Chu Qiao withdrew her hand, and there were a few red marks on her wrist. Amei smiled coquettishly and said flatteringly, "Your meat is so tender, I didn't even use any strength."

"Don't you have quite a lot of hair?"

Chu Qiao looked at A Mei in confusion. She had long wavy hair, thick and dense, more than her hair. Why did she need to grow it?

"I'm wearing a wig, let me show you!"

Amei pulled off the wig, revealing a small, pitiful and helpless bun that was close to her scalp. Chu Qiao twitched her lips and tried not to laugh.

Lulu couldn't hold it back and laughed loudly. A Mei glared angrily, "Why are you laughing? You don't have much more hair than I do!"

"That's more than you!" Lulu retorted rudely and shook her head intentionally.

Amei snorted and didn't fight back like before. She had heard it just now. Kaiselu had a daughter who had a heart disease and spent a lot of money. It was the fault of the evildoer. She didn't bully the poor people, and it didn't matter if she won. mean.

After putting the wig back on, Ami said eagerly: "I'll pay for it, no matter how much it is, as long as it makes my hair grow."

She suffers from familial hereditary alopecia. Her mother has very little hair. After giving birth to a child, it fell out in large quantities. She was almost bald before she was forty. Her two sisters were also like this. After the birth of their children, they were affected by the disease. Hair loss like a curse.

When she got here, she hadn't given birth yet, and her hair was falling out. The doctor said it was due to staying up late and drinking, which was caused by endocrine disorders. She prescribed a bunch of medicines, but none of them were effective. Her hair fell out faster. , Ami is worried that in a few years, she will be able to become a nun, and she will not even have to worry about shaving her head.

"It can be cured, but my medicine smells bad and is a bit expensive." Chu Qiao explained in advance that although she could give Ami a friendly price, it couldn't be too cheap. She couldn't disrupt the market herself.

"It's okay if it's more expensive. It works. How much is it?" Amy didn't care. She had saved a lot of money over the years. As long as she could grow her hair, she would be happy to spend any amount of money.

"I sold it to Boss Tang for five thousand yuan."

Chu Qiao quoted the price, and both A Mei and Lulu were shocked. They didn't expect it to be so expensive. A Mei hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted her teeth and said, "I'll buy it!"

Five thousand is five thousand, and a good wig costs several hundred. She has spent a lot of money just buying wigs over the years. Five thousand yuan can grow hair in one go, which is quite a deal.

Chu Qiao smiled and said, "I'll give you a friendly price, three thousand yuan, but you have to say five thousand yuan to others, otherwise Boss Tang will be unhappy if he finds out, and I can't explain it to other customers."

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense!"

A Mei beamed with joy. She saved two thousand in one go and made a lot of money. She looked at Chu Qiao warmly, as if looking at her lover. Chu Qiao, who can make her hair grow, is better than her reborn parents. .

"I have several sisters with severe hair loss. I will introduce them to you when the time comes. Just say it is five thousand yuan. They are rich." A Mei is very good at getting things done and is ready to return the favor immediately.

"I can make more money thanks to you, but let me explain to you first. A course of treatment for this hair growth medicine lasts for seven days. It smells worse than shit. You should apply the medicine before going to bed at night, cover it with a cloth, and at least apply it. It takes eight hours before you wash it off, and it takes seven days for your hair to grow.”

Chu Qiao explained the disadvantages of hair growth medicine. She originally wanted to improve it to make it smell more fragrant, but if fragrances were added, it would probably affect the effectiveness of the medicine. She gave up the idea and made the medicine according to the recipe left by her ancestors. Bar.

A Mei nodded vigorously, "It's okay if it smells bad. When will you get the medicine?"

Not to mention the seven days of stinking, if Bodhisattva told her that swimming in a cesspit would make her hair grow, she would definitely jump in and swim for seven days and seven nights without panting.

"It will take about ten days. It takes a lot of time to prepare the medicine. I will deliver it to you then."

Chu Qiao did not agree too quickly. In fact, half a day is enough to prepare the medicine, but she has to make the customer feel that the medicine is difficult to prepare, so that they are willing to spend the money. If it takes half a day to prepare the medicine, the customer will feel that thousands of dollars are spent. not worth.

"How can I let you deliver it in person? Just call me and I'll pick it up." Ami's tone was extremely respectful, her attitude completely different from before. Lulu sneered, showing a duplicitous villain's face.

"Okay, I'm off work."

Chu Qiao said goodbye to the two of them and left the lounge.

Amei and Lulu were the only two people left in the room. Amei straightened her back, straightened her wig, squinted at Lulu, snorted softly, and said in a sinister way: "You are so blind that you have fallen in love with a pretty girl, right?" It’s all poured into my head.”

"I have very good eyes. I got married and had children in a decent manner. Do you think I am the same as you?" Lulu retorted with a sneer. Before coming to Lucheng, she was a very good woman from a good family.

"Where is the child's father? Is he dead?" Ami blurted out and asked. Lulu was silent for a long time, and then she gritted her teeth and cursed for a long time: "I ran away when I saw that the child was sick. Who knows whether he is dead or not? Anyway, in my heart, he is already dead." Eight hundred times!"

"Then you are still blind, marrying a wolf-hearted person!"

Lulu opened her mouth to curse, but Amei had already twisted to the door. She opened the door and stepped out. Her voice came over, "If you are short of money, just say something. I am not short of money!"

After saying that, A Mei ran away, running very fast, and even slapped herself, "Damn it, you deserve to be so mouthy that you won't be able to make a fortune in this life!"

Lulu in the room was stunned and laughed again, "Damn it, I can't sell wine even if I sell it, so what's the point of showing off!"

But her eyes were red and she shed tears. After wiping them casually, Lulu changed her clothes and asked Tang Yaozong for leave. She had to go home and give her daughter medicine.

The next day, Chu Qiao woke up early. She went to bed early last night and slept for eight hours. The loud music on the radio was invigorating. Chu Qiao couldn't fall asleep either, so she simply got up to make breakfast. She hadn't given him breakfast for a long time. Gu Ye and Dabao Xiaobao are making breakfast.

"Auntie, are you having breakfast at home today?" Dabao ran back in the morning and was very happy to see Chu Qiao busy in front of the stove.

"Well, go wash your hands quickly and eat soon."

Chu Qiao makes braised noodles with beans and minced meat, and rolls the noodles herself.

Gu Ye and the two children washed their hands and sat down obediently to eat the noodles. After eating the delicious noodles, the three of them sighed with satisfaction. It was so delicious. Xiaobao patted the rainbow fart flatteringly, " Auntie, the noodles outside are not delicious at all, not half as delicious as the ones you make."

"Then you eat more. The more you eat, the taller you will grow!"

Chu Qiao smiled and patted the little guy's head. He took another chopstick from the big basin and put it into Xiaobao's bowl. From the corner of his eye, he saw Dabao looking at him eagerly, so he took another chopstick. Dabao was satisfied and ate happily. Face.

Gu Ye curled his lips, moved the bowl over, and pursed his lips at Chu Qiao without saying a word. He felt that his wife should be able to understand what he meant and pinched the two. She couldn't forget him as her husband, right?

"What are you doing? Eat quickly and go to work!"

Chu Qiao glared and hit the back of Gu Ye's hand with her chopsticks. When she lowered her head, the corners of her mouth curled up and she tried not to laugh out loud. She wouldn't give this guy a sandwich. He was such a big man, and he was talking to a kid. It's shameless for children to fight for favor.

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