City Dragon System

Chapter 2 Xuantian Transformation Dragon Art

Chapter 2 Xuantian Transformation Dragon Art
A good night's dream.

Lin Hao dreamed that he turned into a giant dragon.

Red beard and golden pupils, black scales all over the body, the sun and the moon on top of the head, stepping on mountains and rivers, the winding body goes straight into the sky, thousands of miles away.

He soared in the sky, stirred up the wind and clouds, and spewed out thousands of lightning, flames, frost, venom... and killed countless demon soldiers.

Even the Nine Nether Devil Emperor, who had all-powerful mana, was swallowed by Lin Hao in one bite, and his soul was completely destroyed!

In addition, there are countless descendants of the Dragon Clan, disciples of the Immortal Clan, warriors of the Monster Clan, human subjects...

Everyone looked devout, bowing their heads to Lin Hao in worship.

'Haotian Dragon God!Long live! '

'Haotian Dragon God!For generations to come! '

'Haotian Dragon God!Unify the fairy world! '

Lin Hao has become the most powerful and noble god in the world!

"Woo, this sleep, I slept soundly!"

Lin Hao jumped off the bed, thinking of the miraculous experience in the dream, he couldn't help smiling.

"Although it's just a dream, the feeling of looking down on immortals and demons and commanding all races is really cool!
Haotian Dragon God...

Hey, this title is not bad! "

Walking out of the bedroom, there was a hot breakfast on the table in the living room.

Also, a note left by Luo Xiaoyi, with beautiful handwriting.

'Brother, I go to school, you eat breakfast.I have already contacted Qinglan High School, and I will wait for you to recuperate for a few days before returning to high school to study. '

Lin Hao put down the note and smiled faintly.

"I am so blessed to have a gentle and caring sister!
Moreover, Sister Luo is also pretty, she can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, she is a 'glamorous goddess'! "

Then, Lin Hao grabbed the steamed steamed buns and ate them happily, one bite at a time.

While eating breakfast, he did not forget to check the 'Dragon System'.

Owner: Lin Hao

Realm: Fanlong Realm (0 star)
Dragon energy value: 0/100
Ability: [True Dragon Power]


"Ling'er, what is the Dragon Qi value?" Lin Hao asked.

"Dragon Qi is the basic energy of the dragon clan's cultivation, and it is one of the highest and purest spiritual energy.

Dragon Qi is very powerful and can be transformed into any kind of primary energy.

For example: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder, rock, poison, light, darkness... these primary energies.

Master, you can improve your realm by absorbing 'Dragon Qi'.

The higher the realm, the more powerful the dragon supernatural powers you master! "

OK, got it.

The dragon energy value is the experience value!

Lin Hao asked again.

"I'm 1 star away from the Fanlong Realm, and I'm still 100 points away from Dragon Qi. Linger, how can I get Dragon Qi?"

Long Ling'er is very intelligent and a caring housekeeper.

Soon, she found the best solution for Lin Hao.

"Master, I suggest you practice the "Xuantianhualongjue".

It is an exercise created by the 'Xuantian Dragon God' who exhausted his whole life and is very suitable for human cultivation.

By using the "Xuantian Hualong Jue", you can devour the psionic energy of other creatures and transform it into pure 'dragon energy'.

The most powerful thing about this method is... to change your human form and transform into a powerful dragon! "

"Flesh body into a dragon, so awesome!"

Lin Hao's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.


Last night, the dream I had - to become the 'Haotian Dragon God' and lead all races in the fairy world, my dream has come true!

Long Ling'er added.

"The "Xuantian Hualong Jue" is tailor-made for the master.

Because, you are the only descendant of Xuantian Dragon God, possessing the most mysterious and powerful bloodline of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, if you practice "Dragon Transformation Jue", you will get twice the result with half the effort and enter the realm faster than others! "

"Great, learn "Xuantian Hualong Jue" immediately!" Lin Hao ordered impatiently.

Upon hearing the order, Long Ling'er immediately projected the contents of the "Xuantian Hualong Jue" into Lin Hao's mind.

"Hualongjue", written in the secret language of the dragon clan.

Every word is pearls, ancient and mysterious!
When human beings read "Hualong Jue", it must be like reading a heavenly book, which is incomprehensible.

And Lin Hao, because he obtained the Shenlong system, he has automatically comprehended the secret language of the dragon clan.

Soon, he grasped the essentials of the exercises.

After silently reciting "Xuantian Hualong Jue" several times, Lin Hao's gaze became radiant.

"Dragon Transformation Art, so domineering!

Not only can it absorb the spiritual energy of all things and transform it into dragon energy, but it can also transform my body into a dragon and soar into the universe! "

Introduced by Long Linger.

"With the master's current strength, he can transform into a 'fan dragon' and control an elemental supernatural power.

Continue to practice, you can become Xuanlong, Danlong, Yuanlong... with the powerful strength to devour planets and destroy the galaxy.

At that time, the master will be able to kill the devil emperor and help the dragon clan regain their homeland! "

Lin Hao nodded: "It's not too late, I have to find a secluded place to try the power of "Xuantian Hualong Jue".

Where are you going...

Once you have it, go to Yunze Mountain! "

After going out, Lin Hao took a taxi and went straight to Yunze Mountain.

Yunze Mountain is located on the outskirts of Qinglan City.

With majestic mountains and shaded by ancient trees, it is a famous place for recuperation and summer vacation.

Because Lin Hao quenched his body with the 'blood of the real dragon', his vigor became vigorous, and his body had inexhaustible strength.

He climbed the mountain along the stone steps, several meters at a step, as fast as a gust of wind.

There is a group of young college students who are doing outdoor sports.

When they saw Lin Hao, they were amazed.

"Hey, who is this guy? The speed at which he climbs the mountain... so fast!"

"This kid has eaten Xuanmai, he can't stop at all!"

There was a good-looking female team member who secretly said: "The little handsome guy looked at his thin skin and tender flesh, but he didn't expect to be physically fit. His performance is much better than our team leader!"

"Little brother, join our outdoor club!" Someone warmly invited.

"With your level, you will definitely become the main force of the club!"

Cut, a bunch of stupid humans.

My brother's goal is to become Haotian Dragon God!
The main force of the it gross?

Lin Hao curled his lips into a smile, waved his hands without looking back, and flatly refused.

In the blink of an eye, he left behind the regretful team members and disappeared at the end of the road.

In the mountains, there are clouds and mist, birds and flowers are fragrant.

When ordinary people come here, they will only feel the fresh air here, full of the fragrance of flowers and plants.

And Lin Hao, because he has mastered the "Xuantian Hualong Jue", he can absorb the psionic energy of the surrounding creatures and transform the psionic energy into a more pure 'dragon energy'.

'Ding, absorb the wood aura of jasmine, and the owner will gain 0.05 points of dragon energy. '

'Ding, absorb the fire aura of the black-backed poisonous scorpion, and the owner gains 0.1 points of dragon energy. '

'Ding, absorb the wood aura of cedar, and the owner gains 0.5 points of dragon energy. '


'Ding, congratulations master, you have been upgraded to 1-star Fanlong Realm.There is still 300 points of dragon energy left before the next level. '


Lin Hao smiled happily and asked.

"Ling'er, I just absorbed the psionic energy of a lot of animals. Will those animals die because of this?"

Long Ling'er said: "No, even if the master doesn't absorb their spiritual energy, their spiritual energy will gradually dissipate as their lives die.

Of course, if the master forcibly sucks up the psionic energy of a certain creature, it will die immediately! "

I see……

Psionic energy is equivalent to 'life force'.

Plunder the psionic energy of other creatures and become my 'life force'.

The Shenlong system is really simple, brutal, ruthless, and direct enough!

But...haha, brother likes it!
Lin Hao put his hands in his pockets and smiled happily.

"In the future, if anyone dares to provoke me, I will use the 'Dragon Transformation Art' to kill you!"

Lin Hao is not a bloodthirsty and indiscriminate killer.

He has his own bottom line.

But, for those guys who threatened and provoked him.

Lin Hao will never relent!

'Ding, congratulations to the master, harvesting props - century-old Sophora japonica honey. '

Actually... can still harvest props?
The Shenlong system is awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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