City Dragon System

Chapter 3 Evolve into a Brontosaurus

Chapter 3 Evolve into a Brontosaurus

'Ding, receive the props - century-old Sophora japonica honey. '

In the palm of Lin Hao, a porcelain bottle appeared in an instant, light blue in color and exquisite in workmanship.

At the same time, a line of 'property information' appeared in his mind.

[Century-year-old pagoda tree nectar]: The first-class of all products, carefully brewed from the nectar of the century-old dragon claw ancient pagoda tree.Sweet in taste, warm in nature.

This product can heal wounds and detoxify, prolong life, beautify skin and improve temperament.

extend your life!

Increase the value of the face! !

It can also detoxify! ! !

Obediently, what a great prop!

Lin Hao felt relieved, and quickly unscrewed the porcelain bottle.

Immediately, a mellow scent came to the nostrils, with the sweet aroma of Sophora japonica.

"Master, 'Century-year-old pagoda tree honey' cannot increase your dragon energy. However, it can help you recover your physical strength and enhance your personal charm."

Lin Hao nodded.

"Although, brother is already very handsome. But who doesn't want to become more attractive!"

Then he raised the porcelain bottle and took a big gulp of the nectar.

The honey juice is sweet and refreshing, like a delicious vanilla ice cream. tastes so good!

This bottle of 'Hundred Years Sophora Flower Honey' is ten times better than the honey sold in the market... no, a hundred times better!
Lin Hao licked his lips with relish.

As if soaking in a comfortable hot spring bath, he was warm and full of vitality.

When climbing the mountain before, Lin Hao accidentally cut the back of his hand by a thorn bush.

At this time, the few bloodstains began to gradually disappear under the healing effect of Sophora japonica honey.

The skin on the back of Lin Hao's hand was restored to smoothness, without a single scar.

I'm going... so awesome!

Lin Hao couldn't help sighing.

"The medicinal effect of this bottle of Sophora japonica nectar kills all the health care products on the market!
Even Nanyun Baiyao, which is known as the "Chinese healing medicine", cannot be compared with it.

If you put it on sale...

I'm afraid that if the price is [-], it will be snapped up by people! "

The Luo family used to run a pharmaceutical company.

Lin Hao has been fascinated by his ears and eyes since he was a child, and knows a lot of inside stories about the medical industry.

As the saying goes, gold is valuable and medicine is priceless.

When buying medicine, there is no haggling.

If a person is sick, he wants to recover as soon as possible. As long as he can cure the disease, who cares about the price of the medicine?

After hearing Lin Hao's emotion, Long Ling'er couldn't help complaining.

"Master, the nectar of the hundred-year-old dragon's claw locust tree is very rare. Its effect is not just as simple as healing.

It can also detoxify hundreds of poisons, and if given to a critically ill person, it can prolong the life of a person by one year.

So, let alone one hundred thousand, even one million won't be able to buy this bottle of nectar. "

Lin Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

He followed his adoptive father, participated in several business receptions, and drank custom wine from a private winery in France.

The price of top wine is at least 20 per bottle.

Ordinary white-collar workers can't earn 20 a year.Faced with the high price of alcohol, most people cannot afford it.


The market price of this bottle of Sophora japonica honey is equivalent to a case of top-quality wine.


The sip I just drank was worth [-] to [-] yuan!


Lin Hao thought for a while, secretly thought.

"Since pagoda tree nectar can't increase the dragon energy, I will leave the remaining nectar for Sister Luo to taste.

It can beautify the skin and enhance the temperament. Sister Luo must like it very much. "

Long Ling'er spoke in a timely manner.

"Master, this system provides you with a storage space. You can store nectar in the space and take it at any time, which is very convenient.

When you improve the realm, the storage space can be expanded again to store more items. "

"Wow, such considerate service. Linger, you are really the most worry-free and considerate system in history." Lin Hao praised.

Long Ling'er: "Hehe, thank you master for your compliment!
My existence is to help the master grow rapidly.

Ling'er was very happy to see the hard work of the master! "

"Put the 'Hundred Years Sophora Flower Honey' into the storage space." Lin Hao said silently.

Then, the porcelain bottle in his hand disappeared instantly, as if by magic.

At the same time, the image of 'storage space' appeared in Lin Hao's mind.

The bottle of 'Hundred Years Sophora Flower Honey' has been placed in the space, intact.

"It's really convenient to carry a storage space with you! This feeling is like playing an online game, or a real version of an online game!"

Lin Hao cheered up and continued to climb.

With flying steps, he quickly reached the peak of Yunze Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the scenery.

Lin Hao's heart suddenly felt broadened, giving birth to a heroic feeling of "seeing all the mountains and small mountains, and I am the highest peak".

After resting for a while, he did not turn back the same way, but followed the back mountain trail all the way down the mountain.

The mountain road is rugged and covered with vines and weeds. If you are not careful, you will fall down and it is very difficult to walk.

But after Lin Hao's "dragon's blood tempering body", his perception and adaptability are far superior to ordinary people.

Like a clever hare, he hops and jumps, counting meters at a step, and hurried on the road.

If people saw this scene, they would definitely regard Lin Hao as a hidden martial arts master.

Through the dense forest, came to the foothills.

Before Lin Hao's eyes, a blue lake suddenly appeared.

Yunze Lake!
The lake is vast, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres, with rippling blue waves, like a crystal clear sapphire.

Lin Hao blinked, thinking.

"Anyway, there's no one around, so I just happened to experience the 'flesh body into a dragon', turn into a dragon, and take a bath in the lake!"

Ever since he had the blood of a real dragon, Lin Hao has developed a special affinity for the waters.

For example, the eagle likes the blue sky, and the tiger likes the forest.

"Ling'er, what should I do to become a dragon?" Lin Hao asked.

"As long as you say the word 'Transform Dragon' silently, the master can transform into a dragon. This is the first time you use the skill 'Transform Dragon', please select the element type first."

element type?

Lin Hao frowned: "Could it be that there are many types of Hualong?"

"That's right, the Dragon Clan is the most powerful race in the demon world, with billions of people and complex bloodlines.

The elemental supernatural powers mastered by each Dragon Clan member are also different.

The master is a mortal dragon, who can transform into a mortal dragon and master a kind of elemental supernatural power.

When you improve your realm, you can master more elemental magical powers. "

Lin Hao nodded.

"Understood, Linger, what elements can I choose?"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, poison, rock, wind, ice, darkness, can choose one."

Long Ling'er paused, and then explained.

"Each element has its own characteristics.

Fire element, focusing on attack speed.

The gold element can greatly increase strength.

Poison elements can make you invulnerable to all poisons and kill the enemy with poison.

Light element, good at killing ghosts and ghosts..."

"Ling'er, which element has the highest attack power?" Lin Hao asked.

"Thunder element, it combines the characteristics of the three elements of light, gold, and fire. Not only does it have high attack power, but it also has strong explosive power, and can often kill opponents instantly."

Lin Hao nodded with bright eyes.

"OK, just be the strongest if you want to!
I choose 'Thunder Element' and evolve into a 'Thunder Dragon'! "

'Received the order, start to transform the master's physique...increase the thunder attribute...'

'Remodeling completed...'

'Congratulations to the master, you have obtained [Thunder Dragon Physique].You will not be afraid of thunder and lightning attacks, and you will use thunder magic powers, which will double your power! '


No fear of lightning attacks!

From now on, let alone touching the switch with your hand, you don’t have to be afraid of peeing on the high-voltage wire!

(End of this chapter)

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