Chu Yuanzhi and Gu Ye went to work. Chu Qiao winked at Gu Ye and whispered: "Don't go to Mao Laolai's place within three days, don't forget it!"

Gu Ye actually regretted it a little. He was not worried that Chu Qiao wouldn't get the money, but that she would be angry with Mao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lai.

"Then don't be angry if the old man doesn't pay back the money, and don't argue with him. How about I go with you?"

Gu Ye didn't feel at ease no matter what he thought. He was afraid that his wife would suffer, so it would be safer to follow him.

"No, you go to your class. I'm not made of tofu. How can I be so squeamish? Don't forget, I'm stronger than you!"

Chu Qiao glared and pushed the worried Gu Ye out.

Chu Peng watched from the sidelines. In fact, he was also curious about whether the stupid sister could get the money. He would follow him later to see.

"Auntie, do you still want to go today?"

Seeing Chu Qiao changing into old clothes, Dabao immediately ran over with a look of eagerness on his face. He would definitely perform better than his younger brother today.

"I will go alone today. You will do your summer homework at home and supervise Xiaobao's writing of large characters."

Chu Qiao patted Dabao's head gently and went to mix the paint. She didn't plan to take the children there today. Dabao and Xiaobao would only have trouble once. Children should not be allowed to get involved in this kind of thing too much, as it would affect the three children. It's okay to watch once in a while.

"Auntie, I'm almost done with my homework. I'll definitely finish it before school starts."

Dabao was very disappointed, he still wanted to perform well today.

"Debts are an adult's business. You are still young and your main task is to study. Don't worry about other things. Go and do your homework. Be good!"

Chu Qiao patted Dabao's head again, her voice soft and soft, but her tone was firm. Although Dabao was not convinced, he still did his homework obediently.

After painting her face yellow, Chu Qiao looked in the mirror again and again. She looked even more haggard than yesterday. She messed up her hair and applied some gray paint on her lips. This haggard and sick face looked like There are only a few days left to live.

"I'm going out. I'll be back to make lunch. Be good at home!"

Chu Qiao said goodbye to the two children, but Chu Peng ignored her. Brother Gou was such an old man that she didn't need to worry about him.

"Goodbye, aunt!"

Dabao and Xiaobao waved their hands obediently. After Chu Qiao left, Chu Peng also stood up. He wanted to see how the stupid sister wanted to get money. Yesterday, the child was sold miserably. What would the stupid sister do today?

"Goodbye, Uncle Xiaopeng!" Xiaobao said loudly.


Chu Peng smiled slightly and gently touched Xiaobao's round head. Although he didn't like children, Xiaobao was well-behaved and sensible, and he was very popular. Although Dabao was also sensible, he had too many clever ideas, and The child spoke very carefully.

Chu Qiao didn't know that she was being followed by the dog brother. After being delayed for more than half an hour on the road, she arrived at the alley where Mao Laolai lived. Today she came a little earlier, the sun was not so strong yet, and there were many adults chatting in the shade. Seeing Chu Qiao in ragged clothes, someone recognized her.

"It's the poor woman who came here yesterday to ask for money. Why did she come alone?"

"Old man Mao said yesterday that he would pay back the money today. This poor woman must be here to collect the money. Let's go and have a look!"

"Oh, this woman can't even walk, she's a sinner!"

Soon, many people followed Chu Qiao, including warm-hearted aunts, who wanted to help Chu Qiao, but they were afraid that Chu Qiao had an infectious disease. The cough was so severe, but it was not tuberculosis.

In the end, no one helped her, but just followed her from a distance, watching Chu Qiao staggering towards Mao's house. This miserable and pitiful look made everyone sympathize with her even more.

Chu Qiao didn't dare to walk too fast. She walked slowly to the door of Mao's courtyard and banged the door hard. After a long time, an old woman with a sinister face came to open the door. When she saw her, she was about to close the door. Chu Qiao immediately squeezed in. When I went in, most of my body was stuck in the crack of the door.

"Master Mao is at home...ahem...he promised me to pay back the money yesterday...ahem..."

Chu Qiao coughed hoarsely and even coughed into the old woman's face. The spittle splashed onto the old woman's face.

" tuber is so unlucky, don't pass it on to me!"

The old woman was so frightened that she backed away and wiped her face hard with her sleeves. She felt that her body was covered with bacteria and she yelled at Chu Qiao.

"I'm not tuberculosis... Ahem... Auntie, I don't have a few days to live... Ahem... Please, let Master Mao pay back the money. Only if he pays back the money can my husband's job be saved. Ahem... , otherwise he will be fired from the factory...ahem...he loses his job, what will happen to my two children...ahem..."

Chu Qiao spoke intermittently for a long time, coughed heartbreakingly, and pulled hard on the old woman's clothes, pleading with her pitiful look, which made the onlookers filled with indignation and anger.

"Your Master Mao promised to pay back the money yesterday, and we all heard it!"

"Yes, he said it in front of all of us. Grandma Mao, you weighed the tenderloins this morning, right? You have money to buy meat, but no money to pay off debts? Look at how pitiful this lesbian is, how can you live with your conscience?"

Everyone criticized and couldn't stand the face of the old man from the Mao family. Chu Qiao was really miserable, which inspired their sympathy for the weak.

There were more and more accusations. They were all from the neighbors. Even the street office came forward. Mao Laolai, who was hiding in the house and didn't want to come out, started to see more and more something was wrong. The trouble was too big. It was a critical time for his son to be promoted. , if some bad reputation spreads, it will affect his son's career.

Damn women are more difficult to deal with than leeches, Old Lai Mao spat, bent over, hunched his back, and walked out tremblingly.

"I'm sorry...ahem...I'm sorry for you, I couldn't borrow the money...How many more days can you wait for me? I will definitely pay back the money, ahem!"

As soon as Lao Lai Mao came out, he cried out to Chu Qiao. The tears came as soon as he asked. He just rubbed ginger juice on the palm of his hand and his eyes shed tears as soon as he wiped them. As a professional Lao Lai who has been working hard for decades, Lao Lai Mao knew very well. How to create a miserable atmosphere.

He looked pitiful and old, and cried so sadly that the neighbors couldn't bear it.

Chu Qiao had a very sensitive sense of smell. She could smell the smell of ginger on the old man's hands from afar. She sneered secretly and immediately took out a hemp rope from her bag. Humph, she had also prepared props.

Mao Laolai was so frightened by the hemp rope that he had to hold back his tears. What is this woman going to do?

"Master Mao... I really have no choice... If you don't pay back the money, my husband can't keep his job... Ahem... If his job is gone, my children will starve... Ahem, cough, cough, the doctor said that I I don’t have many days to live, Master Mao, I’m sorry!”

Chu Qiao staggered to the camphor tree in the yard, chose a thick branch, hung the hemp rope upwards, tied a knot, pulled again, and tied her neck in the knot.

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