After getting off work, Gu Jianshe went back to his parents' house for dinner. He took a look at his two sons and saw his eldest son, who was dejected and unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Jianshe touched his son's forehead and found no fever.

Gu Wen's eyes turned red and he complained aggrievedly, "Teacher He changed my seat to Zhou Shengli."

He wouldn't be angry with anyone else, but Zhou Shengli couldn't do it. Why should this bastard steal his seat?

Gu Jianshe frowned. What did Teacher He do? Didn't he let Xiao Wen sit in the first row as promised when school started? His buttocks were not yet hot, so he changed his son and asked Zhou to sit in the front row. Sitting in victory, Teacher He has lost his mind?

"Where are you sitting now?"

Gu Wen sobbed and replied, "Sit in the second row, where Zhou Shengli's seat was."

Gu Jianshe frowned even more. He remembered that Zhou Shengli used to sit in the last row. Why was he in the second row? What was this Teacher He doing?

Do the couple still want to divide the house?

Of course Gu Jianshe knew very well why Teacher He was fawning over him, for the sake of the house, but he didn't want to help, but he could hang on. When his son graduated from elementary school, Teacher He would no longer have to deal with him.

But now that he is only in the second grade, Teacher He has fallen out. Gu Jianshe is very angry. Tomorrow he will have a good talk with Accountant Xu and put a little more pressure on him. Hey, if he wants to get a house, he should teach his son well, otherwise he will never get it in his life. house.

But Gu Jianshe couldn't understand why Teacher He was fawning over Gu Ye.

Doesn't she know that Gu Ye is just a small section chief?

"How is Mr. He treating Zhou Shengli recently?" Gu Jian asked.

"Well, I always ask him to answer questions in class, and I always praise him. Teacher He used to ask me to answer questions. Dad, does Teacher He not like me anymore?" Gu Wen asked aggrievedly.

A child doesn't understand the adult world. He only knows that he is Teacher He's favorite student. He used to be Teacher He's favorite, but now he has become the old treasure. This psychological gap makes Gu Wen feel very aggrieved.

"No, you must be Teacher He's favorite. Dad will solve it tomorrow."

Gu Jianshe comforted his son, and Gu Wen immediately broke down in tears and laughed. He believed that his father would definitely be able to sit in the front row again tomorrow. Hum, Zhou Shengli couldn't take his seat. He would always be Teacher He's favorite. student.

Two days later, Gu Wen came home crying. His eyes were swollen from crying. Gu Jianshe looked very sad. What happened?

"Dad, my team leader is gone and has become Zhou Shengli."

Gu Wen was crying so hard that he was out of breath. He had not yet recovered from the blow. In the afternoon, Teacher He announced that he had removed his group leader and replaced him with Zhou Shengli. He also promoted another classmate to be the group leader. He is now even All the high-ranking officials were gone, and they became ordinary people.

Gu Jianshe frowned, and his heart was filled with anger. This Teacher He didn't even have to drink alcohol for a toast. He and Accountant Xu had already warned him, but he still dared to target his son?

Don’t want to hang out in a machine tool factory?

The next day, Gu Jianshe went to pick up his son from school in person. He had to talk to Teacher He. He saw Chu Qiao at the school gate. His eyes were a little dazzled. This woman seemed to be more beautiful than before. He knew that this woman was not a good person, but He still couldn't look away.

Chu Qiao felt this guy's gaze, glared coldly, and walked faster.

Gu Jianshe was even more angry. He just looked at her a few times. Why did he pull her?

He wanted to see what kind of ecstasy drug this woman had given Teacher He, and she dared to offend him at the risk of losing her husband's job.

Dabao and Gu Wen didn't come out. The other students had almost left. The school gate was deserted. Chu Qiao was a little worried, so she went into the school to look for someone. Gu Jianshe also went in.

A female classmate was running out of breath. When she saw Chu Qiao, she shouted: "Auntie, Zhou Shengli got into a fight. Teacher He asked me to call you to the office!"

Chu Qiao comes to pick up Dabao every day. All her classmates know her and are particularly envious of Dabao because he has such a beautiful aunt, who is much prettier than their mother.

"thank you!"

Chu Qiao felt nervous and ran towards the office. She was worried that Dabao would be injured and would call his parents. The situation must be serious.

Gu Jianshe sneered from behind. Adou, who couldn't help him, and Zhou Dabao were just a scoundrel with bad habits, so Gu Ye, that idiot, was his treasure.

The female classmate looked at him suspiciously and asked tentatively, "Uncle, are you Gu Wen's father?"

Gu Jianshe didn’t come to school many times, so the female classmates didn’t dare to confirm. Gu Jianshe straightened his back, nodded reservedly, and asked with what he thought was a kind and friendly smile: “I am Gu Wen’s father, and you are Gu Wen’s classmate. ?"

He is in a good mood now. Adou, the little scoundrel Zhou Dabao, is fighting and causing trouble and cannot be helped. After a while, he will definitely ridicule a few words and have a good talk with Teacher He to let her know who should pay more attention to. It is his son. Gu Wen is not the little scoundrel Zhou Dabao.

"Gu Wen had a fight and his hands were bleeding." The female classmate said exaggeratedly.

The smile on Gu Jianshe's face immediately froze, and he ran away, forgetting to even say thank you. The female classmate flattened her mouth and muttered unhappily, "It's so rude, the beautiful aunt said thank you, she is just as annoying as Gu Wen." "

Gu Wen's popularity in the class is very poor. He always seems to think highly of himself. He is not good at hygiene and polite to his classmates. All the classmates in the class don't like him.

When she was approaching the office, Chu Qiao stopped, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and then walked slowly towards the office. The door was open, and from a distance, she saw Dabao standing stubbornly against the wall, his head It was so high, and there was the pitiful cry of a child.

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Dabao had won the battle and was not injured. She asked him what the reason was. If Dabao made the first move, he would go home and ask Gu Ye to teach the child a lesson and then apologize to the other parent.

But if the other party is the first to provoke, Chu Qiao is not going to criticize Dabao. Whoever lets the other party commit the first act deserves to be beaten.

"Teacher Ho!"

Chu Qiao called out at the door. As soon as she raised her feet, before she could enter the door, she was knocked open with such force that half of her arms were numb.

"Teacher He, how is Xiaowen? Is he seriously injured?"

Gu Jianshe pushed Chu Qiao away and rushed into the office. When he saw his son crying like a cat with a painted face, his left index finger was wrapped in a handkerchief like a carrot. He looked very serious. His heart suddenly tightened and he shouted anxiously. Asked: "What happened to Xiao Wenshou? Who hit him?"

Teacher He had a severe headache. Gu Wen cried and howled for a long time. It was like a thunderclap. She didn't stop after coaxing him for a long time. Now Gu Wen's father was also like a thunderclap. Her head hurt even more when she was startled.

"Dad Gu Wen, please calm down first. Student Gu Wen just scratched a little skin on his finger. I have disinfected it with iodine. It's not a big problem." Teacher He reassured.

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