80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 289: The object of the relationship becomes romantic

"You can eat it. As a reward, you sold the machine tool, and Dabao got a hundred points in the exam. Xiaobao gets a little red flower every day, specially made for you." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

Gu Ye and Dabao Xiaobao, who were named, involuntarily straightened their chests and looked particularly proud.

"Eat now, I'll make less dinner."

As soon as Chu Qiao spoke, the three of them cheered and reached out to take the cake, but Chu Qiao stopped them, "Forgot to wash your hands? Go and ask Uncle Xu and Uncle Bao to come up and eat together."


The three of them responded in unison and ran towards the water house in sync, with Gu Ye running the fastest, Dabao and Xiaobao behind, like a big dog leading two puppies, which was funny.

"Chief Gu, your Xiaochu baked a cake. It tastes amazing." A woman shouted.

"Chief Gu, Xiao Chu said that the oven costs more than a thousand yuan, she is really willing to buy it!"

Chu Qiao heard what the other woman said, and it was obvious that she had bad intentions. Chu Qiao sneered. These women are so idle. How much money she spends on shopping is none of their business!

They just don't see others living a good life and hope that everyone will be as thrifty and frugal as they are, breaking every penny into three parts and spending it. This is a disease in their brains.

"I bought the oven. It's not expensive for more than a thousand yuan. I earned it by selling a machine tool."

Gu Ye retorted and didn't bother to talk to these girls anymore. He just kept watching his wife spend money day by day. He could make money and his wife could make money too, so what's the point of spending some money?

Who makes these women marry men who can't make money, and they don't have the ability to make any money themselves, so they can only live a miserable life.

When Gu Ye retorted like this, several women fell silent and looked at Chu Qiao with resentment, feeling very sad. They spent twenty yuan to buy a dress, and their husbands thought they were extravagant. Xiao Chu bought a sweater for just one yuan. A monthly salary, one oven is a year's salary, Section Chief Gu didn't say anything, why could this Xiao Chu marry such a good man as Section Chief Gu?

After washing his hands, Dabao ran down and called Xu Sanqiang and the four of them. Chu Qiao used cotton thread to cut the cake into small pieces and let them eat by themselves.

"This is much more delicious than chicken cake. It looks very beautiful. What do you want to call it?" Xu Sanqiang asked curiously.

"It's called a birthday cake. Foreigners make this for their birthdays and put candles in it. The birthday girl makes a wish and blows out the candles, and the wish will come true." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

A few people were eating cakes and listening to Chu Qiao's popular science. Xu Sanqiang finished a piece of cake and was still not satisfied. He said with emotion: "Foreigners are so delicious. I heard that the restaurants opened by foreigners are called Western restaurants. When they make money, I’m going to open the meat dish too.”

"For foreigners, this cake is the only one that tastes good, and the other cakes are not very popular."

Gu Ye disliked Western food, so he went to get another piece of cake to eat. He had already eaten three pieces. He had no resistance to sweets, even if he could finish the whole cake.

"Whether it's delicious or not, go and broaden your horizons. I've heard people say that young people in big cities have to go to a Western restaurant to have a meal when they're dating. That's called romance. Lao Gu, have you ever taken your wife to a Western restaurant? ?" Xu Sanqiang came closer and asked with a wink.

Gu Ye was stunned and slapped his head in annoyance. He had forgotten about this problem. He should have taken Qiaoqiao to a Western restaurant for a meal. He was not a competent person and must make up for it.

"I haven't gone to eat yet. I'll go in a few days." Gu Ye has decided that this Sunday, he must have a romantic Sunday with his wife.

Chu Qiao was not interested, "Western restaurants are expensive and not delicious. A meal costs more than a hundred yuan, which is not cost-effective. If you want to eat, I can cook it, just fry the steak. You can fry it no matter how cooked it is." come out."

"Isn't the steak meant to be cooked? Why is it still a little cooked? What's the point?" Xu Sanqiang was very interested in this, because he planned to stay in Shanghai and not go back to his hometown.

It's not that he dislikes his hometown being poor, he just finds it boring. His parents and siblings only want his money. From childhood to adulthood, he never felt the warmth of family affection. When he first joined the army, other recruits were homesick. It was so bad that he would secretly cry at night, but he didn't think about it at all. He also thought that Team B was very good and more humane than his family. He didn't even bother to ask for family leave. During the years he was in the army, he never took a single family leave. Instead of going home and being ignored, it would be better to stay in Team B and have fun with the brothers.

After he arrived in Lucheng, he went out with Baofushan and the others on Sundays and saw the prosperity of the big city. He used to think that the county town in his hometown was quite lively. However, after seeing Lucheng, he realized how little knowledge he had and how much more complicated he was. He strengthened his determination to stay in Shanghai.

He must let his children be born and raised in Shanghai, and also give them the best material life and educational resources, so that they do not have to suffer like him.

But before that, he had to find his mother first. He couldn't give birth to a baby by himself. Xu Sanqiang looked careless, but in fact he was very good at making small calculations and had plans for the future. He planned to find a local girl in Shanghai. Yes, but local girls are very discerning, so their top priority is to make money. With money, anything can be done easily.

Therefore, Xu Sanqiang wanted to find out more about the people in the city so that he could learn from it and use it later.

Chu Qiao was also very interested and explained: "Foreigners like to eat medium-rare steaks. They fry it a little before taking it off the pan. The surface is cooked, but the inside is raw. When you cut it with a knife, it will be bloody."

"Isn't this just eating raw meat? No wonder I heard people say that foreigners eat raw meat and drink raw blood. They are just like savages and are not afraid of getting sick." Xu Sanqiang said in a disgusted tone. What's the point of eating bloody raw meat? Beef is either stir-fried or made into dumplings. , or just stew it in soup or roast it and eat it. There are many ways to make it, so why bother eating it raw?

"Don't foreigners know how to turn their heads? They can't even cook meat. They are so stupid." Han Shizhong was also disgusted. After hearing what Chu Qiao said, he no longer had any expectations for Western food. He might as well have his own meal at home. Make a bowl of noodle soup and eat it. It's warm and topped with garlic cloves. After eating it, your whole body feels comfortable.

Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: "You can ask for the Western restaurants here in Shanghai to be fully fried. There are also some dishes in Western food that taste very good. I will cook them for you in the future."

"My younger siblings are really amazing. They can cook Western food." Han Shizhong gave a thumbs up in praise. He truly felt that Gu Ye had married a treasure.

Chu Qiao is not impatient at all. Every time she cooks something delicious, she will give it to them. She also has two children, Dabao and Xiaobao. , has nothing to do with Chu Qiao, but she doesn't dislike it and takes very good care of her two children.

Whether the children are doing well or not can be seen at a glance. Dabao and Xiaobao are now fair and clean, and their temperament is much more cheerful. Han Shizhong feels that it is better than being cared for by his own mother in his hometown. It is really remarkable that Chu Qiao can do so thoughtfully. rare.

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