80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 96: Give him a peach and repay him with a plum

Chapter 96: Repaying a favor with a favor

Lao Zhou came from a distance on a cart. He saw Ning Xi from a distance and was very happy. He was still far away and said hello, "Sister Ning."

Ning Xi heard someone calling her, turned around and saw Lao Zhou and said hello with a smile, "Brother Zhou."

Lao Zhou rode his bicycle to Ning Xi, jumped out of the car and pushed the bicycle toward the village with Ning Xi. "Sister Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time."

“Well! I’ve been busy in town recently.” Ning Xi glanced at the dozen bags of grain on the back of the cart. “How are you doing lately? Is business going well?”

"That's good." Lao Zhou glanced around and whispered, "I also said that I would find a chance to thank you for your willingness to give me a high commission."

Lao Zhou currently gets a three-cent commission on the cans they pick up here. Ever since he learned that other workshops began to give salesmen a three-cent commission, and Lao Zhou was still willing to come to them to get the goods, Lu Nan asked Lu Zhenghai to open it for Lao Zhou. For the back door, I was directly given a three-point commission.

Lao Zhou was her first 'dealer'. People remembered that she gave him the opportunity to make money, and they kept coming to her to get goods. It was normal for them to open a back door for others.

 This is repaying a peach for me with a plum. Lao Zhou did this to Ning Xi, and Ning Xi did the same to Lao Zhou.

"Sister Ning, I think you should stop doing this canned fruit business. Recently, several canning workshops have opened in the East Village. I heard that one or two have raised their commission to 4 cents, so let them continue like this. , there is no need to wait until the fruit is out of the market, most fruit workshops will close down at a loss.”

Lao Zhou has seen a lot and has a good brain. Most importantly, he has a good character. He knows that something is wrong and he also knows how to give Ning Xi advice.

This made Ning Xi feel that it would be good to open a back door for Lao Zhou.

“I really don’t plan to do it. I came back today to dispose of the canned fruits at home. All the canned fruits in my hand have been ordered. Once the canned fruits in my hand are processed, no more cans will be produced.”

"Can I still get the goods today?" Lao Zhou knew that business had been slow in the past two days, so he came here specifically in the afternoon. He originally thought that he would be able to get the goods when he came over, but he didn't know that Ning Xi would move so quickly and give away all the cans in his hand. Ordered and went out.

"Brother Zhou wants to get it, so I have to give it to you no matter what." Ning Xi smiled and said, "There is one more thing I want to tell Brother Zhou. Starting tomorrow, you need to go to the town to get the spicy strips and dried fish." Come on, I’ve also launched two new products, strange-flavored beans and strange-flavored peanuts. They both taste pretty good. Brother Zhou can take some out to try when he goes over to pick them up tomorrow.”

As she said that, Ning Xi took out a bag of strange-flavored peanuts from the cloth bag she carried with her and handed it to Old Zhou, "Brother Zhou, give it a try."

"Finally, there is a new product. I was asking Brother Lu before when you plan to release a new product." Lao Zhou opened the packaging bag and put a few strange-flavored peanuts here, savoring it carefully. "Yeah! This tastes spicy. It’s really weird that it’s numb and a little sweet, and it’s so delicious that you can’t stop eating it. Give me the address in Ning Meizi’s town.”

Ning Xi glanced around and made sure no one was there before she answered, "It's right next to Baohe Hall."

Their address must be hidden from Yang Yufeng, but Yang Yufeng cannot seize the opportunity to go there and cause trouble.

The two of them were chatting without a word when a sharp shout suddenly came from behind, "Ning Xi, you are a shameless bastard. You hooked up with a man as soon as you came back. My son is not at home and you can't stay lonely, right?" ”

Ning Xi turned around and glanced at the aggressive Yang Yufeng. This woman had been abandoned and she still didn't behave well. "Brother Zhou, why don't you go to my house first?"

"It's done." Lao Zhou didn't say much. He sat on the cart again and rode away on the cart.

Yang Yufeng rushed over with a sullen face, "You still want to take me home, you are so rampant now, aren't you?"

"Yang Yufeng, are you mentally ill? Everyone in this village knows that I am doing business. You don't know." She didn't need to explain anything to Yang Yufeng. She would reply to her just because she was afraid that this lunatic would talk nonsense in the village. Ruined her reputation for no reason.

“You want to rebel? You actually called my name.” Yang Yufeng shouted angrily and raised her hand to hit Ning Xi.

 “Stop.” An angry shout came from behind Yang Yufeng. The two of them had a rare moment of resonance and looked at the speaker almost at the same time.

"Mr. Zhou is here." The visitors were none other than Zhou Dafu and Zhou Jin. They were accompanied by an old lady from the village, who seemed to be helping to lead the way. Ning Xi said hello to her, "Aunt Zhang."

Grandma nodded, "Ning Xi! These two said they came to see you. I heard before that you were treating Lu Nan, your family. Are you really good at medicine?"

"know a little."

"Lu Nan is so lucky to have found such a capable wife, who not only knows how to do business but also treats people." Grandma praised, waved her hand and declined the thank you money from Chow Tai Fook, and walked towards her home. .

Yang Yufeng found something to say again, "Who is this? You are either getting involved with this man or that man every day. What do you want to do? Where did Xiaonan come from? He just let you go with these people. Recklessly?"

"Mr. Zhou, please." Ning Xi was too lazy to pay attention to Yang Yufeng and left directly with Zhou Dafu and his son.

"Ning Xi, the matter has not been explained clearly. Where do you want to go? You are not done calling my name yet."

"Yang Yufeng, what are you doing?" Lu Zhenghai walked out of the corner and glared at Yang Yufeng with a sullen face.

Yang Yufeng was immediately aggrieved, "What did I do? This little girl is not doing well. Every day, either this man or that man is looking for her. Just now, she openly hooked up with a man. I just said a few words to her, She doesn't listen to me, but she calls me by my name. I'm her mother-in-law. She doesn't respect me at all and calls me by name. I can't teach her a lesson. "

Facing Yang Yufeng's grievance, Lu Zhenghai's attitude was shockingly cold, "This is not the first time you pointed at her nose and scolded her for being unworthy of being a daughter-in-law. Since you don't regard her as your daughter-in-law, why should you let her treat you like a daughter-in-law?" As a mother-in-law?”


Yang Yufeng opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Zhenghai, "Yang Yufeng, do you think you are worthy of being a mother-in-law? The one on the left is splashing her hooves, and the one on the right is hugging others. Do you want my son to be laughed at, or are you Do you want your son and daughter-in-law to divorce? "

"That's what I said." According to her previous temper, Yang Yufeng would definitely have a fight with Lu Zhenghai, but now she doesn't dare. Lu Zhenghai hasn't forgiven her yet, so she doesn't dare to continue to have a fight with her.

“Xiao Xi, go back first.” Lu Zhenghai scolded him, turned around and called Ning Xi home with a smile.

 After Yang Yufeng left, Ning Xi introduced Lu Zhenghai and Chow Dafu and his son.

After returning home, Ning Xi went to the house first to get a new quilt and made a bed for Zhou Jin in the empty room. After making the bed, Ning Xi explained and went out, "Mr. Zhou, please help Master Zhou first." Change into shorts.”

Seeing Ning Xi coming out of the house, Lu Zhenghai stepped forward and said, "Xiao Xi, now no one comes to get the canned fruit except Lao Zhou. Should we also increase the commission?"

"Dad, I was just about to tell you about this..." Ning Xi told Lu Zhenghai their plan.

After listening, the sadness on Lu Zhenghai’s face finally dissipated. “Can those cans be stored for half a year?”

“Our canned goods can last for a year as long as they are not opened.”

“That’s it, I’ll inform the salesman and ask them to go to the town tomorrow to get dried fish and spicy strips.”

 (End of this chapter)

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