black emperor

Chapter 3 Chapter 5

A courtyard on the easternmost side of the Ghent Royal Palace was filled with the Buddhist spirit emanating from the incense burner. An old woman knelt in front of the Buddha statue with her hands together, holding a string of rosary beads strung together with more than a dozen beads.Standing outside the door was an elderly man, dressed in plain clothes and with white hair showing his age, looking up to the south.

After half a stick of incense passed, the old woman opened her eyes and got up slowly, slowly exited the Buddhist hall, came to the side and patted the dust on her body twice, the white-haired man came behind the woman and said, "Lafayette is well, Compared to today, I miss my grandson again, so I came here to pray for blessings. '

'Wu De is becoming more and more presumptuous now, dare to say anything, you are not afraid that I will really blame you! 'The woman called Lafayette said calmly.

"If Lafayette really condemned me and wanted my life, it must have been done three years ago, so why keep me until now, I am satisfied with what I have done this time." The old man named Wu De sighed.

'Now you have established yourself in Ghent, and you are becoming more and more like a national teacher, how do you pity my grandson? ' When Lafayette thought of the grandson he held in his arms all day, his heart was filled with distress.

Don't worry Lafayette. Someone came to report that Luoer is in Ghent. I guess I missed Lafayette too much these two days, so I ran back to Ghent. I have sent someone to look for it and officially take it back to the palace. ' the old man replied.

Lafayette turned his head and glanced at Wu De with a smile: "Three years, I remember that Luo Er was still so tall when he left, I don't know if it has changed now, you just send someone there, if he knows, can he not blame you?" you"

Wu De replied: "I have already made preparations to disarm and return to the field."

Lafayette was surprised at first, then turned his head to look at Wu De and sighed: "You are old too, with white hair, but you can't let go of some things, after all, Luo Er is your student." Lafayette finished speaking Turning around and walking forward, he said softly: "You can't leave the palace until the matter is finished, that's enough, I'm tired too." Wu De stared at the figure for a long time and couldn't regain his senses, no one knew what he was thinking.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Bada Hutong in Nancheng was occupied by the forbidden army, and everyone was talking about what happened, or which adult came out on patrol, but the question is why did they come to Bada Hutong with such a big fanfare, this place is a big dye vat, and people will spit and drown if they enter of.The man in brocade clothes in the Phoenix Tower was taken aback by what happened before him, and he quickly returned to his senses: "Well, my dear friend, you must have misunderstood the person. We have never masked our faces. By the way, we have misidentified the person. Old Wang, go back Home." After finishing speaking, he missed his body and was about to leave. It was another person who walked in outside the door, which frightened the man in brocade clothes. This is killing people. A girl came. very beautiful.

Seeing the man in brocade clothes, the girl hurried over and smiled and said, "Brother Luo, I'm here to pick you up, let's go, Lafayette misses you."

The man in brocade clothes looked melancholy and surprised, but immediately regained his expression, turned around and came to the dazed dancer's side, patted the dancer's plump buttocks lightly with his hand and smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be back, wait for me." Then he turned around and walked out, everyone was in an uproar, this is the prince of the heaven, Bada Hutong, brothel, big buttocks, arrogant, completely irrelevant, just kidding.

In the astonished expressions of everyone, the man in brocade clothes shamelessly finished the action and walked out. The girl waited for the man in brocade clothes to go out, came to the dancer, slapped the dancer on the face, and then looked at the dancer's plump body Cup, and look at the raised buttocks, the girl who never swears scolded "shameless" and then walked out of the brothel. There is a pair of contemptuous eyes in the messy hair of the dancer. In this kind of scene, the old lady often Acting as an innocent person, so she won't come forward when her own girl is beaten.You have to protect yourself first to be the winner.

Chiwu, the leader of the forbidden army, stood up and went out. The man in brocade clothes got into a sedan chair quickly after he got outside, and the girl squeezed in after him. Lao Wang stood on the right, Chiwu, the forbidden army, turned on a horse, and the sedan chair was slowly lifted. Out of the Bada Hutong, accompanied by the Imperial Army, the old mothers in the Bada Hutong immediately became commentators, regardless of whether they have seen it or not, but in their mouths, it was as if they had slept in the same bed with the prince of the heavens. The version circulated in Bada Hutong.

The brocade-clothed man in the sedan chair asked, "Does Lafayette know that you are acting so recklessly?"

The girl looked innocent and angry, but in the end she couldn't beat the man in brocade clothes, and said with a smile: "I didn't mess around, your master ordered you to be picked up. Besides, it's been three years, don't you miss me, we all miss me I'm going to kill you." This sentence made the man in brocade clothes blush a little.

The man in brocade clothes asked: "What's the matter with the prince, this is not a joke, can the prince be called casually?"

The girl smiled and said: "Don't worry, the emperor has decided to let you be the prince, that's why I dared to let General Chi shout like that."

The man in brocade clothes looked bewildered. He would make himself a prince, wishing he could die outside. Obviously, Lisa couldn't ask about these things here.

The sedan chair walked quickly on Chang'an Street in Ghent, escorted by knights from both sides. The long Chang'an Street soon came to the third ring gate. The man in brocade clothes stopped the sedan chair and told Lisa to go back first, and then he would Going back, of course Lisa didn't want to, but fearing under the eyes of the man in brocade, she led the imperial army into the city gate, leaving only Chiwu and two people to dismount and follow behind the man in brocade.

The man in brocade clothes looked at the city tower, surrounded by thick city walls, entered here and entered the center of Ghent, thought it would be another matter, how many people want to approach this city gate, but this time The man in brocade at that time didn't want to go in at all.

The man in brocade clothes said that he wanted to go around the city wall and let Old Wang follow, but Chiwu didn't dare to neglect, so he could only follow slowly from a long distance away, in case something happened, she wouldn't even want her head.

The man in brocade clothes smiled and asked Lao Wang who was limping beside him: "Old Wang, do you still remember my name?"

Old Wang bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Of course I remember, Fifth Luo."

Fifth Luo, the real name of the man in brocade clothes, I have almost forgotten this name in the past three years. When I approach here, the name Fifth Luo will be mentioned again. I recall that I have been here for almost five years. I was fighting with people, and there was no movement when I fell down a brick. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a foreign country and became a newborn baby. Wu Luo vowed not to compete for power and position, just to live freely, to eat and drink, and the most important thing is to have women to play with. Before time travel, he didn't even have a girlfriend. He used island movies as objects all day long. It would be a pity to waste such a good resource, this is Fifth Luo's pursuit.

But the reality is far more complicated than he thought. As he grows up, the fights between brothers also appear slowly. I still remember that when I played chess with my third brother in the palace, I promised that I would not Fighting for power and position, but the third brother said something that the fifth Luo will remember for a lifetime, "Born in the emperor's family, living is an obstacle." '

That's why there was a series of farces in the future. Fifth Luo was exiled to the lawless zone. He was said to be studying, but he was actually abandoned. Everyone in Fifth Luobi knew that this was what he wanted, and it was also the best way to get along with him alive. Solution, the only thing that makes Fifth Luo happy is that the bank notes have never been broken, so living there is the same.I haven't seen anything in my previous life, all kinds of palace fighting dramas, the fifth Luo was crossed, and he was still the prince, a fool would think about fighting for power all day long, what more struggle is there, at that time Fifth Luo was very puzzled and wanted to ask them, It's all been through, why not enjoy it, you have to make it difficult for yourself, as long as you can live comfortably and comfortably, you will be content, this is Fifth Luo's real thought.

Fifth Luo turned his head and asked the old Wang, "Old Wang, why did you take me back to the palace? I thought I would spend my whole life outside. Could it be that we secretly came to Ghent to go whoring this time and were found out by the inside? You want to arrest me and go back to criticize education, but why do you want to make me a prince again? Is this crazy? Since I made a fuss and abolished the prince before I left, I haven’t established a prince for three years. Why is the prince established again now? An abandoned prince?"

Lao Huang grinned and shook his head, "I don't understand these things, and I don't know either."

Fifth Luo said helplessly: "If you want to live like you, it will be too boring, and I won't enjoy it even if I find a woman for you. By the way, next time, don't smile at women. You have big yellow teeth. If you can scare people away, who would want to be with you?" When going to the brothel, Fifth Luo specially danced a little girl for Lao Wang to enjoy, who knew that Lao Wang laughed and threw up his laughter, Don't sleep with Lao Wang for life and death, Lao Wang is like a normal person, saying that it is normal, and he doesn't like this.

In the end, under the questioning of Fifth Luo, Lao Wang actually said that he likes the old lady, and that his skills are good, but Fifth Luo was so angry that he didn't know what to say, he really had all kinds of heavy tastes.

The fifth Luo didn't bother to care about these things. I will go back and find out more clearly. I can't die between brothers fighting. I still have a chance to run away early. '

Old Wang nodded wildly, with a smirk on his face, and said that the technique must be good, the son is a bull, and any woman can control it. Fifth Luo said with a look of contempt: "You know that the technique is good, do you understand what is called appreciation? If you want to play, don't just be good at technology, be careful to suck you dry. By the way, who is the man in the white robe just now? He doesn't look like a whore client. What's the matter with the black magician. You should check it out later , I see what the kid can do, who have I counseled in a fight."

Celestial magic is a compulsory course, but black magic is prohibited, that is, those books that are officially banned by the orthodox government, so it is normal to see low-level magicians on the street, but there are not many advanced ones, because the use of magic in public places is prohibited in the heaven , so there are very few who can really show magic, and the genius magicians are all pulled away by the authorities.Not to mention the officially banned black arts, which are not even allowed to be learned.

Old Wang laughed and said: "It's a pity that your clothes are so good and your figure is wasted. You will definitely achieve great results if you practice swordsmanship. Even if you don't practice swordsmanship, you will not be bad if you choose any profession to cultivate."

Fifth Luo smiled and said: "Why do you practice it if you have nothing to do? It's exhausting. What's the use of cultivating for half a year? Kill two more people. Besides, I have to eat and drink. Why should I suffer this crime? After training They are all like you, I would rather not practice, you look like a sword god, bragging to me all day that you are a sword god, I think you are a god." Old Wang still bared his teeth and smiled.

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