Chapter 91 Ruined Life 2

“The baby is awake.” The woman walked into the room with a gentle face, hugged the two babies and kissed them. She brought a bellyband to put on the children and put them in the yard. “Be good, mommy will make breakfast.”

  After breakfast, the woman carried her two children in a backpack to work in the fields. She did not return home until noon, sweating profusely.

The man sat at a small table in the yard, peeled a few peanuts and put them in his mouth to chew. After the peanuts were eaten, he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a few sips of wine into his mouth. "Bitch, what time did you come back? I'm hungry." Damn me?"

"Do it now." The woman put the child down, kissed the child's fleshy cheek and whispered, "Baby, play in the corner, don't get close to him."

 The two little ones immediately nodded obediently.

 The reason women dare to leave their children in the yard is because a drunk man will not hurt the two children. The most he can do is stare at them in disgust or scold them.

It’s not like the woman didn’t consider taking the child back into the house, but keeping such a small child closed all the time would cast a shadow on the child.

Fortunately, both children were very sensible and knew not to get close to that scary person. The girl probably wanted her brother to run and play with her, so she offered to let her brother learn to walk. She squatted in the main room and clapped her hands and shouted in a low voice, "Come on." "Brother, come on, you can go well."

"Yes!" The boy nodded heavily, and took firm steps towards his sister step by step. He had just learned to walk, and his steps were unsteady. He staggered and accidentally bumped into the table. His little hand subconsciously grabbed the table. one time.

His hand grabbed the wine bottle, and half the bottle of wine fell on his head with a splash.

 “You bastard, you’re looking for death!” The man was so angry that his eyes burst into flames. He raised his foot and kicked the boy away.

The boy flew out, hit a big tree with a bang, and then rolled along the ground into the pond below.

The girl was so frightened that she cried loudly, ""

Hearing the cry, the woman hurriedly came out of the house, saw her daughter standing on the edge of the pond, and ran over.

"Brother," the girl pointed at the pond and cried loudly.

The woman rushed to the pond. The pond had just been pumped out in the past two days, and there was only a shallow black mud left in it. Her son was lying face down in the mud motionless, "Nian'er."

 The woman was frightened and rushed down to pick up the child.

The child's forehead was **** and bloody, his nose and mouth were full of mud, and he was unresponsive at the moment.

"Nian'er, Nian'er, baby, don't scare mom." The woman cried, put the child on the ground, opened the child's mouth, gave the child artificial respiration, and pressed the child's chest, trying to save the child.

  After trying several times, the child still had no response. She put her trembling hands between her son's breath.

 Out of breath, the child has no energy at all.

"Ah! Nian'er, Nian'er, ah!" Ning Xi shouted in pain, clutching the quilt tightly with both hands, closing her eyes and shouting in pain, and her big tears fell down.

"What's wrong?" Lu Nan was woken up and turned on the light. He saw Ning Xi breaking down and crying, clutching the quilt tightly, her face wrinkled up. He quickly took her into his arms and patted her gently. Back "Did my wife have a nightmare?"

", don't leave mommy,, open your eyes and look at mommy, please, please don't leave mommy..." Ning Xi couldn't hear Lu Nan's words at all, she just kept crying, But the warm embrace around her made her let go of the quilt and hold on to him tightly, like a drowning person holding on to the driftwood that could keep her alive.

"Uuuu... Nian'er, please open your eyes and look at mom, baby... baby, don't scare mom, open your eyes and look at mom, please." "Lu Nan, you bastard, I hate you, I hate you, Why do you do this to me, why do you do this to my baby, ah..."

Lu Nan held his little daughter-in-law tightly in his arms, tears of guilt sliding down his eyelids.

 He knew that his young wife had dreamed about her previous life, and that their son had died.

"Yes, I'm a bastard, it's all my fault, it's all my fault." He lowered his head and kissed the bitter tears on her face over and over again, raised his hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and raised his hand to gently pat Ning Xi. , this cannot let her continue to be immersed in the nightmare, otherwise she will only be in more pain. "Wake up, wife, wake up."

"Ah... no fighting, Shen Dazhi, I will fight with you."

“Ah…Lu Nan, please save my Jin’er, please save my Nian’er.”

"Ah! Shen Dazhi, I'm going to kill you." Ning Xi screamed and suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the person in front of her with hatred, raised her hand and slapped him.

 The crisp slaps were particularly harsh in the silent night, and the world seemed to be completely quiet at this moment.

Ning Xi gradually regained her clarity and saw the person in front of her clearly. Her hands were trembling slightly. She hit him. She had just hit him.

 “Knock!” There was an urgent knock on the door.

"What's wrong with Xiao Xi? Xiao Xi, are you okay?" Zhang Ying asked anxiously outside.

Lu Nan replied softly, "Second sister-in-law is fine. Xiao Xi had a nightmare and is fine now."

 “That’s good, then you have a good rest.”

As a sister-in-law, she shouldn't have come to the house of her brother-in-law and sister-in-law in the middle of the night. But Ning Xi cried too loudly and cried for a while. She was very worried, so she came over to take a look. Now she knew that Ning Xi It's just a nightmare, always relieved.

 The room became quiet again, and she raised her hand to touch his cheek guiltily, "Yes, I'm sorry."

He put his hand on hers, turned around and kissed the palm of her hand, "It doesn't hurt. With your little strength, you can't hurt me."

"I..." Ning Xi opened her mouth, buried her head in his arms, and rubbed against him. The faint smell of tobacco on his body gradually calmed her down.

Seeing that she was fine, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hugged her gently and kissed her hair, "Daughter-in-law, it's okay, it's just a dream."

He didn't dare to ask her what she dreamed about. He was afraid that she would recall that incident again and break down and cry again.

"I dreamed that you didn't want me and the baby anymore. Ning Hong took away my kidney and asked Ning Juan to sell me to a terrible man. He beat me and tortured me every day. He also beat the baby because I was pregnant. Ning Hong took away a kidney, and our child was in poor health after birth. My brother didn’t learn to walk until he was two years old, and my sister had a fever every few days.”

Tears fell down her eyelids again, and she ignored them and continued, "When my brother just learned to walk, he accidentally knocked over the man's wine bottle and was kicked into the pond by the man. The man also lost his temper because of this. My sister and I were dying from the fight.”

Ning Xi didn't raise her head and told him the events of her past life in a nightmare. Nian Bao's death had caused her pain for half her life. She wanted Lu Nan to suffer with her, even if it was just for a few seconds. good.

 (End of this chapter)

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