Chapter 90 A ruined life

 It was late at night, and only Lu Nan, Zhou Tong, and Lei Zi were still drinking in the hall.

Ning Xi took Tang Xiangqin to make the bed in the house. Looking at the drunken three people in the hall, she must not let Zhou Tong and Lei Zi leave tonight.

Speaking of Tang Xiangqin, after meeting Lu Zhenghai at noon, she put down all her vigilance. Although she still didn't talk much, she didn't hide from everyone like before. After starting work in the afternoon, she even took the initiative to go to the production workshop to hire workers. Teach her how to do things.

Even now, when Ning Xia came to make the bed, she took the initiative to help.

"Boss, I recognize this sister-in-law. Apart from you, she will be the person I, Zhou Tong, respect the most from now on." Zhou Tong picked up the wine glass and put a hand on Lu Nan's shoulder, and leaned towards Lu Nan swayingly. .

Lei Zi also drank too much. He stood up and held the wine glass, holding one hand on the table to steady himself. "Yes, apart from the boss, my sister-in-law is the person I respect the most."

"I don't like anyone thinking about my wife." Lu Nan said this without any politeness, but there was no hint of displeasure on his face. He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with the two of them.

 He was a little drunk tonight.

In his previous life, although he came back to recover from his injuries for nine months, he never had a drink with Zhou Tong and Lei Zi. Because of his disabled legs, he rarely returned to Sichuan after returning to the army, so he and Zhou Tong Zhou Tong and Lei Zi lost contact with each other, and even less had the opportunity to sit and eat together.

Later, his precious daughter taught him how to cherish, and he also began to miss his old comrades, so he went back to Sichuan to get together with them. When he came back, he learned that Lei Zi had already died in the line of duty, and at the dinner table Only he and Zhou Tong were left.

Thinking that he not only missed Ning Xi in his previous life, but also missed his brothers who had been through life and death, Lu Nan also rarely indulged himself in drinking a few more drinks. No matter how far he goes in this life, he will cherish the people around him, not just his lover, but also Relatives and comrades.


In the dilapidated yard, clusters of Asparagus flowers twine around the big tree. The flowers are fluttering in the wind, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance.

 A little boy about two years old cautiously stepped forward with his little feet, smiling and walking towards his mother who opened her arms not far away.

"Wow! Xiaonian is great, good boy, walk slowly to your mother, my dear baby." The thin woman clapped her hands excitedly and gently guided the child towards her.

“Giggle! Come on, brother!” A little girl wearing a bellyband next to the woman imitated the woman’s example, clapping and giggling.

 The woman quickly smiled and said, "Come on Xiaonian! Look, my sister is also cheering for Xiaonian."

The road is not far, just a few steps. For a child who has just learned to walk, this distance is a bit far. After a few steps, he can't walk anymore. He can't resist his mother's call, so he opens his arms and tries his best to open his calves. Rushing into the woman's arms.

 “It’s great, my Nianbao is great.” The woman happily hugged her son and kissed him on the face.

"Jin'er wants it too." When the little girl saw her brother being kissed, she pouted and threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Haha! Why are Jin Bao and his brother jealous?" The woman quickly put her arm around her daughter and kissed her on the face.

On the path in the distance, a man stumbled towards this side with a bottle of wine in his hand.

The woman's expression changed, and she immediately picked up the two children and carried the children into the shabby little room. "Jin'er, Nian'er, you are not allowed to come out. You are not allowed to cry. Do you hear me?"

 “Yeah!” The girl nodded vigorously.

"Mom." The boy's eyes were red. He walked slower than other children, but at the age of two, he knew that his mother locked them up, which meant that his mother would be beaten again.

  The woman rubbed the boy's head and said softly, "Nian Bao feels sorry for mother, and mother knows that, but if Nian Bao and Jin Bao go out, mother will be beaten even more fiercely, do you understand?"

The boy didn't understand why this happened, but he nodded obediently. "Where are the people? Where did the **** die?" A man's roar came from the yard.

The woman didn't care about comforting the child, so she quickly closed the door and walked out quickly.

"Shameless bitch." As soon as the man saw the woman, he picked up the glass bottle in her hand and smashed it on the woman's head.

There was only a crash, the glass bottle shattered and splashed everywhere, and bright red blood slid down his hair and forehead.

 The woman seemed not to know the pain. She stood there without saying a word, and there was no trace of pain on her face.

The man staggered up to the woman, kicked her to the ground, and punched and kicked her.

“Bitch, shameless bitch, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you…”

 The man beat and cursed, and soon the woman was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, but she remained silent and allowed the man to violently attack her.

Don’t she know it hurts?

 No, it’s not.

How could she not know the pain because she was not a piece of wood? She did not resist or cry. She knew that resisting with a man was useless.

Resistance will only lead to more horrific atrocities, and may even involve her two children to suffer along with her.

Crying and fussing will only make him fight harder and harder. Only when she doesn't cry or fuss will he find it boring and let her go.

Just as the woman thought, after fighting for a while, the man lost interest in the woman who was like a piece of wood. He cursed and staggered back to the house and fell into bed and fell asleep.

The night was deep, and the crows in the forest were cawing, adding a bit of eerieness to the already lonely night. The man who was sleeping soundly on the bed woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the woman huddled against the wall.

The man grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her to him, roughly tore open the woman's clothes, lowered his head and bit the woman's shoulder...

Throughout the whole process, the woman just closed her eyes, did not resist, did not cry, and did not react like a dead fish, allowing the man to do whatever he wanted on her, until the man fell tired and fell asleep on her.

 Tears slid down the woman's eyelids, and only at this time did she dare to cry silently.

 She did not dare to cry in front of a man. Her tears would only make the man bully her even more.

 She did not dare to cry in front of the child. Her tears would only make the child more afraid.

This kind of life has been going on for almost three years, and she doesn't know when it will end.

It’s not that she has never thought about escaping, but this small mountain village far away from the city is like an impregnable prison. No matter what method she uses, she can’t escape. Every time she is caught, she will be beaten severely.

She thought about killing the man while he was drunk, but she still had two babies. If she killed someone, her babies would have no one to take care of, and they would be pointed at and called the children of murderers.

The next day, the morning light was dim and the sun was rising. The woman got out of bed lightly and walked into another small room. The two children were already awake and playing in bed. The children were very well-behaved and did not dare to make any noise because they knew that The person is scary, and if she wakes her up, her mother will be beaten again.

 (End of this chapter)

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