80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 223: Put on your little shoes in front of you

"Your grandpa is too cruel to do such a cruel thing. You are the only one who cares about your family and grandchildren, and you have no human feelings at all!"

Zhu Yuzhen applied medicine to her son and complained from time to time.

"do not talk."

Gu Jianshe endured the pain and stopped his mother. In fact, he complained more about his mother. She was just a pig. It was great that she took the responsibility for him. However, Chu Qiao coaxed him with a few words. If possible, he really wanted to change his mother.

"It's nothing at home. The old man can't hear it. He's just partial. Humph, now both of them have been coaxed by that bitch Chu Qiao, and that old bitch Lin Yulan must be giving the old man a pillow every night. I’m so confused!”

Zhu Yuzhen was full of resentment and kept complaining. Gu Jianshe was so dizzy from the pain that she didn't bother to care about his stupid mother. The old man wouldn't be here anyway.

But they didn't know that the old man standing in the living room with a livid face heard everything.

I didn't expect that the eldest daughter-in-law would talk about him like this behind his back, and the grandson Gu Jianshe, although he didn't say anything, showed his acquiescence without speaking, and he was obviously complaining about him.

The heartless thing had formed a knot with her youngest son just because Lin Yulan favored Gu Jianshe. This ungrateful couple was not satisfied and had the nerve to call him partial and call his wife a bitch.

"Son, I can't swallow this breath. Why did that bastard Zhou Shengli occupy my grandson's seat? You have to take back the seat in the first row. Isn't that Mr. He an accountant in your factory? You are the deputy secretary. "You don't have to be a fool to have power, do you hear me?" Zhu Yuzhen said angrily.

"Mom, stop talking about you bastard. I've been beaten twice for this. Do you want to see me beaten to death by grandpa?"

Gu Jianshe had a severe headache. His stupid mother had no brain at all. He couldn't do anything at this juncture. It would take some time for the old man's anger to subside before he could deal with the unscrupulous Teacher He.

Of course he couldn't swallow this breath, but he wasn't that fucking stupid.

"They are bastards to begin with, but they still ask my grandson to call them uncle. Humph, the old man is getting more and more confused. Anyway, you should get this done as soon as possible and don't let Xiao Wen be wronged!" Zhu Yuzhen didn't take it seriously and felt that her son was too cowardly. .

The old man just said it casually. He couldn't remember it, and he might have forgotten it after a while. However, his son and husband were afraid of wolves and tigers, and they did something cautiously. It was too rude.

Gu Jianshe didn't say anything, he didn't want to argue with his mother, and he actually felt uncomfortable in his heart. His son was much nobler than Brother Zhou Shengli, so why should he be a generation lower?

The old man was really confused about this matter.


There was a loud noise that startled the two of them. When they saw the old man who looked like a black iron tower standing at the door, Gu Jianshe's face turned pale and his head hurt even more. He secretly cursed his mother for not opening the pot. , I want to talk about the old man at this time, and let the old man get caught.

"Grandpa...Grandpa, are you here?"

Gu Jianshe shouted with a smile, secretly praying that the old man didn't hear.

"Mom, make tea for grandpa quickly!"

Gu Jianshe winked at his mother, and the frightened Zhu Yuzhen realized what she was doing. She wanted to go out to make tea tremblingly, but the old man said coldly: "I can't afford it. How can I, an old fool like me, drink your tea!"

"Dad, look at what you said. If you are not worthy, who else is?" Zhu Yuzhen smiled apologetically.

The old man ignored her and stared at Gu Jianshe. Before, his younger son scolded him for being stupid and couldn't see Gu Jianshe's true face. It seemed that he was really confused.

"Are you very dissatisfied? Your son can only sit in the first row? Who the hell is your son? I crawled out of the dead in a hail of bullets. Now that the country has given me so many benefits, I feel unworthy. Compared to my brothers who sacrificed their lives, I am nothing. You guys are dragging me down so much that I feel wronged even sitting in the second row. Bah...what contribution have you made to the people?"

The old man's face turned dark red, with bulging veins on his forehead and neck. He just heard the eldest daughter-in-law talking to her grandson outside. She was full of superiority, which made the old man very angry and sad.

Over the years, he often dreamed of his dead brothers, whose faces were all mangled with blood and flesh, and whose faces he could not remember clearly, because there were too many people who died, many of them died in front of him, and they were all so young, some were only fifteen or sixteen years old, or Doll.

Until their death, many comrades-in-arms never even had a full meal, never wore a thick cotton-padded jacket, never got a wife, and failed to leave behind a son or a half, leaving them in their prime.

He Gu Huai Nian was able to survive and live a good life now because the brothers who died in the tragedy paid for it with their blood and lives. Sometimes he felt that he did not deserve to enjoy it. He would feel uncomfortable if he ate too much. If he could turn back time, He can bring back good food and wine and let his brothers have a feast, even if he dies, he will be a well-fed ghost!

"Remember me, you can live a good life now because of countless heroes like Dabao and Xiaobao's father. They are the backbone of our country. Who do you think you are? Next time you slander Dabao and Xiaobao, I will kill you all with one shot!"

The old man kicked the bedside table. There was an enamel cup of boiling water on the cabinet, as well as some bottles and cans. They were shattered on the floor. Some of the fragments splashed on Gu Jianshe and Zhu Yuzhen. Their exposed skin was scratched and stung.

Zhu Yuzhen shrank and clung to the wall, her body shaking involuntarily. She had been married to the Gu family for more than thirty years, and this was the first time she saw her father-in-law get so angry. She was frightened to death.

Gu Jianshe even tightened his neck and did not dare to say a word. Seeing his cowardice, the old man was even more disappointed. He was so courageous and bloodless. How could he have such a useless grandson?

"Be an upright person. Don't delve into the evil ways of being petty all day long. Being down-to-earth is more reliable than anything else. Gu Jianshe, your thoughts are very irregular. Please reflect on it!"

The old man lectured him sternly, and Gu Jianshe obeyed obediently. He was relieved and thought that this stage was over. But he didn't know that the old man had already given him a cross and thought that he was no longer suitable to be the deputy secretary of the machine tool factory. Virtue is not worthy.

Gu Ye said coolly: "Why is sister-in-law at home at this time? Don't you have to go to work?"

Zhu Yuzhen shook her body and replied carefully: "I... I asked for leave to take care of the construction."

"Did you ask for leave or didn't show up at all?" Gu Ye unceremoniously broke the news.

There are many old fools like Zhu Yuzhen in machine tool factories. In fact, he doesn't care about this phenomenon, but who let Gu Jianshe cause him to make a fool of himself today? He can't swallow this breath without taking revenge.

The old man shouted with a dark face: "Have you asked for leave?"


Zhu Yuzhen's face turned pale with fright, and she lowered her head guiltily, with cold sweat covering her face.

Gu Ye sneered and dragged the old man out, "Just ask if you haven't asked for leave. Dad, our Gu family is considered a reputable family. If your sister-in-law skips work, you will lose your reputation. When your sister-in-law entered the textile factory, she was still Because of the relationship you entrusted with me, I guess the factory leaders only care about your face and dare not speak out!"

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