He Jihong happened to come out with a plate of food. When he heard Chu Yuanzhi's words, he asked, "Is your birthday here?"

She was so busy these days, and her daughter failed to live up to her expectations. She was so angry that she even forgot her husband's birthday. She used to celebrate Chu Yuanzhi's birthday every year. He Jihong actually cared about her obedient and beautiful little husband.

Chu Yuanzhi nodded, "Well, it's my birthday the day after tomorrow."

The tone was a bit aggrieved. I had celebrated his birthday in previous years, but this year I didn't even mention it.

"I was so busy that I forgot. Let's ask Qiaoqiao and Gu Ye to go home for dinner the day after tomorrow. I'll cook a few dishes and have a meal together as a family to celebrate your birthday." He Jihong said.

Chu Yuanzhi was happy immediately. He didn't ask for a big event, as long as there was a ceremony.

The conversation between the two couples was heard by Chu Qiao on the other side of the phone. Before Chu Yuanzhi could speak, she said, "Gu Ye and I will come back together the day after tomorrow, and I will make you a birthday cake."

"Qiaoqiao, do you know how to make cakes?" Chu Yuanzhi sounded surprised. It seemed that his daughter knew a lot of things. He didn't know when he learned it. He, the father, didn't know it at all.

"I know a lot, I won't tell you anymore, we will go back for dinner the day after tomorrow!"

Chu Qiao retorted and hung up the phone. She would get angry after talking to her cowardly father for a few words. Although she was living a good life now, she still complained when she thought of those things in the past. Maybe as time goes by, she would Forget about it slowly.

"Xiao Chu, did you buy the sweater you wore or knit it yourself?"

Someone called Chu Qiao. She was a housewife in the building. She was in her forties and dressed simply.

Chu Qiao saw Ni Haitang next to this woman. She was the factory director's daughter-in-law, the woman who wanted her to make clothes last time. It was lunch break now. Ni Haitang was not at work and was chatting with people downstairs.

Ni Haitang felt Chu Qiao's eyes, looked a little uncomfortable, and looked away.

Chu Qiao was secretly amused. In fact, she didn't hold a grudge, but she was too lazy to deal with people like Ni Haitang. Apparently Ni Haitang wanted to ask about the sweater, but was too embarrassed to ask, so she asked someone to ask for help. She was really thoughtful.

"Yes, I just bought it this morning." Chu Qiao replied, approaching them so that Ni Haitang could see them more clearly.

Because she knew that Ni Haitang would definitely not be able to afford it. Even if she was the daughter-in-law of the factory director, she would not be willing to buy a Haitang as a cashier. Her monthly salary was only a hundred yuan. Her husband also worked in the factory as a technician. The salary of more than 100 yuan, but the couple's total salary is less than 300 yuan, which is considered a high salary, but for Yitang, it is still too luxurious.

"You're so beautiful. Xiao Chu, you look better than a movie star. You're so fashionable!"

Several housewives stood up, looked at the sweater up and down, and touched it with their hands. The reason why this sweater is so expensive is that it is fashionable, and the wool is good, does not irritate the skin, is soft, breathable, and extremely comfortable.

"Is this made of wool? It feels really comfortable, Xiao Chu. How much does this sweater cost?" someone asked.

Ni Haitang's ears perked up. She had fallen in love with this sweater as soon as she saw it. She felt that she must look good in it, no worse than Chu Qiao.

"168 yuan."

As soon as Chu Qiao finished speaking, several women fell silent, their expressions became strange, and they looked at her with difficulty in speaking.

"Xiao Chu, does this sweater cost 1?" Everyone obviously didn't believe it and thought Chu Qiao was joking.

"I bought it from a clothing store. The clothes there are all imported from Hong Kong City. The styles are very new and cannot be bought elsewhere. You get what you pay for." Chu Qiao explained patiently.

Several women were dubious, but Chu Qiao told him the name of the store. It was obvious that he was not just talking nonsense. This sweater really cost 168 yuan.

"Tsk, I lost more than a month's salary without even a single piece of clothing. You are so rich." A woman said with envy.

"Chief Gu just earned 60,000 yuan, which is enough for Xiao Chu to buy hundreds of sweaters." A woman said with a sour tone.

Chu Qiao is not angry, just let these people be jealous. She will be jealous because she lives a better life than these people. If she lives in poverty, these people will not pity her and may even step on her. .

There are people who hate people, but there are no people who laugh. This is the case with everyone in the world.

"Not only that, my husband just sold ten machine tools and got a lot of commission. He said that the clothes I bought before were too cheap and embarrassed him. I thought so too, so I bought two expensive ones and waited for my husband. He will definitely be happy when he comes back from get off work."

Chu Qiao said with a smile. Seeing that the faces of these women became ugly, they felt better. Although their wealth was not revealed, the whole factory knew about Gu Ye's sale of machine tools. There was no need to keep a low profile. It was better to let them know. Everyone knows how much she can spend money.

"Yes, Section Chief Gu is really capable. He makes more money in one month than my men did in ten years."

"Xiao Chu is so lucky. He doesn't have to go to work and can still spend money like water. He can buy whatever he wants."

The air was filled with sourness, but Chu Qiao felt sweet and in a better mood, because she had just thought of something and almost forgotten it.

"I also think I'm very lucky. All the money my husband earns is given to me. He doesn't spend it himself. I can spend it however I want. By the way, you won't forget our bet, right?" Chu Qiao The smile became sweeter and reminded several women.

These women looked strangely familiar. She just remembered that they had made a bet last month. If Gu Ye sold the machine tool within three months, he would lose ten yuan to her. Otherwise, she would lose ten yuan to each of them.

Xuan Hongxia talked to her last time and promised to help her ask for money, but she forgot again. It was time to collect the bill today and she went to buy delicious food.

The expressions of several women immediately turned ugly. In fact, after learning that Gu Ye had sold ten machine tools, they had discussed privately and were worried that Chu Qiao would ask them for money. However, after several days, Chu Qiao did not make any move, so they just I was relieved, thinking that Chu Qiao had forgotten about it, or maybe he didn't take the ten yuan to heart.

Unexpectedly, they didn't forget it at all and asked them to pay. Ten yuan can buy more than ten kilograms of meat. How could they give it up?

"Xiao Chu, I was joking at the time, but you still took it seriously." Someone said sarcastically.

Chu Qiao suppressed her smile and said honestly: "How can you be joking? We made it clear at the time that if my husband sells the machine tool within three months, each of you will give me ten yuan. Otherwise, I will give each of you Ten yuan. I had all the money ready, but my husband was too ambitious and sold it within a month. I remember there were five people who bet with me, including four of you, and one of them turned back to me. Go upstairs and ask, come on, be willing to admit defeat, we must abide by the rules!"

Stretching out her white and tender hands, Chu Qiao looked at them with a smile. If you don't give up the fifty yuan, you can have a big meal in the evening.

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