Ask for collection!


Zhao Xuan couldn't bear Zheng Zhi's gaze, and the heart that had forced her to be strong shattered with a bang. She lost her strength and sat on the ground, crying loudly. It was already past four o'clock in the morning, and the sky was dark. The silence was abnormal, so Zhao Xuan's voice spread, and after a while, lights were lit up all around.

However, some residents were woken up.

"Hey, what happened?" This is a high-end community, there are also night shifts at night, and this place is not far from the gate of the community. Hearing the sound, two security guards rushed over with rubber sticks in their hands.

If there is a fight in the community and the security guards don't stop it in time, or if someone's house is patronized by thieves, they, the security guards, will be fined.

Seeing the two security guards running over, Zheng Zhi frowned. On this late night, a beautiful woman was sitting in front of him crying, so it was easy to be misunderstood.As he expected, after the two security guards ran over, they cast a few guarded glances before asking.

"Don't cry, go home!" Zheng Zhi didn't want to be sent to the police station for no reason, and he didn't know the name of the young woman, so he mumbled in a low voice.

Hearing Zheng Zhi's words, the two security guards were taken aback. Could it be that these two are a couple?

Because of the darkness, the security guards couldn't tell that Zhao Xuan, who was sitting on the ground and crying, was older than Zheng Zhi. Zhao Xuan's skin was fair, and although she looked only 21 and [-], she had given birth after all. It is natural to be more mature.

Zhao Xuan is 27 years old this year.

Zhao Xuan also heard Zheng Zhi's voice, sobbed for a while, and then stood up on her own. She knew that Zheng Zhi didn't want to make things worse, so she turned and walked back.

"I'm really sorry to you two, I have a big temper and are always disobedient, and there's nothing I can do about it!" Zheng Zhi stepped forward and walked up to the two security guards, deliberately pretending to be helpless and shaking his head.

Seeing that the woman was so obedient, the two security guards mistakenly thought it was a conflict between the couple. They had seen this kind of thing before, and they didn't see Zheng Zhi hitting someone, so they didn't plan to go into it. One of them pointed The lights of several households were turned on, and they said: "We are security guards, there is no trouble, but look, how many households have been woken up?"

"That's right, you two can't come out late at night to have conflicts anymore. If there's anything that goes wrong, it's best to resolve it at home." Another security guard said.

"Yes, yes, I know, I must pay attention in the future." Zheng Zhi saw that the two really misunderstood, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he quickly and sincerely accepted the criticism, and then took a big step towards Zhao Xuan chased after her.

After catching up with Zhao Xuan, the two of them didn't finish talking. They waited until they opened the door and walked into the hall. Then Zhao Xuan couldn't help but fell down on the coffee table and burst into tears.

It didn't matter that she cried, she woke up Yingying who was sleeping soundly after a while, seeing her mother crying, she rushed out and hugged her mother's neck and howled.

Zheng Zhi looked dizzy for a while, and didn't know what to say. Finally, he could only bring a towel and throw it in front of the young woman, and said, "Don't cry, wipe your face first. What's wrong with you? Why don't you?" Tell me, maybe I can help."

"Woo, woo..." Zhao Xuan picked up the towel, first helped her daughter wipe off the tears on her face, and then wiped away the tears on her own face. She said something that she couldn't let her daughter hear, so she pushed towards the door of the bedroom. Pushing her daughter, "Yingying, you go back to the room first, mom has something to tell uncle."

"Well, Yingying is very obedient, mom, don't leave Yingying behind for uncle." The little girl just cried for a while, her eyes became red and swollen, and she said sobbingly. A burst of distress.

"Okay, mom won't leave Yingying behind." Seeing her daughter's eyes dripping with big tears again, Zhao Xuan replied while helping her wipe them off.

Hearing that her mother would not abandon her, Yingying felt relieved, rubbed her eyes with her small hands, and walked back to the bedroom she had slept in before.

When he reached the door, he said worriedly, "Mom, don't leave Yingying behind. Yingying wants to be with her."

"Okay, okay, mom won't leave Yingying behind." Zhao Xuan felt sore again, stepped forward a few steps, carried her daughter into the bedroom, coaxed her for a while before leaving again I came out, cried for a while, vented some of my grievances, and my mood gradually calmed down.

Zheng Zhi had already sat down on the sofa at the side, poured a glass of warm water and drank it, although he didn't ask any more questions, but from this posture, it can be seen that the young woman can't do without an explanation.

Although Zhao Xuan's mood calmed down a bit, she was still sobbing softly. She sat on the sofa slowly and told about the past, "Three months ago, Yingying's father suddenly ran home in panic and said It was a loan shark borrowed from gambling, and the family couldn't pay it back, so I took my daughter and left early.

I was very angry after hearing this, because my husband often gambles, and he always loses when he gambles. Sometimes he can lose tens of thousands of dollars in one night. For this matter, I have quarreled with my child’s father many times.

But after his parents passed away last year, he stopped listening to anyone's words, not only did not correct them, but gradually became obsessed with them.At that time, I had a big fight with him. He was very abnormal that day. He just listened to my reprimand with a nervous face, but didn't reply. As a result, I was shocked when I asked.

It turned out that he first won a lot of money the night before, and then he became extravagant, wanting to win more money, but when the dawn was approaching, his luck suddenly became bad, and he not only put 30 on his body, but also all the money he won earlier Lost it out, and borrowed another 8000 million usury!

Although my parents left a lot of inheritance after their death, I also inherited my father's mantle. I am quite famous in the field of jadeite carving, and I can earn 90 million a year, but my family can't afford 8000 million. A huge sum of money!

What's more, it is still usury, and the interest can scare a person to death.

So our family had no choice but to run away. When I was running away, my husband said he was afraid of being watched, so he left first. Half an hour later, I took my daughter and fled.Three days later, those villains called me from my husband's mobile phone and asked me to go home immediately to raise money for ransom. "Speaking of which, Zhao Xuan crawled on the coffee table and started to cry again, "I was so scared and at a loss, I didn't know if I should go back, just when I couldn't make up my mind, a friend suddenly called me phone call, saying that my husband was hacked to death on the street... woo woo..."

Hearing what happened to the young woman, and seeing her crying so confusedly, Zheng Zhi probably believed it, and sighed in his heart, this gambling can really kill people!

At the same time, my heart was moved. This woman is actually engaged in the jadeite carving industry. If I want to set up a large jewelry company in the future, I can't do it without a jadeite carver. I just don't know if this woman is famous in this industry. .

Earning 90 million a year, he should not be an unknown person.

"When I heard that my husband had died, I was stunned and called a few friends to confirm that it was true.

I was so scared that I didn’t dare to go back. On the third day, a group of people suddenly came to my door. Fortunately, I took my daughter out of the hotel for dinner temporarily, so I was not caught by those people. Later, I made a few phone calls to my friends. I asked about the situation there, and learned that the case had not progressed at all, so I told my friend about the person coming to my door. My friend said that the other party probably tracked my mobile phone location and found me. My mobile phone happened to be lost at the time. bed..."

"The people who came to the door may also be the police." Hearing the young woman's words, Zheng Zhi suddenly interjected.

"No, those people didn't wear police uniforms, and they were dressed in sloppy clothes. The one in the lead had a savage face and a very vicious look. They definitely couldn't be police officers." Zhao Xuan raised her head and wiped her face vigorously. The teardrops on my face, "Since then, I dare not take my mobile phone anymore. After hiding for a month, I don't have much money on me, so I want to borrow some from my friend. My friend agreed, but I don't know what happened. When I went to the bank to withdraw money, that group of people actually found me again. I guess they either tapped my friend's phone by all means, or found my friend's house.

In order not to hurt my friends, I have never called my friends since then. "

"Where are you from?" Zheng Zhi put down the teacup in his hand and asked.

"My home is in Shangyang City, Nanhe Province."

Zheng Zhi's face changed slightly when he heard the words, this is Xinjiang City, Jiangxi Province, and those people are from other provinces, they dare to go here to arrest people, because there is a big protective umbrella behind them, they can run amok, or just eat A bear with a heart and a leopard with a gall, don't you know the heights of the heavens and the earth?

You should know that even if they are officials from the same system, for example, everyone is from the public security system, because the officials of the two places don’t know each other, and there is no reason for their interests to be involved. Under normal circumstances, no one they protect will dare to cross the border between provinces. Do evil.

Therefore, apart from the high status of the backer behind it to a certain extent, otherwise the underworld in a certain area can only be a little more arrogant in the local area, and they dare not commit crimes across provinces.

Thinking in his heart, Zheng Zhi frowned.

If he wants to step into the officialdom, he has to start as a criminal policeman, so when encountering such a thing, he can't be frightened, ignore it, have no courage, no means, and want to get ahead in the criminal police brigade ?

What does a police officer do?

It is to maintain law and order, combat pornography, gambling and drugs, and deal with gangsters!

So Zheng Zhi didn't want to protect himself and let go of him just because the other party was very arrogant and dared to chase him across provinces.

When encountering such a thing, if he can figure out the stakes and intervene to settle it, then he can make a great contribution!Of course, this was something he would do after he got his graduation certificate from the police academy and joined the criminal police brigade. Otherwise, no matter how much credit he made, it would be impossible for them to directly promote a student who had just graduated from the police academy to become a criminal police officer.

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