80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 110 There is a daughter-in-law on the kang, and there are buns in the pot (thanks to Mi Ya M

Gu Ye raised his head, his eyes were grateful, and he couldn't help grabbing Chu Qiao's hand, "Thank you, Qiaoqiao!"

"Oh...you let go!"

Chu Qiao blushed and struggled, but the guy held it so tightly that he couldn't break free, and his hands were still very hot, like red-hot charcoal, making her heart pound.


Gu Ye hurriedly retracted his hand and smiled shyly. The retracted hand even went around and scratched a few times around his head. It was stupid and foolish. Chu Qiao couldn't help but sighed and went to clean up the tableware. , Gu Ye moved faster and rushed to clean up.

"I'll wash the dishes."

Gu Ye piled the bowls and dishes together. Washing the dishes would easily hurt his hands, so he wouldn't let his wife do it.

Chu Qiao did not refuse. Housework should be shared by the two of them. In the future, she will let Dabao and Xiaobao do some appropriate housework as well. Children should not be spoiled, let alone do everything for them, otherwise the children They will feel that what adults do for them is their duty, and they enjoy it as a matter of course, and they do not understand gratitude, let alone filial piety.

She also slowly realized these truths after she was reborn. The old saying also said that raising children requires a lot of food and clothing, and sticks are indispensable. What she said couldn't be more correct. What kind of happy education is bullshit.

Children are happy, adults are depressed.

You should eat, drink, and fight, or you won't be able to do it.

While Gu Ye was washing the dishes, Chu Qiao pulled out mung beans and red beans from the refrigerator, as well as raisins and red dates. The mung beans and red beans were a bit wormy, so she had to pick out the good ones and soak them in water to cook porridge tomorrow morning.

Gu Ye came in with a clean bowl in his arms. Seeing Chu Qiao sitting at the table picking beans, he picked them very carefully, picking them one by one. He couldn't help feeling warm. It was obvious that the home was still decorated the same as usual, and the furniture had not changed. The incandescent lamp above the dining table has not changed, but with the addition of a woman, everything has changed.

That ordinary incandescent lamp, shining on Chu Qiao, was like wearing a beautiful scarf, which made the incandescent lamp different. It was a little more beautiful than other people's lamps, and the one was a little lame. The old square table with legs, with Chu Qiao sitting on the side, was of a higher grade than the antique Huanghuali table, and those beans that were held in the palm of Chu Qiao's hands also had worm eyes on them.

Gu Ye just held the bowl like this, staring blankly at Chu Qiao under the lamp, grinning, stupid, never experienced warmth overflowing his chest at this moment.

"There are buns in the pot, and there are women and babies in the pit. This is happiness!"

The words of the veterans echoed in his ears again, and now he finally realized that, although he hadn't been on the kang, even sitting at the table picking beans made Gu Ye extremely happy.

If you go to the kang... Gu Ye shivered, unspeakable stimulation flooded his body, his scalp was numb, like an electric shock, even his fingertips were shaking, Gu Ye was like a thief, blushing with shame, Chu Qiao glanced at her and saw that she was still concentrating on picking beans, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The shameful things he thought about just now were fortunately not known to Qiao Qiao, Gu Ye's heart beat faster, he quickly put the bowl in the cabinet, walked to the table, saw that most of the beans were broken, Chu Qiao was very picky. After struggling, he said, "Don't ask for these bad beans, I'll go buy some good ones tomorrow."

He was worried that his daughter-in-law would be distracted and distressed.

"What are you throwing it for, half of it can be eaten."

Chu Qiao picked out the remaining good beans, shook them a few times in the dustpan, and blew them. He raised his head and looked angrily, his eyes wandering, and his expression was slightly dissatisfied. It is not a good habit to waste food.

Half of Gu Ye's body was numb, he immediately realized his mistake, sat down and moved the remaining half-pot of beans in front of him, "I'll pick it up."

"Okay, don't throw away a little bit of worm eyes, only throw away the ones that are too bad."

Chu Qiao instructed that only a little bit of damage was still edible. She went to work in the fields when she was seven years old, planting rice seedlings, playing medicine, weeding and ploughing the fields by herself. Every grain of rice is grown by herself, so she knows better than anyone the meaning of hard work.

Wasting food is the most immoral bad habit.

"it is good!"

Gu Ye quickly retracted his hand,

He just picked it casually, and only a few good beans were picked out from a handful of beans, and the rest had to be thrown away. Chu Qiao said that, how dare he throw it away, he picked up the beans honestly, and Chu Qiao pursed his lips. He smiled and got ready to take a shower.

She brought a hot pot of hot water and a new bucket, and then brought a change of clothes, soap and shampoo, and went to the public bathroom. There are fewer people taking a bath now, and there will be more people later. There are separate bathrooms. If she couldn't get her turn, she could only wash in the large room outside. She was naked, and everyone could see each other. Chu Qiao felt embarrassed. She liked to keep her privacy in the shower.

In the past, the family building of the hospital was also such a public bathroom. Chu Qiao only had experience now, and took advantage of this time to take a bath early.

Sure enough, after Chu Qiao went to the bathroom, there was no one there. It was very clean, which was exactly what she wanted. After she left, Gu Ye, who was picking beans, suddenly got agitated, got up and rushed out. There were rogues in this building. Watching the woman take a bath, but no one catches it, it made people panic at the time. Later, the hooligan didn't dare to do anything again, and the matter died down.

Gu Ye heard people talk about it, but just remembered, if the hooligan peeked at his daughter-in-law taking a bath and frightened Qiaoqiao, he would not feel distressed. Gu Ye, who rushed to the door, came back, moved a stool, and hugged him again. After taking the basin and trash can, trotted to the women's bathroom, sat at the door and started picking beans.

He was standing guard at the door, if that rascal dared to come, he would kill that bastard!

Next to the women's bathroom is the men's bathroom. Several young men came to take a bath. Seeing Gu Ye sitting at the door like a bell, he couldn't help joking, "Senior Gu, you didn't go to the sales department, why are you looking at the door again?"

"I also looked at the door of the women's bathroom, haha!"

A few men laughed loudly, they had a good relationship with Gu Ye, they didn't have any malicious intent, they just thought it was funny.

"My daughter-in-law is taking a bath inside, and I will close the door for her, so that stinky hooligans will not make trouble. Forget it, you bachelors without a daughter-in-law can't understand!"

Gu Ye snorted impatiently, rolled his eyes with contempt, and continued to pick beans. Several young men gritted their teeth, wanting to smash the basin in their hands on this guy's face.

Don't you just marry a beautiful wife?

What's so good about it.

Tomorrow they marry a more beautiful one.

But the face of Chu Qiao appeared in front of him, and the few bachelors suddenly became hoarse. They went in to take a bath and calmed down. It was not difficult to marry a beautiful wife. Maybe she was more beautiful than Chu Qiao, but it was really difficult. swallow.

If they also married a daughter-in-law like a goddess, they would be even more embarrassed than Gu Ye, not to mention taking a bath, even if they went to the toilet, they would guard it. The stinky hooligans not only spy on the bathroom, but the women's toilet is also the hardest hit area, like the bandit Gu, The beauty is really aggrieved for following him.

While taking a shower, several men cursed Gu Ye in their hearts, and finally felt a little relieved.

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