Chapter 95 Acquisition Matters

Xu Ailing shook her head quickly, "There is no extra room at home, and Xiao Min had to sleep on the balcony in the past. It is better to wait until I give birth before going there, so that I can sleep on the balcony for a while less."

Zhou Min, however, looked unconcerned, "I'd better go there after harvesting the yellow peaches. It'll be the same wherever I sleep. The most important thing now is you, sister-in-law."

 Both Zhou's mother and Zhou Min insisted on taking care of Xu Ailing. Xu Ailing refused several times, but when she saw that she couldn't refuse, she compromised.

They chatted for a while, and Zhou Min said that he was going to pack honey for Ning Xi.

Xu Ailing pulled Ning Xi and followed her.

Zhou Min led the two of them into a wooden house. After opening the door, a sweet and greasy smell wafted out. The room was neatly filled with wooden barrels. Zhou Min walked to the front wooden barrel. Opening it, it was filled with a bucket of yellow and orange honey. The sweetness became richer with the wide opening of the wooden bucket.

Ning Xi looked at the honey in the barrel, and then at the barrels all over the room, "Are these honeys?"

Zhou Min smiled and replied, "The room next to it is also full of honey. These were all collected this year."

Xu Ailing helped hold the porcelain jar and complained somewhat depressedly, "Such a good wild honey, the recycling price in the imperial capital would be at least 7-8 cents per catty. The recycling price here is only 7 cents per catty. This is what Zhou Tong found." Only with some connections can the supply and marketing cooperative be willing to help collect it.”

"I remember that the honey in the supply and marketing cooperative was sold for 7 cents and 8 cents a bottle. A bottle was listed as half a catty, but it was actually less than half a catty. The price of a glass bottle was 5 cents. The supply and marketing cooperative could earn at least 2 cents for half a catty of honey. Gross 4 points 5.”

Xu Ailing suddenly felt panicked, "You can earn 4.9 cents per pound. Those people are really stupid and they even said it was for Zhou Tong's sake. Otherwise, they would definitely not be happy to accept the honey from our village."

"These 4 cents and 9 cents are really easy to earn." Ning Xi felt that she could also earn this money, and she could earn even more. The price of the glass bottles she got in Chenjia Village was higher than what the supply and marketing cooperative got from the state-owned glass factory. Glass bottles are 1 cent cheaper, so based on this calculation, she can earn 3.45 cents for half a pound of honey, and 6.9 cents for one pound.

 Zhou Min smiled nonchalantly, "It's better to have some income than to have no income at all."

"Maybe I have a way to sell honey at a higher price." Ning Xi pursed her lips and smiled, seeing how there was no reason not to give up on such a good opportunity to make money. Besides, Zhou Tong had helped them countless times, and Zhou Tong had She and Lu Nan were life and death comrades, so she had to help him no matter what.

Xu Ailing’s eyes immediately widened when she heard this, and she quickly asked with a smile, “Sister-in-law, is there really any way?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll give you an answer tonight at the latest.” Honey packaging is not a big problem. The most important problem now is sales channels.

The supply and marketing cooperative in the town might as well forget it, pack it up and take it over, and the supply and marketing cooperative will keep the price very low.

She wanted to send the honey to the city. Prices in the city were higher than here. If she sent the honey there and the other party lowered the price, she and Zhou Tong's family could each earn at least one pound of honey. dime.

As for how to deliver it to the urban area, we have to see if Chow Tai Fook’s connections can be used.

When Zhou Min finished packing the honey, Zhou Tong came back and said that all the representatives sent by the villages had arrived at the village committee.

Ning Xi followed Zhou Tong to the village committee, and everyone brought yellow peaches and apricots from their own villages to Ning Xi.

Zhou Tong explained on the side, "I picked these randomly. I tried them and they are very sweet." Ning Xi tried a few and they were indeed quite sweet. In fact, it doesn't matter whether they are sweet or not. What she needs is fruit. Good appearance is not just a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates. After communicating with these representatives, the two parties agreed on the recycling price. In the spirit of doing practical things for the people, Zhou Tong once again agreed to borrow the town's cars for hauling.

"That's it, we'll start picking tomorrow. We all are fruit farmers and we should know that the storage time of picked fruits is limited. In order to prevent damage, please be careful when picking fruits and try not to break the skin. In addition, in order to reduce the risk of bad fruits losses, each village only collects 3 cars per day.”

As soon as Ning Xi said these words, various voices of dissatisfaction immediately came from below. Everyone wanted to sell the fruit quickly, but there was no one willing to wait all the time.

Hearing everyone's dissatisfaction, Ning Xi said loudly and calmly, "If you can't accept this arrangement, you can also find a way to find a seller yourself. I really can't help you collect all the fruits at once."

As soon as Ning Xi said this, everyone became quiet. If they could find a seller, their apricots would not rot in the ground and they would not lose everything.

“Boss Ning, can you collect the apricots first? Most of the first batch of apricots in our village rotted in the ground. If the second batch rots in the ground, we will really lose everything.”

Ning Xi thought for a while and looked at the village chief of Zhangcun next to her, "Are there any apricots from Zhangcun?"

The village chief shook his head, "No more."

"Then start collecting from other villages, collecting 5 carts per day until all the apricots are harvested, and then start harvesting yellow peaches at the rate of 3 carts per village per day." After thinking about it, Ning Xi looked at the representatives who were also sent here. Zhou Min: "Xiao Min, you have to rush down the mountain to take care of your sister-in-law. I have picked all the yellow peaches in your family in these two days."

The reason why Ning Xi opened the back door for Zhou Min in front of so many people was because she didn't want the villagers to misunderstand the Zhou family and think that they had the priority to sell yellow peaches because of Zhou Tong's relationship.

Zhou Tong understood what Ning Xi meant, so he smiled and explained, "My wife will give birth in half a month, and she really needs Xiao Min to help take care of her."

The village chief immediately said with a smile, "In the past two days, everyone has been helping Xiao Min collect yellow peaches. If we finish the harvest earlier, Xiao Min can go down the mountain to take care of Xiao Xu earlier."

●The Zhangcun representative present immediately nodded and agreed, “No problem.”

If it weren't for Zhou Tong's help, their apricots would have rotted in the ground like those in other villages. If it weren't for Zhou Tong, they don't know how many yellow peaches they could have sold. The Zhou family needs help right now, and no one knows where they are. The truth of helping.


In just two days, more than half of the salesmen waiting to pick up goods outside the Lu family's door have been reduced, and these people are all here to pick up dried fish and spicy strips. No one has taken the canned fruit.

This made everyone in the Lu family a little anxious, even the workers became anxious.

Wang Xiuqin couldn't bear it any longer and called Lu Zhenhai aside, "Zhenghai, why don't you call Xiao Nan? If this continues, the cans won't be sold and you will lose money."

Lu Zhenghai was also worried, "I thought so too. Yesterday there were many people taking cans, but today suddenly no one was willing to take them."

 (End of this chapter)

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