Gu Ye chuckled, put a large amount of noodles with chopsticks into Chu Qiao's bowl, and the bowl suddenly stood up. Chu Qiao became anxious, "I can't eat anymore, don't put it in for me!"

She put the noodles back into Gu Ye's bowl and saw this guy smiling and looking like he was taking advantage. She immediately understood and glared angrily. His IQ was at most one year older than Xiaobao, no. There will be more.

Dabao curled his lips in disgust. Uncle Gu was so childish. He had to compete with him and his younger brother for favors over some noodles. That was all he could do.

"Auntie, the school is holding a parent-teacher meeting at 2:30 this afternoon. The teacher asked parents to attend as much as possible." Dabao smiled proudly and said, "Auntie, our midterm exam results are out."

"How did you go in the exam?" Chu Qiao asked with concern.


Dabao made an understatement, but his proud eyes betrayed his inner excitement. Chu Qiao pretended not to notice and deliberately asked: "How good is it? Are you in the top twenty?"

Dabao was ranked last in the class in the final exam last semester. This semester Chu Qiao's requirements are not high, just being in the top 20 is enough. The buns have to be eaten one bite at a time, and they can't be expected to fly into the sky all at once.

"Auntie, can't you have some confidence in me? For example, think about the top ten?" Dabao was anxious, the top twenty is nothing, he didn't even take the exam, and his aunt looked down on him too much.

"Yo He, you still look down on the top 20? Classmate Zhou Shengli, you are so arrogant!" Gu Ye patted Dabao on the head and teased, last semester he was still counting down, but this semester he doesn't look down on the top 20 anymore, the boy is a little bit Floating.

I think back then, his best result was ranking 20th in the first grade of elementary school, and he has never surpassed this ranking since then. The brat actually despised being ranked 20th. Hmph, he deserves a beating!

"No, anyway, I got better than 20." Dabao refused to say how many he got in the test. He wanted to give his aunt a surprise.

Chu Qiao knew in her heart that children like to hear praise, and Dabao must have done well in the exam. She will find out when she goes to the parent-teacher meeting in the afternoon, so she smiled and said, "Then I will be at school on time in the afternoon."

She asked again: "Where did Gu Wen take the exam?"

Dabao's expression immediately soared, "Forty-second place, sixth from the bottom!"

Chu Qiao's mood immediately improved. She was very pleased that this little beast's grades were worse than those in his previous life.

Xiaobao ate the noodles in silence, feeling a little sad. There was a parent-teacher meeting at his brother's school. Why didn't his school hold one?

He also wanted his aunt to attend a parent-teacher conference. After school, he would ask the teacher when the parent-teacher conference would be held and whether it could be held in advance.

Gu Ye wolfed down the noodles, wiped his mouth, and went to work. Zheng Yuqiang's twenty machine tools have all been shipped to the factory, but they have not been installed and debugged yet. He keeps an eye on them every day and must ensure that every The quality of the machine tool.

Chu Qiao sent Dabao and Xiaobao to school, and Dabao specially reminded her not to forget the parent-teacher meeting.

"Don't worry, I'll be there on time at half past two." Chu Qiao promised that he must fulfill his promise to the child, otherwise the adult will lose credibility in the child's mind.

Dabao then entered the school with peace of mind and chased and beat several little boys. Chu Qiao smiled knowingly. Dabao was much happier now than in her previous life. She had seen Dabao several times in school in her previous life. Although He also likes to be noisy and quarrelsome, but I always feel that this child has a lot of things on his mind, has not really opened his heart, and lacks some of the innocence of a child.

After returning to the machine tool factory, the aunt in the phone room shouted loudly: "Xiao Chu, a lesbian just called you and asked you to come back."

"Oh, thank you!"

Chu Qiao took the note with the phone number on it. It was Lin Baiwei and called the store. The person who answered the phone was Lin Baiwei himself. "Do you have time today? If so, come over and take some promotional photos."

"How long will the filming take? I have to go to school for a parent-teacher meeting at 2:30 in the afternoon."

"It's in time. It can be done in half a day. The photographer I hired is very professional."

"Okay, I'll be right over."

Chu Qiao paid the 50 yuan phone bill and went home to clean up. She brushed her teeth and washed. The noodles she ate in the morning had a smell of garlic. She was afraid of inhaling the smell, so she simply cleaned up and went to Lin Baiwei's shop by bike.

In addition to Lin Baiwei and Amei, there is also a tall and thin man in his thirties. His waist-length hair is tied into a low ponytail. His hair quality is better than that of many women. It is black and smooth, with a lot of volume. From the back, She looked very slim, like a young girl, but when she saw the front, all her charm and stunningness were gone.

He is a rough man with an unshaven beard. Gao Ling is distant and a little impatient. He is talking to Lin Baiwei, "I will find you a professional model who can definitely shoot the style you want. An ordinary person with no camera experience." Woman, do you think she can take the photo well? I have to say something ugly ahead of time, I only have one day, I have other plans tomorrow."

"Ian, when you see her in person, you won't say that again!"

As soon as Lin Baiwei finished speaking, he saw Chu Qiao entering the store and waved happily, "Qiao Qiao!"

The man turned around and saw Chu Qiao, who was wearing a loose sweater and tight pants, bathing in the sun, approaching him, her eyes suddenly glazed over, and her brain could no longer think.

His muse finally appears!

Lin Bai smiled proudly, knowing that this guy would be like this, huh, how could her vision be wrong?

"Hello, my name is Ji Wenlin, you can call me Ian!"

The man stretched out his hand and introduced himself politely, his eyes still fixed on her, but Chu Qiao did not feel offended. The man's eyes when he looked at her were not profane and were very pure.

"Hello, my name is Chu Qiao."

Chu Qiao smiled, Ji Wenlin only held half of his hand, and soon let go. Her impression of this man was a little better. He was a polite and elegant man, but his image was a bit... rough.

"Qiaoqiao, Ian is the photographer I invited. He is responsible for taking promotional photos for you." Lin Bai introduced slightly.

"Start now?" Chu Qiao asked.

"Do you need to prepare?"

Ji Wenlin asked. Some models need to prepare their emotions before taking pictures, and the preparation time is a bit long.

Chu Qiao shook her head. She was just taking pictures. She didn't have any preparations. She didn't understand that advertising photos were different from daily life photos. She thought she just took a few photos and left after taking them.

"Shoot the exteriors first."

Lin Baiwei took out her makeup box, but couldn't find a full-time makeup artist, so she went there by herself, while Amei carried a large box of clothes and another box. A jeep was parked outside the clothing store.

Chu Qiao was a little dumbfounded. This battle was so big that it was like filming a movie.


Lin Baiwei sat in the driver's seat, started the car skillfully, and the jeep sped away. Chu Qiao was so envious. Lin Baiwei's wildness and freedom were something she had never had in her entire life, even if she was reborn. , she can't be as free and easy as Bai Wei.

The exterior location was chosen in a private garden called Zhou's Garden. It is not open to the public now. It is privately owned, but the owner is abroad. However, more than ten years later, the last heir of the Zhou family passed away and donated this garden before his death. In her previous life, Chu Qiao also visited the garden, with small bridges, flowing water, and a ten-mile long corridor. The scenery was beautiful.

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