black emperor

Chapter 4 Whose Dog

Fifth Luo stood outside the high city wall, gently stroking the cold city wall with his hands. The city wall here is also so ruthless. Fifth Luo asked a question that no one else could answer, 'If you were me, what would you do? Do? 'Obviously Lao Wang couldn't answer such a question at all, so he could only answer it with a smile.

After a stick of incense, the fifth Luo seemed to have made a decision, turned around, and the old king said to go back to the palace.This sentence is so firm, Fifth Luo has said this word several times in the past three years, but he has never been so firm this time.

Fifth Luo took Old Wang back to the city gate, a luxurious carriage had already parked there, Fifth Luo smiled and asked Old Wang to get on the carriage and drive the horse, Fifth Luo did not pretend that he wanted to walk back , The emperor's house is a label that he can't tear off in his whole life. The carriage moves forward slowly, and the world has changed after entering the city gate. Nowhere in the forbidden zone, people will be classified as high and low. Even though it is a remote place when it is out of bounds, it is the same. As long as there are people, there will be class distinctions.

Strictly speaking, Chang'an Avenue outside the city and the main street inside the city are a central axis leading directly to the main hall of the imperial palace, but those who come in will find that the two sides of the street seem to have changed into a town. The third ring is the circle of wealthy businessmen. Here The big houses smell like copper coins. There are many different houses lined up on the side of the road. They haven’t seen each other for three years and they have changed a lot. There are strict rules for outsiders to live in. Of course, nouveau riche Also here, there is a clear division in such a place. The people living in the east, west, north and south of the third ring road are different. Of course, the upstarts all gather in one place, that is Nancheng.

In less than half a day today, the news that Fifth Luo is going back to the palace has spread throughout the heavens. The entire Chang'an Street is crowded with all kinds of men and women. Still very handsome, ignorant since he was a child, except for various scandals, he was expelled from the palace three years ago, and now he was taken back to the palace suddenly without warning, and it was said that he was going to be registered as a prince, and some people said Because he was dying of Hualiu disease, he had to meet Lafayette at the end.

The carriage soon came to another city gate. This is the gate of the second ring city. Outside the guards were talking about something. After a while, the carriage continued to move forward and entered the second ring city. This is the world of nobles. Nobles and wealthy businessmen have There is an obvious difference. Most of the nobles are descendants of the royal family, or descendants of princes and ministers. Slowly, they all gather in the second ring. It is much deserted here. It is not as lively as the rich merchants in the third ring. The streets have become wider and the gatehouses have also changed. The stone pier at the entrance also shows the nobility of a noble family. The stone pier with a lion's head at the entrance of the princes and ministers is also different in size.Moreover, the people here did not watch Fifth Luo from the sidelines like the three rings did, but there were still many women who had heard about the prince's affairs came to watch.

Fifth Luo is not interested in this place at all. Compared with Fifth Luo here, he likes the copper coins of the Third Ring Road more. At least there is not so much struggle, because Chang'an Avenue is a straight road, and the carriage will pass slowly in a short while. When we came to the gate of the real palace, we continued to talk outside, but after a while the carriage still couldn’t move, Fifth Luo asked Lao Wang what was going on, Lao Wang said that the gate tower pass was not valid, and he needed to go in to report, Fifth Luo heard this Just get angry, what does it mean that it doesn't work, can't the carriage see who it is?This group of people has dog eyes. Fifth Luo walked out of the carriage and came outside the city gate. There were four guards at the gate and a leader was guarding the city. Fifth Luo hadn't been here for three years, so of course he didn't know each other. To Chiwu who was behind him, he said, "Can you tell me why you didn't let me go? Why doesn't the military certificate in your hand work?"

Chiwu said very seriously: "Reporting to the prince, the order of the forbidden army is unimpeded in the heaven, but just now there is an order saying that those who hold the order of the forbidden army need to be notified before they can enter the city. I don't know what's going on?"

"Whose order, as the commander of the imperial army, don't you know that except for the dragon and phoenix order, all warrants can't stop the imperial army's order, enter the city." Fifth Luo gave an order.

The carriage was about to move forward, but Chiwu still said very seriously: "To the crown prince, the one who gave the order is holding the dragon and phoenix order."

Fifth Luo was stunned for a moment, and then came outside the city gate. The leader guarding the city gate did not have any awe, because Fifth Luo was wearing a rich man, and he was nothing to him, let alone holding a With the Dragon and Phoenix Order, no one will be afraid. If there is any doubt, it is why the Imperial Army is with this man.But it's just a little question, and it doesn't prevent him from performing official duties, let alone taking a small look at Fifth Luo.

Fifth Luo has long seen this kind of dog's look of condescension, and he was not in a good mood when he first came in, so he asked directly: "Whose dog are you?"

First of all, he was taken aback by this question, and then returned to his normal expression and said: "You~~You~~~~ Presumptuous, please speak respectfully, you can scold me, but you can't scold our master, if you speak rudely, you must Take you down for investigation,"

Fifthly, Luo was too lazy to be serious with him, and asked if he would let him go, but the leader said he would wait for an oral order.

The fifth Luo asked me if I wanted to force my way in?

The leader said with disdain, "Unless you step on me."

Fifth Luo smiled first, then turned around and walked to Chiwu's side, took the sword in Chiwu's hand and came outside the city gate, pulled out the sword and threw away the scabbard, and directly stabbed the leader's stomach with a sword, because he didn't On guard, everyone was stunned. Because of the leader's arrogance, it is understandable that someone would dare to make trouble in other places. It is impossible here. Fifth Luo felt that it was impossible from holding the sword to stabbing himself. He was scaring Own.

The leader fell down, and Fifth Luo threw away the sword in his hand and said, 'You are my dog'.

Then several guards surrounded Wu Luo directly, drawing out their swords, Lao Wang and Chi Wu hurried over, and Chi Wu ordered: "Put down your sword, are you going to rebel? This is the current prince" It's just because I didn't say it's too word, it's because the forbidden army hasn't received the order accurately. Before, they could flatter and shout, but a word in front of the soldiers will kill people.

The guards were stunned for a moment, but they did not put down the sword in their hands, hesitating who to listen to. Who knows if this is the prince? Wu Luo had been taken back to the royal handbook since he was driven away three years ago.Every prince has a magic talisman on his body, but it is obvious that the current Fifth Luo does not have it.

The fifth Luo didn't want to be wordy at all, bent down and picked up the sword he had just thrown away and asked, "I'll give you two choices, either three or three, or the same as him."

At this time, if Fifth Luo wanted to make a move, Chi Wuhui and Lao Wang would take action to get rid of these guards as soon as possible even if they risked violating military regulations, so as not to put the prince in great danger.

Fifth Luo can be so angry today because there is only one reason, the owner of the Dragon and Phoenix Token, the closest person he grew up with, has never complained since he left and now Fifth Luo, but that doesn't mean he can bear it all his life.

At this moment, a white horse galloped from the city. The horse was dressed in military uniform and looked very heroic. The four guards immediately moved away. Fifth Luo showed a long-lost smile, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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