"You guys are generous. Your family has already made meat, so why don't you feed your children? Hmph, if you stand talking and don't have a backache, you will be generous in your mouth!"

Xuan Hongxia couldn't listen anymore, so she stood up and scolded her fiercely. Several women immediately fell silent and went about their own jobs.

"It's amazing to talk behind your back. If you have the ability to say it face to face, and let me hear the chirping, the old lady has lifted her stove!"

Xuan Hongxia was cooking, and after she finished cursing, she tapped the handle of the pot with a spatula, and there was a loud bang. The women who had been talking the loudest just now shook all together, regretting so much, worried that the tigress would really be true. Will lift her home stove.

Shocked by this group of long-tongued women, Xuan Hongxia snorted coldly and continued cooking, but Chu Qiao was covered by her. These people dared to discuss her sister's right and wrong in front of her, obviously they didn't pay attention to her. Here, a bunch of scolded girls!

Besides, Xuan Hongxia doesn't think that Chu Qiao has done something wrong. She doesn't like Gu Jianshe at all, and thinks that this guy is very hypocritical, but he doesn't do anything, unlike Gu Ye, who is hot-tempered. However, she is loyal and can raise her brother's children as her own children. Based on this alone, Xuan Hongxia thinks that Gu Ye has a better character than Gu Jianshe.

She also doesn't like Gu Wen. When Gu Jianshe's wife died, Gu Wen also lived in the factory, right next door to her house. She made delicious food, and Gu Wen always came to beg for food. , the more times, Xuan Hongxia will be annoyed.

This child is too uneducated. Like Dabao and Xiaobao, although they are greedy, they never ask for food. Even if she offers to give it, these two children still have to ask Gu Ye. Good or bad, you can see it at a glance.

Xuan Hongxia finished cooking, and just as the family sat down to eat, Da Bao came in with a bowl of soup and said with a smile, "My aunt asked me to bring it over."

"Just eat it yourself, don't take it next time!"

Xuan Hongxia took the soup and sniffed it hard. The fragrance made her greedy. No wonder Gu Wen's child was going to make trouble, and Chu Qiao's food was too fragrant.

"Tell my aunt to go!"

Dabao ran very fast and disappeared soon. Xuan Hongxia smiled and put a large bowl of soup in the middle of the table. Just as she put it down, her husband and children stretched out their chopsticks to hold the pork belly. The pork belly was stewed to a crisp. Rotten and melted when chewed, as did the chicken.

"It's delicious, Mom, you can make this too."

Shou Hongbin drank a bowl of soup and kept smacking his mouth. He didn't drink enough. He could finish such a big bowl of soup by himself.

"Okay, Mom will ask you Aunt Chu tomorrow to see how this is done."

Xuan Hongxia agreed. The family's economy is relatively well-off now, and she doesn't want to lose her child's mouth. Pork belly and chicken are not expensive ingredients, and her family can afford it.

In the next room, Gu Wen's crying continued. He was sitting on the ground alone, choking and shedding tears. Gu Jianshe sat sulking. The room was a mess, the blankets on the bed were not folded, and the clothes, pants and socks were scattered on the bed. , the floor is also very dirty, a layer of ash has fallen on the table and cabinet, and the windowsill is also dirty and messy, and there is no human taste.

Gu Ye's house next door, but the windows are clean and spotless, and everything is neatly arranged. The family of four sits around the table. The dim yellow light of the incandescent lamp, like a veil, shrouds the four people's bodies, showing home everywhere. The taste is warm and sweet.

"Auntie, Gu Wen is still crying." Little Treasure listened to it for a while, then shouted, slapped on the head, and Da Bao reprimanded: "It's none of your business for him to cry, eat your food!"


Xiaobao is very good. He lowered his head and drank the soup. The delicious soup made him squint his eyes. It was so delicious. He had never had such fresh soup before.

"Auntie, it's delicious."

After Xiaobao drank a bowl of soup, he also ate pork belly and chicken. The little guy was flattering. He remembered the beautiful aunt's words. As long as he listened to his aunt's words, he would have delicious food every day.

He must be obedient, even more obedient than his brother, and be the most obedient baby of the beautiful aunt.

Chu Qiao smiled, filled Xiaobao with more soup, and added a lot of pork belly and chicken, and said softly: "Drink more if it's good.

Eat less rice, I will make glutinous rice and pork belly for you tomorrow. "

Gu Ye, who was concentrating on drinking the soup, lit up when he heard the glutinous rice. He liked glutinous rice the most. Did Qiaoqiao make it for him?

Gu Ye's heart was itching, and he looked at Chu Qiao from time to time. He looked at the beautiful woman under the lamp.

Dabao leaned into his brother's ear and began to learn idioms again, "The fascination I taught you yesterday is just what Uncle Gu is like now."

"got it."

Xiaobao nodded his head and silently remembered.

Uncle Gu = Fascinated.


"Brother, wasn't it a daydream last time?"

Five-year-old Xiaobao is a little stunned. Is Uncle Gu daydreaming, or is he fascinated?

"Daydreaming during the day, fascinated at night." Dabao quickly thought of the perfect explanation, and secretly praised his wit.

Xiaobao suddenly realized that he finally understood that Uncle Gu during the day was dreaming during the day, and Uncle Gu was fascinated at night.

He knew that Uncle Gu was awake every day.

Gu Wen in the next room cried less, followed by the sound of the door closing. Gu Jianshe, who had a splitting headache from crying, had to take his son out to eat, otherwise he would not think about peace all night.

Chu Qiao heard the door closing and sneered secretly, Gu Wen is now eight years old, if Gu Jianshe is not well educated, this little beast will definitely be a rude and rude bandit when he grows up, she is waiting to take care of Gu Jianshe who will suffer the consequences one day.

"In the future, Gu Wen asks you what you want to eat, you are not allowed to give it, remember!" Chu Qiao urged the brothers.

Dabao nodded vigorously, "No!"

Gu Wen's guy never gave him and his younger brother food, and even robbed them of their food, so he wouldn't give it to this guy.

Xiaobao nodded ignorantly, but he followed his brother anyway.

Chu Qiao smiled with satisfaction, and then said to Gu Ye, "I don't like Gu Jianshe and his son, and I won't be polite to them in the future."

She doesn't care about face, even in front of Mr. Gu, she doesn't want to do face-saving work with Gu Jianshe. These words must be made clear with Gu Ye first.

"I don't like it either. You're welcome. If Gu Jianshe is disrespectful to you, just tell me and I'll teach him a lesson!" Gu Ye grinned very happily. consistent.

This shows that Qiaoqiao is indeed a tailor-made daughter-in-law for him, and every point is in harmony with him.

Chu Qiao pursed his lips and smiled, compared his small fists, pretended to be fierce, and said, "If he dares to be disrespectful, I will beat him!"

"Okay, beat him up!"

Gu Ye looked at her deeply, his eyes were burning, this look of teeth and claws was fierce, how could he be so cute?

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