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Zhao Xuan always thought that Zheng Zhi was a policeman, but when she suddenly heard Zheng Zhi introduce herself as a police student, she couldn't help being taken aback, then looked carefully at Zheng Zhi's handsome face, she was indeed young, but it was not her fault for admitting her mistake In fact, it was the first time she saw Zheng Zhi and only saw one side, and then followed up the community. When she saw Zheng Zhi again today, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the sky was pitch black.

"What's your name? Although I'm not a policeman yet, there are people I know who are officials in the public security system. If you trust me, you can stay with me temporarily, but I'm going out for a few days. After I come back, I will find a way to help you solve the problem." Zheng Zhi leaned back and leaned on the soft sofa cushion behind him.

"You, aren't you afraid that I'll hurt you?" Zhao Xuan's red mouth opened slightly, with a look of surprise on her face. Ordinary people would be terrified when they heard that gangsters were chasing them, so they should drive themselves out as soon as possible to avoid getting burned.

"What's there to be afraid of?" Zheng Zhi shook his head, "I'm a student of the police academy, and if there are no accidents, I will be able to get my graduation certificate and enter the criminal police brigade of our city in a few days. You can't just ignore the matter? Besides, your husband had a gambling accident in Shangyang City, Nanhe Province, and it's not here.

Seriously, you don't have to be so nervous and afraid, it's just a local gangster, how can he come to Xinjiang City across provinces and run rampant? "

"But I heard that behind the general gangs, there are officials acting as umbrellas." Zhao Xuan was still worried.

This is normal, and ordinary people are not afraid of such things.

What's more, Zhao Xuan's husband had already been hacked to death on the street.

"So what? Shangyang City is not the capital of Nanhe Province. If it is in the provincial capital, it may be that the umbrella behind it is a provincial official. Then you have some reason to be nervous. After all, the power of a provincial official and The influence is still great.

And Shangyang is just a prefecture-level city, and it is difficult for officials there to reach out here. "

Zheng Zhi patiently persuaded her, and it could be seen that Zhao Xuan was really frightened, otherwise she would not have fled in panic, and would have thought of throwing her daughter to a stranger for adoption.

Zhao Xuan didn't understand anything about the officialdom. Hearing that what Zheng Zhi said made sense, she finally let go of her heart that she had been talking about since she started fleeing, "Thank you, me, I will try my best to find a job. Do not disturb your normal life."

"No hurry, you are not in a hurry to find a job. You just said that you used to be in the jade carving business?" Zheng Zhi sat upright and asked.

"Well, when my father was alive, he was a master of emerald and jade carvings. I have inherited his father's mantle." After Zhao Xuan finished answering, she sighed softly: "My husband was chosen by my father himself. A small clerk in the company, my father saw that he was very hardworking and ambitious, so he persuaded me to marry him.

I just didn't expect that he would be infected with the bad habit of gambling. Before my father was alive, he didn't dare to be disobedient, and he just gambled and lost a little. But after my father passed away last year, he became more and more daring... until the end How dare you borrow 8000 million usury!

In fact, I told him a long time ago that some gangsters in that gambling place had no good intentions and tried to trick me, but he just didn't listen. I even suspected that my husband was tricked by someone, so he lost overnight Lost more than 8000 million! "

Enterprising people are eager to succeed as soon as possible. If the heart is not firm enough, it will be difficult to pull out if it is contaminated with gambling. The same is true for gambling stones. Many people lose their fortunes because of this. scattered.

As for hearing the young woman say that the gangsters in the gambling house were playing her tricks, Zheng Zhi was sure that the other party must have deliberately let the young woman's husband win for a while, so that he would unknowingly fall into the game, and then smoked the old man. Qian, win all the money on him, and lend him a usury loan.

Originally, Zheng Zhi wondered to himself, why did the spectators borrow a huge sum of 8000 million yuan from the young woman's husband? It turned out that they were acquainted, and those gangsters had ulterior motives.

"Okay, don't cry, the past is in the past, and the living have to look forward, you will stay with me temporarily, and when I come back from a long trip, I will try to solve your problem, and then, Don't rush to find a job."

When Zheng Zhi said this, he saw two puzzled looks from the young woman, and patiently explained: "Actually, I want to hire you. I have been in the stone gambling industry for two years, which is considered a small achievement. If possible, set up a jewelry company in the future.”

"Huh? To set up a jewelry company, you need to invest a lot of money in the early stage?" Zhao Xuan opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect the young man in front of her to have such a bold idea.

"The initial investment is definitely indispensable, but it takes a long time to prepare for the establishment of the company. By the way, since you are engaged in the jade carving industry, I wonder how famous you are in this industry? I mean Said, if you have some fame, I can let you sit in the company as a master of jade and jade carving, and you will definitely be rewarded."

Zheng Zhi asked.

"My father is the real jade carving master!" Speaking of her father, Zhao Xuan couldn't help but feel proud of having such a father. "In the Chinese jewelry and jade industry, few people Never heard of my father's name.

As for me, I only learned [-]% of my father's craft.

However, my father often took me to some jewelry conferences and introduced the reasons why many jewelry company bosses met me, which is considered a little famous. "

"Oh? Then where did you work before? Didn't you ever think about asking the boss of your company, or your father's friends to help you deal with those underworld gangsters?" After Zheng Zhi said, a trace of remorse appeared on Zhao Xuan's face. "I don't work in any company. Although I was hired by many bosses of jewelry companies, I like freedom just like my father, and I usually do odd jobs to make money.

As for my father's friends, most of them hired me to sit in their companies, but I didn't agree, so I offended people, and because my father died of illness, if they really wanted to help me, they would have done it long ago. Don't wait for me to take the initiative to find you. "

Just doing odd jobs, she can earn 90 million yuan a year. It seems that this young woman is indeed famous in the field of jadeite carving. After hearing the end, Zheng Zhi shook his head, saying that it is true that people go to tea to cool down. The boss is just giving face to the young woman's father.

Now that the young woman's father is dead, this relationship is broken, and the young woman is not working in their company, so those people are naturally watching with cold eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zhao Xuan."

"Oh, then I'll call you Sister Xuan from now on. Well, it's getting late. We'll talk about this today. You and Yingying will stay with me for the time being. I'm going on a long trip. I'll talk about work when I come back." , this is 5000 yuan, you use it first." After that, Zheng Zhi went to the bedroom, took out a stack of [-] yuan and put it on the coffee table in front of Zhao Xuan.

"No, I'm so sorry, I haven't started working for you yet." Zhao Xuan waved her hands again and again, "If you go far away, I will help you look after the house. As long as there are rice, noodles and vegetables at home, I can do it myself. Do it yourself."

"You're welcome, just take it if you tell me. It's only 5000 yuan. As for the rice noodles and vegetables, you can buy them yourself tomorrow." Zheng Zhi pushed the money to Zhao Xuan's side again, and then Turning around and walking towards the bedroom, "I have to fly tomorrow, I have to rest, good night, see you tomorrow."

"Good night." Zhao Xuan didn't refuse anymore, she hurriedly stood up from the sofa, looked at Zheng Zhi's back with a grateful face.

Fortunately, I met a good person, otherwise I would have to separate from my daughter.

Zheng Zhi opened the wooden door of the bedroom and walked in. He didn't know that he was issued a good person card by the beauty. To be honest, he never thought of being a good person. He just had his own moral bottom line. He closed the door casually, and he He went to the bed and lay down, it was raining outside, it was four or five o'clock in the morning, it was the coldest time of the day, he pulled the quilt over his body.

Closing his eyes, he was sleepy and soon fell asleep. In his dream, he would dream of Guan Ting, Chen Rong, Li Xiang, and He Tingyu from time to time. He wanted to confess his love to Guan Ting, but he couldn't. He knew what was going on, but he couldn't speak out what was going on in his heart. Seeing Guan Ting's sad face, walking further and further away, he wanted to shout out loudly, but suddenly realized that someone was holding his arm. When he turned around, he saw Zhao Xuan just wore a white T-shirt and looked at him with a smile.

The neckline of that T-shirt was very large. Looking down from above, he could see two snow-white peaks. He swallowed dryly, and for some reason, he forgot Guan Ting. Putting his arms around him and pressing his head on the nipple peak in front of his chest, his body froze, and then he hugged Zhao Xuan and gnawed wildly.

The two bodies were tightly entangled, and he couldn't wait any longer, so he lifted off the only T-shirt on Zhao Xuan's body, but before he could see Zhao Xuan's charming body clearly, there was a burst of pop in his ears. Song, in an instant, he woke up.

It was a dream!

Zheng Zhi's face was a little hot, what's wrong with him, he actually dreamed of a woman he just met in his spring dream, even if it was Guan Ting.

Reaching out to pick up the phone from the side of the pillow, he saw the caller number, it was He Tingyu, he sat up suddenly, almost forgot the business, and pressed the answer button, "Hello, is this Captain He?"

It seems that last night, he also dreamed about this beautiful police officer, which made Zheng Zhi a little guilty.

"It's me, are you ready? Come here quickly, I bought some clothes for you early in the morning, and after changing, we will go to the airport." He Tingyu's voice came.

"Well, I'll go right away."

Zheng Zhi jumped off the bed, and

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