Xiaobao's voice was milky, full of childishness and curiosity. The little guy really didn't understand, why didn't Uncle Gu and Auntie sleep in the same bed?

Even though my father and mother often quarrel, they both sleep in the same bed.

At this time, the lights were turned off, the room was dark, and Xiaobao's voice was particularly pleasant. Chu Qiao's face suddenly became hot, as if his heart was about to pop out, and he didn't know how Gu Ye would answer.

"I'm afraid you'll have nightmares at night, the stinky boy doesn't know what to do!"

Gu Ye slapped Xiaobao on the head angrily. He wanted to sleep with his daughter-in-law, but her daughter-in-law was not happy now. The stinky boy who can't open the pot and picks up the pot will poke his heart.

"I have a brother."

Xiaobao is very stubborn. He rarely has nightmares. Besides, with his brother here, he will not be afraid.

The little guy's idea is very real. Uncle Gu should sleep with his aunt in the same bed, otherwise the baby won't be born, and he can't delay Uncle Gu and the beautiful aunt to have a baby.


Dabao patted his younger brother hard, so much nonsense, he was too embarrassed to speak without seeing Uncle Gu, and he had no vision at all.


Xiaobao flattened his mouth, put his face on the pillow obediently, raised his buttocks, and lay on his stomach like a frog. This is his unique sleeping position. Every night, he sleeps in a frog-like position. Fortunately, he can fall asleep. .

Soon, Xiaobao let out a long breathing sound, and fell asleep when he said sleep, and Gu Ye was relieved, and let this stinky boy get to the bottom of it, he didn't know what to make up.

"Go to sleep!"

Gu Ye was a little guilty and didn't dare to look at Dabao. This kid is a ghost, and he can't be coaxed by Xiaobao.

Dabao pouted, too lazy to expose it, obviously he didn't get the pretty auntie, he couldn't even sleep in a bed, and Uncle Gu was too useless.

It didn't take long for the brothers to babble, sleep soundly, and grind their teeth from time to time. Chu Qiao thought to himself that the child's teeth grinding is because there are worms in his stomach, so he has to get some pagoda sugar for the brothers to eat.

Chu Qiao's brain was abnormally awake, and he couldn't fall asleep while lying on the bed. There were dark shadows moving around on the curtain. It was Gu Ye. He couldn't sleep either. The three cups of cold water were gone, but Gu Ye was still very hot, his whole body was on fire, and the fan didn't help.

Looking at the big treasure and the little treasure on the bed, Gu Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly. He was afraid that he would lose sleep tonight.

It’s just that there are more people next door, why is he so unsatisfactory, he needs to run an extra ten kilometers when he gets up tomorrow morning, after leaving Team B, he relaxes too much on his own requirements, and he can’t resist even a little temptation, it’s not good .

Chu Qiao, who was standing behind the curtain, looked at Gu Ye and lay down, then got up and lay down again. Gu Ye, who was tossing and turning over and over again, had a burning face on his face. She knew very well why Gu Ye did this, but she didn't. I felt panic, because Gu Ye's body was useless, he just thought about it, there was nothing to worry about.

Chu Qiao couldn't help feeling more sympathy for Gu Ye, but it's a shame to have such a disease in such a good time.

Thinking in a mess, I fell asleep unconsciously, and I slept soundly. I was woken up by the loud horn in the morning.

"Five-star red flag fluttering in the wind..."

The whole factory reverberated with high-spirited singing. At 7:30 in the morning, the speakers were playing on time, and we had to go to work at 8:30. The family building is now very lively, especially in the corridors. The voices of adults and children are booming.

Chu Qiao couldn't sleep anymore, so she stretched out and found that there was no one on the outside bed. After she washed up, Gu Ye came back with the two little ones, and they went for a morning run. Dabao and Xiaobao were exhausted. Tongue sticking out like a puppy.

"I'll make breakfast, you guys go take a shower."

Chu Qiao washed the beans soaked last night and put them into a steel pot to boil porridge. After the fire boiled, he slowly boiled it on a low fire. He went to the refrigerator to take out potatoes, carrots, and egg flour, ready to spread. Pie to eat.

There are a lot of housewives cooking in the corridor. Lucheng people's breakfast, nine times out of ten, is to make rice.

Coupled with rose fermented bean curd, buy a few fried dough sticks, soak it in boiling water in a hurry, eat it with dried radish, and deal with it in one breakfast.

Lucheng housewives seldom cook pasta, at most boil noodles, or wrap small wontons, wraps and other northern noodles, Lucheng people seldom do or know how to do it, and some even see it for the first time.

After Chu Qiao reconciled the noodles, he put them aside and woke up before cutting shredded potatoes and carrots. Carrots are nutritious, can improve eyesight, and have many vitamins. Children eat well, but many children don't like carrots. , Dabao and Xiaobao don't like to eat either. I found out last night that she added some carrots to the shredded pork, but the two children didn't eat a single one.

"Still cooking in the morning? How troublesome!"

Xuan Hongxia came over with a bowl of soaked rice. There was a quarter of fried dough sticks in the soaked rice, and some red fried bean curd in snow. The girl can't live, how can you eat such a hearty breakfast, don't you just deal with it casually?

Chu Qiao poured the oil and cut some shredded green peppers. She wanted to stir-fry shredded potatoes with vinegar and shredded carrots and shredded green peppers. The three colors of red, green and yellow were matched.

"The most important thing in the three meals is breakfast. There is a saying that you should eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a peasant, and eat less than beggars at night, so that you will be healthy. Sister Hongxia, you Eat less rice in the morning, and eat less pickles, which is not good for your stomach.”

Chu Qiao skillfully stir-fries the vegetables, and also advises Xuan Hongxia to eat less soaked rice. Eating it every day is definitely not good for the stomach, and it is also not nutritious.

"I'm in good health. I can easily lift 50 to 60 kilograms of workpieces. I've been eating rice for decades. I've never had a problem with my body since I was a kid."

Xuan Hongxia ate a big mouthful of soaked rice and disagreed with Chu Qiao's words. The ancestors have eaten like this for generations, why is it bad?

Her grandmother is now ninety-five. She has eaten rice and pickled vegetables all her life. She is in good health.

Chu Qiao smiled and didn't persuade any more. People today have no concept of health preservation, and they won't listen to them. She can't control others, she can only manage herself and the people around her.

After frying the shredded potatoes with vinegar and scallion, the fragrant taste attracts many people. Almost every family eats rice in the morning, but suddenly there is a different smell of fireworks. Everyone is trying to find out who it is. Make delicious food in the morning.

"Xiao Chu, do you still make dumplings in the morning?"

Another person came over and saw the dough that was awake, and thought she was going to make dumplings, so she couldn't help shaking her head secretly. In the morning, the army was in chaos. Breakfast can save trouble. It's a lot of trouble to make dumplings, and it's a waste of time. Chief Gu's beautiful daughter-in-law lives. Not so good.

It's no wonder that she looks so beautiful, and she must be inferior to housework.

The eyes of several housewives became contemptuous. They were always jealous of Chu Qiao's beauty, but now seeing her living a messy life, she felt a lot better. Section Chief Gu was just married now, and she was fresh, and she must have regarded the beautiful daughter-in-law as a beautiful daughter-in-law. Bao, hum, you can't live without beauty, chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, these are life.

Watch it, when the freshness wears off, Section Chief Gu and this beautiful wife will definitely be jumping up and down, life is going to be a mess, and they will just wait to see a good show.

Chu Qiao felt the disdain of these women, and neatly rolled the dough, "No, make dough."

"Making pasta in the morning? You're really busy." The expressions of the women who wanted to see jokes were not very good. Looking at Chu Qiao's neat posture, they didn't look like people who didn't do housework. Could they be wrong? already?

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