The old man's expression became even more ugly. He looked at his eldest daughter-in-law coldly. Zhu Yuzhen's head had dropped to her navel. The old man knew that she was guilty of committing a crime, and the anger that had just calmed down suddenly surged to the top of her head again.

"Ask me again, are you asking for leave or absenteeism? Tell me the truth, otherwise if I ask you a lie, you will go back to the countryside to farm right away!"

The old man roared on the ground. Zhu Yuzhen was so frightened that her legs went weak and she almost fell to the ground. Cold sweat broke out in her eyes. She subconsciously looked at her son for instructions, but Gu Jianshe turned his head away pretending not to see it.

The disappointed Zhu Yuzhen's mind was in a mess, so she had to admit: "Yes... I didn't ask for leave, Dad... I'm not the only one in the factory like this, everyone else is like this, and no one cares about it."


The old man kicked the door, and the poor door panel trembled, as did Zhu Yuzhen.

"I can't control what other people do, but the people in my family must abide by the law and work down-to-earth, so that they can be worthy of the salary paid by the country. Zhu Yuzhen, you are such a damn good person. I'm embarrassed by you." Got it!"

Gu Huainian glared hard and walked away angrily.

Zhu Yuzhen looked at her son dumbfounded, did the old man forget it?

Still not counting?

"Gu Jianshe, you are happy to spread rumors about me, aren't you?"

Gu Ye bent down and grinned at his eldest nephew. Before Gu Jianshe could react, he was slapped on the face, and then slapped again. His ears were buzzing, and he could only hear the screams of his stupid mother. .

"If you weren't my nephew, I would kill you. If you keep your mouth clean from now on, and if you spray shit outside randomly, I would send you to country T to become a transvestite!"

After a series of beatings, there was no good piece of flesh on Gu Jianshe's body. The old wounds were not healed, but new ones were added. He lay on the bed like a dead corpse, extremely miserable.

Gu Ye sneered and walked away in a swagger. Behind him came Zhu Yuzhen's crying and cursing.

He went to the factory director's office to find the old man. The old man would definitely not let it go. What the old man hated most was using power for personal gain. Under the guise of the old man, Zhu Yuzhen had been domineering in the textile factory for decades. The good days were over.

As expected by Gu Ye, Mr. Gu went to see the factory director and called his eldest son Gu Jiefang. The factory director didn't know the old man, but he knew that Gu Jiefang's father had a good background, so he received him respectfully and did not dare to neglect.

"My daughter-in-law Zhu Yuzhen, how has your performance been in the factory these years? Tell the truth. If you lied, I will tell Minister Liu and ask him to remove you from your post!" the old man said coldly.

The Minister Liu he was talking about was the leader of the Shanghai Textile Department. All textile factories in Shanghai were under the jurisdiction of the Textile Department. The factory director panicked when he heard this. Naturally, he did not dare to lie, but he also did not dare to offend Gu Jiefang.

After all, this is a family matter of the Gu family. Although the old man is speaking righteously now, he is his own son. If he is fanned for a few days, the old man may become soft-hearted again. He, an outsider, cannot be such a bad person.


"Old man, please wait a moment. I'll call the person in charge of the warehouse to come over and ask him to report to you in detail."

The factory director kicked the ball to the warehouse manager and asked the secretary to call.

The person in charge of the warehouse is also a veteran. Of course he thought of what the factory director thought of. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "I don't know the specific situation. I'll call Comrade Zhu Yuzhen's direct leader. , Master, please ask her."

As a veteran of a large state-owned factory, what he is best at is playing football. If he cannot play football well, he will not be able to survive in the factory.

"How many leaders are there in your warehouse?" the old man asked coldly.

"There are nine leaders in total. I am the general manager. There are four warehouses below. Each warehouse has two people in charge, one team leader and one deputy team leader." The general manager said with a smile.

"How many employees are there in the warehouse?" the old man asked again.

"Including the chief and deputy team leader, the total cost is twenty-one." The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead again. His bald head was wet, and his legs could not stop shaking.

This old man looked so rash, and his back was filled with cold wind.

The old man closed his eyes. There were nine leaders and twelve employees in the four warehouses. The previous emperors didn't take care of the warehouses so much, right?

No wonder the eldest daughter-in-law can escape freely.

He had a general understanding of the situation in some state-owned factories, but he did not expect that the actual situation was worse than he thought. He was sure that at least one-third of the twenty-one people were like Zhu Yuzhen.

Gu Ye spoke before the old man, "Stop pushing the ball and just tell the truth. How has Zhu Yuzhen's work performance been over the years? Are you working hard or just cheating on your salary? Just tell the truth!"

The manager's eyes were blurred with sweat, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Who knows where this family's song comes from?

"Dad, Xiaoye, I'll explain this to you when I go back. The factory director is very busy, can we not delay other people's work?" Gu Jiefang begged.

The old man said sternly: "Just tell me here, Gu Jiefang, tell me how your wife works. You can't hide this kind of thing from the masses. If you tell a lie, go back to the countryside to farm with Zhu Yuzhen!" "

In fact, the old man has already guessed the eldest daughter-in-law's work performance. She is definitely not a serious working person, but he wants to hear it from his eldest son himself.

"Brother, you and your sister-in-law work in the same unit. You don't know how your sister-in-law behaves? Are you the same as your sister-in-law, so you don't dare to say anything?" Gu Ye stabbed the knife with a smile.

Gu Jiefang looked at Gu Ye resentfully, this kid must be responsible for what happened today, what the hell!

"Dad, Yuzhen used to work very steadfastly. However, in the past few years, she was not in good health and couldn't bear it, so she became a little lazy. I will teach her a lesson when I get back. She will definitely not be like this again in the future." Gu Jiefang spoke sincerely and implicitly. Confused, trying to muddle through.

The old man stared at him, his eyes growing more and more disappointed.

"Director, since Zhu Yuzhen is not in good health, let her retire. The procedures will be completed within half a month, and I will come and ask."

The old man's words shocked both the factory director and Jiefang. Does the old man know what the concept of recovery is?

Zhu Yuzhen will retire in two years, and she will be able to enjoy a happy life. However, if she retires due to illness, her retirement salary will be much less. Many sick people are reluctant to retire early. Zhu Yuzhen is so strong that she could be beaten to death. a cow.

"Dad?" Gu Jiefang called.

The old man ignored him and repeated to the factory director: "If you don't complete the medical withdrawal procedures within half a month, I will reflect on your ability to do things with Minister Liu."

"Don't worry, it will be done!"

The director's forehead tightened and he immediately promised.

When it comes to his golden job, he will definitely handle it properly.

The old man looked at Gu Jiefang coldly and left the office. His back looked a little forlorn. He was angry, angry that he had finally relented and did not fire Zhu Yuzhen, but only got a medical discharge. He felt sorry for his dead brother.

He doesn't deserve to enjoy the good life now!

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