Why haven't you killed the Moon King yet? How did you become the real king?"

In his opinion, Nan Yunyue is just something that can be killed with two simple strokes, so what about No.1 under the top?Energy does not change qualitatively, it is an ant after all.

Although Dikui King is not strong, or even very weak, he is a true king after all, and his destructive power is fully twice that of Nan Yunyue!
But it is such a crushing advantage, after such a long time, the result has not yet been decided?

Ming Wang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Some people in the land of resurrection were ridiculously strong, and some people who were temporarily with him were ridiculously weak!

The Demon Lord was also thinking, his eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something.

The demon lord was the first to start the battle. Before Ming Wang and others came, he fought with Zhang Tao.

When the king of life came, Zhang Tao overpowered the two of them and pulled them into the battlefield, one against two. I thought Zhang Tao was arrogant, but I didn't expect Zhang Tao's return to be terrible. A crystal book, a teaching Something like a ruler, one hit two, and the injury is not serious!
The demon master thought about Zhang Tao for a while, and suddenly became suspicious of other people.

Not those who fought with him at the scene, but those who did not come.

"The traitor who guarded did not come. It is very powerful and well-informed. It is not that the guarding court has left Shenlu, so why didn't it come?

What is it planning?Or are you ready to sit on the sidelines?Or... the fisherman's profit?
Not only did the traitor not come, but Li Zhu, King Qian, and King Huai also didn't come!
If these strong men don't come, what are they calculating?What to arrange? "

The demon master really couldn't figure it out, he didn't understand, with such an opportunity, someone would watch them fight each other!

How normal is it to get rid of Zhang Tao and others first, and then fight inside?
If this is really the case, people like Zhang Tao would have died a long time ago!

However, Zhang Tao and others have survived to the present.

Shenlu was not flat, and each played tricks and tricks, deliberately made a lot of arrangements, and no one knew who was the last chess player...

And... Li Zhu is not necessarily abolished, it is impossible for a useless king who has been in charge of Outland for so many years.

Li Zhu is not a good-for-nothing lord, both King Qian and King Huai are powerful, if they really come, Zhang Tao will definitely die!
But they just won't come!
The Demon Lord sighed inwardly.


Zhang Tao is also observing the entire battlefield.

"The result of this battle is pretty good.

Nan Yunyue...Ben Yuandao walked out at least five meters, at most five meters, and she was about to become the peak. Once she became the peak, her blood and vitality immediately changed qualitatively, triggering a chain effect, making the battle situation instantly one-sided.

Li Changsheng... His path is quite strange, and his growth rate cannot be seen. Maybe he shouldn't join the battle?But after this battle, it was obvious that Li Changsheng had a deeper understanding of the Pokong Sword Art.

Li Zhen is still the same, a rookie, but he can't kill the Maple King whose two roads add up to less than 7000 meters!
The King of War is still so powerful, can we arrange one to fight three next time?He beat the Bamboo King and the Blue Wolf King by himself, and he still had the upper hand. His road to reach the sky was very fast...

The sword king was quite satisfactory, and he still had an advantage against a Pingshan king.

Chen Guyang and Shen Haotian can't beat Baishan King, this guy is really a tricky existence... Unfortunately, if I can make a move, I should be able to kill him in three or four hits.

Thunder King... the effect is very good, the Tiger King's indestructible substance should be almost used up, and the golden body will soon collapse. By then, the ancestor of the Xiao family is expected to kill the Tiger King! "

Zhang Tao revived for a while, his heart moved slightly.

"Before that kid Li Hao said he would kill the Tiger King within a year, and today the Tiger King will be killed. Although he didn't kill him, it will indeed be within a year!"

Zhang Tao followed Lei Wang's figure and slowly moved his eyes away, and suddenly he glanced at him with disbelief in his eyes.

Did he see it wrong, or did he perceive it wrong?

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tao returned to his relaxed appearance with a smile on his face, but in his heart, a storm has already set off!
"Li Hao?"

"What is this little guy doing?"

"Scared me!"

"This little guy is squatting in the passageway of Yuhaishan. Above his head is the battlefield between the Thunder King and the Tiger King...There are many cracks in the void, but I remember that he also broke through 20 blood, and he broke the void..."

Zhang Tao's heart skipped a beat suddenly.

"Isn't this kid thinking of picking up the leak at the critical moment and killing the Tiger King?"

"No way?"

It stands to reason that it would be difficult for an ordinary person with more than 20 cards of energy and blood to break the top defense!
But Li Hao is really not an ordinary person!

Zhang Tao also went to see Li Hao's tactics.

It is not considered a unique skill, but a unique skill is a method that can resonate with the surrounding energy, thereby increasing the power of one's blood. This is a more advanced thing. It is very troublesome to combine one's own blood.

Li Hao is not a unique technique, it is just a very exquisite and delicious method of warfare. Although it is not a unique technique, it is a very powerful method of warfare for Li Hao. .

If there are more than 20 cards of blood, combined with Li Hao's tactics...


Is it really possible?
Zhang Tao began to calculate in his heart.

"is it possible?"

Could Li Hao kill the Tiger King by mistake?

If you can break the defense, then everything is possible!

Under the Yuhaishan Passage, Li Hao was about to cry, Lao Zhang, don't look at me from time to time, if you really let people see me, I will have no escape, and I can only run into the taboo sea.

He understood that as soon as he appeared, he would be chased and killed by all the real kings Qiqi, and he would even kill him desperately, risking his own golden body to shatter!
He has done too many things, and killed many people and beasts.

But at this moment, Li Hao didn't think about it.

He gave Zhang Tao crazy looks, because he only dared to blink. If he used other methods, he would definitely be discovered.

"Old Zhang, fight quickly! If you don't fight, how can I pick up the leak?"

Li Hao was both excited and tormented.

Killing Tiger King within a year, although it is not upright, but killing it is definitely good.

on the other hand……

He also wanted to understand a question.

At present, the growth of Qi and blood of Lingling is 12 calories of Qi and blood, and the will has not grown.

Li Hao wanted to know, is this the upper limit of detaining spirits and dispatching generals, or the upper limit of spirits?

If it is the upper limit of the spirit, how much energy and blood can be brought to him by the spirit of a true king?

Li Hao couldn't wait to try it!

(End of this chapter)

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