80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 100: Dreaming back to the past life again 2

Chapter 100 Dreaming back to the past life again 2

"I used to be full of regrets for you. When I looked at Jin'er when I was sad, I would think of you. But after knowing that you went to see me but didn't take me out of the pit of fire, I only have hatred and resentment for you. It was me who brought it up in the first place. Divorce, you don’t care about me, I deserve it.”

"Jin'er and Nian'er are so innocent. If you take them away, Nian'er will not die, and Jin'er will not suffer all the hardships with me."

“Lu Nan, if you want to die, no one will stop you, but you must repay what you owe the two children. This time I came to see you, I have used up all my strength, and I may not even be able to get out of this ward today.”

"I came to see you even though I'm like this, just to tell you that you are not qualified to die before you have fulfilled your responsibilities as a father."

"I have worked so hard to bring up the child. Now I leave her to you. I don't ask much of you. As long as you protect Jin'er and help her choose a considerate husband, that child cannot be a Meng Gourd, I have suffered so much, Jin Bao can no longer eat it..."

Ning Xi’s hands softly rested on her daughter’s and his. Her eyes slowly became more blurry, and her body slowly softened. She no longer had the strength to speak anymore. She...

time to go.

 It was worth it to see him again and keep him alive.

"Dad, why did you let her come? For three months, I have been taking care of him day and night, waiting for him to wake up. Now you bring her over. If he wakes up, what's the point of all my efforts? ”

“Ning Xi, get out of here. Lu Nan has nothing to do with you anymore. You have no right to see her.”

Outside the ward, Su Hong screamed regardless of her appearance and wanted to rush in, but was blocked by Su Weiguo and two soldiers.

Ning Xi turned her head with difficulty and looked at the door.

It turns out that Chief Su is Ning Hong’s father. By the way, Ning Hong’s name is Su Hong now. I heard that after Su Hong was recognized by him, everyone in the Ning family relied on this relationship to ascend to heaven.

 Except her.

 In the Ning family, she is their tool for making money.

 It is an ox that does not know how tired it is.

 It is a dog that comes when called and goes away when called.

His vision became blurry, the figures in front of him became indistinct, and the sounds that could be heard by the ears became smaller and smaller.

“Mom, no, don’t leave Jin Bao behind. How can Jin Bao live without you?”

“Mom, hold on, please, let’s cure Dad together.”

"Woo! Mom, I will be obedient. You can go in peace. I will cure dad. I will take care of him and accompany him on your behalf."

"He deserves it. He should have died long ago. If it weren't for you, he would have married me and become the father of my child."

“Necklace, where did she get this necklace?”

"Oh, oh, oh..." A series of rooster crows woke up the person who had fallen into a dream. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the roof covered with cobwebs.

Last night she dreamed about the last time she met Lu Nan in her previous life. It was probably because she mentioned Su Weiguo yesterday afternoon that she subconsciously dreamed about what happened that day.

 Ning Xi wiped her face.

After she dies, Jinbao will probably cure him and recognize him. When he wakes up and finds out that she is dead, he doesn’t know if he will feel uncomfortable or cry.

When she went to see him that day, she shouldn't have said so many unpleasant things in order to stimulate him to live. She should have told him that she loved him and had loved him for more than 30 years. She should have told him that she would go to see him at all costs, except Letting him be his daughter's support is also because he knows that he has her in his heart.

 She shouldn't have told him that she only had resentment and hatred for him. He might remember and regret it for the rest of his life if he said those words. Phew! Forget it, those words should not have been said, there is no use regretting it now, besides, whether he will regret it for the rest of his life, she has suffered for 20 years, and it doesn't matter if she makes him regret it for decades.

 And in this life, those things will not happen, I will no longer suffer, and he will not have to regret it. They can live happily together in this life.

The depressive mood in the early morning finally eased. Ning Xi got out of bed, opened the door, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Um! Great, another day of working hard to make money.

In the morning, Zhou Tong arranged for several vehicles to haul the honey to Ning Xi’s house. Zhou Min and Zhou’s mother came over to help pack the honey.

Ning Xi arranged for workers to pack the honey and rushed to Xiahe Village without stopping. In Xiahe Village, she invited more than a dozen villagers to help pick yellow peaches. The yellow peach and hawthorn in the orchard she contracted in Xiahe Village were also ripe, so she happened to take advantage of this opportunity. Pick it back first and make it canned.

Today's sun was extremely hot. After spending the whole morning in the orchard, she was so hot that stars appeared in her eyes and her face turned red. This made Wang Xiuqin feel very distressed. During lunch, she kept fanning her with a fan. She kept nagging her, "What are you trying to do? You are pregnant with a child and you don't know how to rest. You can just leave these tasks to me or your dad. You must go out for a run by yourself and look at this tanned face." It's so red, if Xiaonan sees it, it will be heartbreaking. "

“Second aunt, I didn’t even work when I went out, so I stood under the shade of a tree to supervise the work of the workers. I was blushing when I came back from Xiahe Village.”

It was obvious that Wang Xiuqin didn't believe Ning Xi's words and glared at her unhappily, "How can you get such a tan after just walking back for such a long distance?"

 “I walk slowly!”

  “…” Is this also a reason?

Lu Zhenghai, who had been silent all this time, said loudly, "I will go over to supervise this afternoon."

“Dad, please bring a hat over there. The sun will definitely be stronger in the afternoon.” Ning Xi had to give Zhou Jin a silver needle in the afternoon, so she really couldn’t go over to supervise the work.

Everyone had just finished eating, and before the bowls and chopsticks were collected, Chow Tai Fook had already pushed Zhou Jin here. He also had to bring two fans. Zhou Jin must have suffered from the heat yesterday.

Ning Xi was helping to put away the dishes and chopsticks. When she saw Zhou Dafu coming in, she hurriedly said hello, "Mr. Zhou, it's so early today. Have you eaten?"

 “I’ve eaten. It’s early today, so come here early.”

As soon as Zhou Dafu finished speaking, Zhou Jin unceremoniously exposed his background, "He was anxious to find you and came here early in the morning. When he got to Yao Township, he remembered that you were very busy in the morning, so he went to Uncle Chen's house to have dinner."

Chow Tai Fook stared at his son in embarrassment and complained in a low voice, "Stop saying a word, no one will think you are mute."

“I was really busy in the morning.” Ning Xi smiled and said to help. “Since you’re here, let’s do acupuncture first.”

After Zhou Jin changed into shorts, Ning Xi started to help Zhou Jin with acupuncture. Chow Dafu finally told the reason why he came over in such a hurry, "Doctor Ning, when will the honey be finished? Several of my friends asked me to order honey."

"There are only more than two hundred bottles filled so far. I'm afraid it will take several days to finish filling." Ning Xi didn't have much reaction on her face, but she was very excited. She didn't expect this kind of pure natural wild honey to be so popular in the urban area. Chow Tai Fook yesterday As soon as I took it back, someone had already ordered it.

Chow Tai Fook hurriedly said, "Can I take these away later?"

Ning Xi smiled and nodded in agreement.

“Doctor Ning, I think this natural wild honey will definitely become popular. Does anyone around your friend still have this kind of honey at home? We can collect it all.”

“I heard that their village is making wild honey.” Ning Xi’s plan is to collect all the honey from Zhang Village. Yesterday, she told Chow Tai Fook that she was selling it for a friend, but she was just talking politely.

“That’s good, Dr. Ning, you are responsible for going to the village to buy it, and I will come to you to buy it. No matter how much it is, as long as you can collect it, I can buy it all back.”

“No problem.” Ning Xi agreed with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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