80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 99: Dream back to the past life again

Zhou Tong was silent for a while before saying, "Boss has saved Chief Su twice. Boss's leg was also injured by Chief Su."

“I see.” No wonder Su Weiguo took such good care of Lu Nan and brought his daughter to him against her will.

  When talking about Su Weiguo, memories of his past life came flooding back.

 She was 40 years old that year.

Because she had a kidney transplant for Ning Hong when she was pregnant at the age of 20, and she failed to take good care of herself after the kidney transplant. Coupled with the torture of finding Shen Dazhi for a long time in those years, various organs in her body had begun to fail at the age of 40. , even though she was known as the holy hand of Chinese medicine, she could not cure herself.

At that time, because she promised her daughter to meet her daughter’s boyfriend, she was admitted to the hospital to survive.

It was at that time that Su Weiguo came to our door.

Su Weiguo told her that Lu Nan was on the verge of an attack in order to come to Hecheng to see her and could die at any time.

Su Weiguo also told her that Lu Nan had been single for the past 20 years and would take time to visit her in Hecheng every year. Moreover, Lu Nan shouted her name countless times when he was drunk. When he was drunk, Lu Nan cried in front of Su Weiguo many times: The biggest regret in his life was that he only realized how much he cared about her and how much he wanted to be with her after divorcing her.

Because of Su Weiguo's words, Ning Xi dragged her broken body to the imperial capital regardless of her daughter's obstruction.

 It was also in July that I saw him again after twenty years.

At that time, he was lying on the hospital bed in a vegetative state and could die at any time, and she was like a puddle of mud.

“Sister-in-law, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

Zhou Tong's voice pulled Ning Xi back from her memories.

"what's up."

"I..." Zhou Tong hesitated. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally summoned the courage to say, "Sister-in-law, after Ai Ling gives birth to the child, can you let her do business with you?"

As early as when Lu Nan gave him the idea, he was moved. He wanted to talk to Ning Xi about this matter, but he was embarrassed to speak every time. Ning Xi and the others started from scratch, and now their business has improved. He ran to intervene, always feeling like he was taking advantage of Ning Xi and the others.

However, the conditions of his family are indeed not good, and the child is about to be born. If he can't find a way to make some money and can't even raise the child in the future, let alone support his old mother until she retires, let alone find a good one for his sister. destination.

"Sure!" Ning Xi agreed without any hesitation. The men in her family were so "pillow-friendly" that Zhou Tong became a shareholder, so she had to accept it.

In addition to the "pillow style", there is another reason. Xu Ailing joined them, and Zhou Tong is also one of the invisible bosses of their workshop. Not to mention being their protective umbrella, he can inform them immediately of any future government activities and policies. If they encounter any trouble, they can better come forward to help solve it, and they can also use his connections to better promote their products.

 So no matter from which point of view, it is harmless to let Xu Ailing join them.

Hearing Ning Xi agree, Zhou Tong secretly relaxed his heart. He knew that Ning Xi could agree to this matter so happily. Lu Nan must have told Ning Xi a long time ago, "Sister-in-law, then look How much should my wife invest?"

Ning Xi didn't answer immediately, but thought carefully for a while. She couldn't let Zhou Tong invest too much. If it was too much, Zhou Tong would definitely not be able to get it. If it was too little, it wouldn't be cost-effective for her and Zhang Ying. After all, they were already in this business. A lot of money and energy was invested in it.

“Secretary Zhou, you also know that my business is not mine alone. If I ask you to join directly without investing a penny, Brother Nan and I have no objection, but the second brother and the second sister-in-law must have something to say.”

"Let's do this! Don't wait for Ai Ling to give birth and start investing in shares from now on. I'll leave the purchase of fruits to you. Your honey can also be considered a share purchase. It's not convenient for Ai Ling now, and it's not easy for you to come forward. , you can ask your sister to buy fruits on your behalf."

Zhou Tong immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll do what my sister-in-law said."

Ning Xi thought for a moment and said, "If you don't have enough money to recycle the fruit, you can come and borrow it from me." "Sister-in-law, I will think of a way myself." Zhou Tong really couldn't afford that much money, but how could he want to invest in it? The principle of borrowing money from others is that he can just find a way to borrow the money from the people around him.

Ning Xi smiled, but did not insist on lending money to Zhou Tong.


The scorching sun in July was scorching the earth, and the leaves stretched out outside the window suddenly rolled up, and the cries of cicadas made people unable to rest in peace.

Ning Xi collapsed in the wheelchair like a puddle of mud. It was obviously a hot summer day, but she was covered with several layers of small quilts. Even so, she was still cold, and her broken body seemed to be being torn apart by many invisible beasts. He was lying on his back, all his limbs and bones were suffering from unbearable pain.

Ning Jin'er pushed Ning Xi through a long corridor and came to an open ward. In her blurry vision, she could vaguely see a person lying in the ward.

Ning Xi called out, "Jin'er."

"What's wrong, Mom?" Ning Jin'er stopped and came to her mother, picked up the oxygen mask next to her and put it on Ning Xi's face. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ning Xi's eyes were nervous and uneasy, staring at the people in the ward, her fingers unconsciously rubbing the quilt on her body, "Will my hair be messy?"


 “Is my face dirty?”

“Mom, I just washed it for you when I got off the plane.”

 “Do I look ugly the way I look now?”

 “He is still in a coma and cannot see.”

yes! He cannot see.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and slumped in the wheelchair like a puddle of mud.

Ning Jin'er walked behind the wheelchair again, tears falling down, and she quickly wiped away her tears and pushed her mother into the ward.

There was a skinny man lying on the white hospital bed. He was lying upright, his head and upper body were wrapped in white gauze, only a paper-white face was exposed. His eyes were closed, and if it weren't for the slightly undulating Chest, this man looks like a dead person.

Even after 20 years, even though he is now emaciated, Ning Xi still recognized the person in front of her at first sight as her ex-husband Lu Nan.

His body, which was already riddled with holes, felt like he had been stabbed hard by a knife. It hurt. His heart, which was no longer beating very much, seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe. Tears flowed down his dry face. Sliding down like a thin thread.

"Lu Nan..." She called out softly, "I am Ning Xi."

Ning Xi raised her hand tremblingly, and Ning Jin'er hurried forward to help her put her hand on Lu Nan's hand. She grabbed her daughter's hand and pressed it against his.

"This is Jin'er, she is my and your daughter. We also have a son named Jinnian. The child had a hard life. When he was two years old, he was kicked into the pond by that man and drowned."

“I heard from Chief Su that you know that I am married to someone else and you visit me every year.”

"You only know that I remarried someone else, but you don't know that I was sold. I heard from Chief Su that you visit me every year, but I have never seen you once, and you have never seen how he tortured me. ”

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