Three days had passed since Zhao Qian returned to the capital. There was no news from there, but there was no bad news either. Chu Qiao went to work in the dance hall at night and studied Gushen prescription at home during the day.

The process of Gushen Recipe is also quite complicated. Chu Qiao bought a lot of medicinal materials and experimented with them, but they all failed. However, she was not discouraged and took her time.

Anyway, it wasn't Gu Ye who was suffering from functional impairment, so she wasn't in a hurry.

That day, Dabao was picked up from school. Dabao was sweeping the floor on duty. Chu Qiao found Teacher He and was almost worried. She had to give He Jing some correct words.

"Teacher He, let's go over there and talk."

Chu Qiao pointed to the big tree. There was no one and it was very quiet. Teacher He felt happy and followed him. Chu Qiao got straight to the point and said: "There is news about that house. My husband went to find Factory Manager Jin, who is in charge." Your husband must know the deputy director of the house. Director Jin refused at first, saying that you and your wife are not dual-employed and are not qualified. My husband pestered me hard for a long time, and even invited Director Jin to dinner, and then he let go. I said, I can give you a private room, what do you think?"

He Jing was overjoyed and said repeatedly: "Thank you so much. I am very content with having a single room. I really don't know what to say. Thank you so much to you and Section Chief Gu. Director Jin always looks after Section Chief Gu's face." , I know everything, thank you very much..."

Surprised, He Jing was a little incoherent. She and her husband had been dating for several years, but they couldn't find a way out. Section Chief Gu only went to Factory Director Jin a few times before relenting. Obviously, Section Chief Gu was very popular in the factory. She must Build a good relationship with Chu Qiao.

Chu Qiao patted her hand gently and said, "You're welcome, you are Teacher Shengli. I should help you a little. Shengli has to trouble you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely follow Victory. This child is very smart and his grades will definitely improve. You and Section Chief Gu can rest assured, just leave it to me." Teacher He made a promise.

From now on, she will care for classmate Zhou Shengli in an all-round way. She must improve her grades, otherwise how can she be worthy of that house?

Dabao, who was sweeping the floor in the classroom, sneezed suddenly and felt a chill on his back. Who was talking about him?

Chu Qiao was also relieved. Teacher He was pretty good. At least he knew how to return favors, which would be easy to handle.

"One more thing. Factory Director Jin has indeed relaxed his attitude, but you two still have to come and buy some gifts. After all, he is the leader, so you have to give him some respect. My husband said, Director Jin If you like drinking, you can just buy a few bottles of decent wine. This will make the gold factory manager look good and he will be happy." Chu Qiao explained.

Teacher He couldn't help but nodded, "That's right. I'll discuss this with my husband when I get back. I won't hide it from you. In the past, I wanted to ask Factory Manager Jin to give gifts, but they didn't accept the things I brought to their doorsteps."

Although Director Jin is greedy for money, he doesn't accept all gifts from everyone. Small people like her and her husband will return the gifts if they are delivered to their door. People like Section Chief Gu can get it done with just one sentence. This is Pai Nian. ah.

Chu Qiao could understand her sadness and comforted her: "Don't worry, my husband and Factory Manager Jin have agreed this time. It's just a formality and we will split the house next spring."

"Hey, thank you!" Teacher He was grateful, and he already regarded Chu Qiao as a key target of flattery.

There is also classmate Dabao. She plans to move Dabao to the front row tomorrow, the best seat in the class, and stare at him eight hours a day.

Dabao, who had already swept the floor, came out with his schoolbag on his back. He shivered again and his back became even colder. He couldn't help but look at the sky suspiciously. The sun hadn't set yet. Why was there a cold wind?


Dabao called from afar, ran over happily, and called again: "Teacher He."


Teacher He gently stroked Dabao's head kindly. His eyes were sweeter than candy. Dabao felt even colder. He had never felt that Teacher He was so kind before.

"Goodbye teacher!" Chu Qiao took Dabao's hand.

Dabao waved his hand, "Goodbye, Teacher He!"

"Goodbye, be careful on the road!" Teacher He warned earnestly, watching Chu Qiao and the others go away, and then returned to the office with a relaxed pace.

When I get home, I tell my husband the good news, buy high-end wine, give gifts to Factory Director Jin, and tell the landlord that their lease will not be renewed until next spring. Well, they have their own house.

The next day, Chu Qiao went to pick up Dabao from school. The child had a bitter look on his face and looked very unhappy.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Chu Qiao asked with concern.

Dabao shook his head and was silent for a long time before explaining the reason, "Auntie, can you tell Teacher He not to move me to the first row? I think the second row is pretty good."

Sitting in the front row, even if he deserted, the teacher would notice him. Every time he wanted to do something small, Teacher He's kind and stern eyes would follow him closely, making his scalp numb and he would no longer dare to do small things.

This feeling is so uncomfortable. Dabao now misses the days when he used to sit in the last row. He could sleep whenever he wanted and do whatever he wanted. How free he was.

Chu Qiao found it funny. Teacher He's movements were quite fast and he immediately reciprocated the favor.

"Why is it so bad to be in the first row? You can see the blackboard more clearly, and you can also hear what the teacher is saying clearly. How good it is." Chu Qiao said deliberately. She had also been a student, so of course she knew what it was like to be in the first row, but Dabao was If a child is too playful, he must be placed in the front row so that the teacher can focus on him.

"Of course it's not good, the teacher knows what you want to do!" Dabao blurted out, and saw his dear aunt looking at him caringly, "What do you want to do in class?"

Dabao's scalp felt numb and he quickly shook his head, "No, I don't do any tricks in class. If you don't believe me, ask Teacher He."

Chu Qiao smiled and said, "That's good. Does Dabao still want to change seats?"

"I don't want to think about it anymore, the first row is pretty good."

Dabao forced out a bright smile, but his heart was as bitter as coptis.

"So good!"

Chu Qiao touched the child's head and felt extremely happy, but she would not allow Dabao to be lazy. Elementary school was also very important, so he should study hard and not let it go to waste.

"Where is Gu Wen sitting?" Chu Qiao was very concerned about this bastard's seat.

The throne in the first row was occupied by Dabao. Where was Gu Wen arranged to go?

"Second row, my old seat."

Dabao was happy again. He thought the first row was pretty good, because after changing seats, Gu Wen had a dark face all day and glared at him several times. He was happy when the boy was unhappy.

Chu Qiao was also very happy. Teacher He was really good. It was okay to be snobbish, as long as the object of the snobbery was not her family's eldest son. In the future, she would get closer to Teacher He and try to make Gu Wen become a little kid in the class. transparent.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with being an adult and arguing with an eight-year-old child. This little beast was one of the murderers who killed her in her previous life.

You ungrateful beast, in this life, she will start suppressing you from an early age, hum!

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