"This lesbian...ahem...are you Comrade Gu's lover?"

Mao Laolai asked with concern, bending down even lower and looking even older, pitiful and humble.

"Ahem...old comrade...ahem...I'm his lover...ahem...I know you're having a hard time...ahem...reasoning, I shouldn't force you like this...ahem..."

Chu Qiao's cough was much worse than that of Mao Laolai. He coughed a few times in half a sentence and said one sentence for several minutes. Mao Laolai secretly gritted his teeth and was so angry that this woman actually used his tricks against him. She was so cunning.

"Old man Mao, please stop asking. I've never seen lesbians who are so sick that they can't breathe. If you still have some conscience, please pay back the money quickly!" Someone shouted loudly to defend Chu Qiao.

Others also echoed, "Old man Mao, you have borrowed so much money, how long do you want to pay back the debt? I see that people can't even afford medicine, and the children are so hungry that they are skin and bones. You Did your conscience get eaten by a dog?”

"Stop pretending to be sick. You kicked the two kids with great strength just now. You were in high spirits. This lesbian is really sick. She can't even speak. Don't you feel a little ashamed just looking at her?"

The crowd spoke one after another, all blaming Laolai Mao. The three of them were really pitiful, Lang Lang Qiankun, how could they be so miserable?

Old Man Mao is such a jerk!

They don't bother to be neighbors with such people!

"Thank you...thank you everyone...cough cough cough cough..."

Chu Qiao bowed to the crowd to thank her, but she almost fell down after just bowing. Gu Ye, who finally came to his senses, rushed over to support him and asked anxiously: "Qiao Qiao, what's wrong with you?"

He somewhat guessed Chu Qiao's intention, but Chu Qiao and the two children acted so realistically that Gu Ye even believed it. He thought Chu Qiao was really seriously ill, and his face was full of anxiety, which made everyone believe it even more. They all stared at Mao Laolai angrily.

It's all this old guy's fault, he's worse than a beast!

"I'm fine...cough cough cough...husband...how much do you want...cough cough..."

Chu Qiao's face was yellow and haggard, but her eyes were still bright, looking at Gu Ye with hope.

Gu Ye shook his head in shame, feeling very uncomfortable. He was so useless.

Chu Qiao's bright eyes dimmed all of a sudden, and the people around him couldn't help but sigh. They felt more sympathy for Chu Qiao, and naturally hated Mao Laolai even more.

"It's okay...cough cough...old comrade may be in trouble...cough cough cough...let's not be in a hurry..."

Chu Qiao comforted her softly, but her eyes were no longer brighter, which made everyone even more sad and their eyes turned red again.

What a good woman, she is still comforting her husband at this time. Such a good woman should not be let down by this world!

"Old man Mao, you are really nothing. Why don't you pay back the money?" Someone with a short temper rushed to Mao Laolai angrily and helped Gu Ye to pay the bill.

"Pay me back, you conscienceless old guy. You live in such a big house, and you buy fish and shrimp every now and then. I saw you buying big prawns a few days ago. Each one is as long as my hand. How can you not?" money?"

"Yesterday, his wife also bought hairy crabs. Oh, there are four or two of them each. They are bigger than my hand. Such big crabs are not cheap. Old Man Mao is rich!"

"You really have lost your conscience. If you have money, you will refuse to pay it back. Such people are not afraid of retribution!"

Enthusiastic people made accusations one after another, and even cited a lot of evidence that Mr. Mao was rich. He ate fish, shrimps, and hairy crabs. He had the most lavish meals in the alley. How could he have no money?

Chu Qiao secretly laughed. Being miserable is indeed the best way to win sympathy. People sympathize with the weak. In her previous life, it was much more difficult for her to get into debt, and no one helped her. She ran away more than a dozen times, and was later forced to live in Mao. Lao Lai burst into tears at the door of her house, because in her previous life she wanted to prove that she was not a useless person who only knew how to spend money, and secretly made up her mind to get the money back.

But she asked for it more than a dozen times to no avail. Thinking of being laughed at by Gu Jianshe and her mother-in-law when she returned home, and thinking of her own incompetence, Chu Qiao in her previous life felt sad. She sat at the door of the yard and cried sadly, which attracted many people. Few people watched.

Maybe she cried too sadly, but many people actually spoke for her. Laolai Mao's son happened to be at home. This son was not a good person, but he valued his reputation very much. He was worried that public opinion would affect his promotion, so he let him Dad paid back the money.

Combining the lessons from his previous life, Chu Qiao understood that there was only one way to deal with people like Mao Laolai——

Selling the most pitiful misfortune, leaving Lao Mao with no misfortune to sell!

That's why she arranged today's show, and as she expected, the crowd all supported her and scolded her even more harshly than in the previous life.

It's a pity that Laolai Mao's son is not at home today, otherwise the effect would be better, but there is no rush, she will continue tomorrow.

"Ah... I was really wronged... If I had the money, how could I not pay it back? I was wronged..."

Mao Laolai shouted that he was wronged, and even sat on the ground and beat his chest, looking pitiful. The crowd could no longer scold him, and the atmosphere was stagnant for a while. Mao Laolai was secretly proud, and from the corner of his eye he saw Gu Ye wearing a new shirt, and he thought about it. Howling loudly: "I really have no money. I haven't made new clothes in more than ten years. These shabby clothes are still made when I was young... Ahem... If my broken body didn't need nutrition, I would like to eat pickles every day. Tofu...ahem..."

He deliberately emphasized the word "new clothes". The crowd quickly noticed the new shirt on Gu Ye, and their eyes became suspicious. They couldn't even eat, but they still had money to make new clothes?

You're not pretending to be pitiful on purpose, are you?

Gu Ye's mind was spinning very fast and he immediately said: "This is the only new clothes in the whole family. My wife said that when you go out, the appearance must be bright and you can't fake the brand. My wife saved her money and made it for me. I only wear these new clothes when I go out. Old man Mao, look at the clothes of my wife and children. They are all in tatters. How dare you not pay back the money?"

Chu Qiao nodded secretly. Gu Ye cooperated very well. She coughed a few times and said weakly: "Husband... you are the backbone of our family. You can't lose your appearance... ahem..."

The crowd couldn't help but nod. What a virtuous woman. She would rather wear a beggar's uniform than support her husband. They must help such a good woman.

"Old man Mao, why don't you pay back the money? Don't talk nonsense. If you don't have money, let your son come out. You will disgrace our alley. If word spreads, others will think that all the people in our alley are robbers." What a scoundrel!"

The enthusiastic people were so indignant that they asked Chu Qiao for money one after another without even asking her.

Laolai Mao's face turned purple, and he hated her so much. He had been cheating for decades, and he suffered a bad loss today. This woman was so pretending to be half-dead. No matter what he said, it was wrong.

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