Lin Yulan's face was completely pale. Chu Qiao's words shattered the last bit of luck in her heart. Lin Dani was someone she respected very much, and her status in her heart was even higher than that of Mr. Gu.

Her father and Lin Dani's father are cousins ​​who have not yet left the fifth server. However, Lin Dani's father has always lived in the countryside. Lin Dani is also a rural person and has only attended literacy classes for one year. She lives next to Mr. Gu's village. Lin Dani is three years older than the old man. Make a small order for the marriage.

But Lin Yulan's father went out to work at a young age and moved to Shanghai. By chance, he became an apprentice at Zhenbao House, the largest silver building in Shanghai. Although Lin's father was uneducated, he was extremely talented and was appreciated by the master of Zhenbao House. After the master passed away, Lin's father became the chief master of Zhenbao Tower. Many dignitaries in Shanghai were his regular customers.

Therefore, Zhenbaolou also gave Lin's father a lot of shares and created a large family business. Lin Yulan was an only daughter and had never experienced hardship since she was a child. Although she did not say that she was well-dressed and well-fed, she was also pampered and pampered, and Lin Dani's Life is so different.

Lin's father would take his wife and daughter back to his hometown for the New Year every year, and he had a good relationship with Lin Dani's family. Later, Lin Dani followed Mr. Gu to Shanghai, and the contacts became even closer. Lin Dani treated Lin Yulan like a biological sister. Lin Yulan had no sisters. Lin Dani's care and concern made her She was very touched and truly regarded Lin Dani as her own sister.

During those years of turmoil, Lin Yulan's father was uneasy and worried about being implicated. Fortunately, Mr. Gu came to protect her, and Lin Yulan's family survived safely and saved two properties and some jewelry. Therefore, Lin Yulan became even more devoted to Lin Dani.

Later, Lin Dani became seriously ill and stayed in bed for a year. Lin Yulan took good care of her. She just wanted to repay Sister Dani's kindness and had no intention of marrying Mr. Gu.

But before Lin Dani died, she begged her to take care of her two sons, and said that if she didn't agree, she would die in peace. Lin Yulan did not agree at that time, but Lin Dani's health was getting worse and she threatened not to take medicine, so Lin Yulan had to pretend to agree and try to fool her first. .

Unexpectedly, Lin Dani called Mr. Gu and his two sons, and decided on the marriage in front of them. Lin Yulan was riding a tiger and was unable to do so. Not long after, Lin Dani passed away. A year later, Lin Yulan died in her parents' house. After persuasion, she married Mr. Gu.

At that time, the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, and many of Lin's father's friends were in trouble. Lin's father convinced Lin Yulan out of various practical considerations, and because Mr. Gu was a good character and could protect his daughter.

However, Lin Yulan couldn't say that she didn't care about Mr. Gu at all, otherwise she wouldn't have lived with him for so many years. After getting married, she remembered Lin Dani's instructions before she died and took care of her two stepsons with all her heart, waiting for them to grow up. Only then did she dare to give birth to Gu Ye, but Zhu Yuzhen forced Gu Jianshe to come over again, and it was a difficult period. Even the Gu family had no extra rations. Lin Yulan gave the last biscuit to Gu Jianshe, while Gu Ye was so hungry that he cried.

Lin Yulan knew that she had wronged her son, but she was also helpless. Lin Dani had been so kind to her, and she could not live up to Sister Dani's final entrustment. But now, Chu Qiao's words had torn away the warm film on the surface, revealing the ferocious inside. The cold truth.

Sister Dani actually told Zhu Yuzhen that she was not innocent?

Could her beloved Sister Dani be this kind of person?

Lin Yulan's heart was filled with a breath, and her vision turned black. She fell backwards and was caught by the old man. Chu Qiao also stepped forward to help her. Although she was dissatisfied with Lin Yulan, she was Gu Ye's mother after all. It was extremely unfilial to be so angry. .

"Mom, please sit down and take a rest. Don't be too angry."

Chu Qiao poured a glass of warm water, and Lin Yulan drank half of the glass. There was some blood on her face. She leaned weakly on the sofa and said to Mr. Gu: "Let them make it clear. I can't carry this crime. You let me They speak!"

Lin Yulan screamed the last sentence hoarsely, with bulging veins on her forehead. She was completely different from the Wenya she used to be. After finishing the roar, Lin Yulan gasped again, her face turned pale, and she looked very bad. Chu Qiao felt a little guilty. She had made such a big fuss. I knew Lin Yulan would have such a big reaction.

"Don't be angry, I'll let them explain clearly!"

Mr. Gu gently patted his wife on the shoulder with a serious expression. He was also surprised that his eldest daughter-in-law always looked at him and Yulan like this. No wonder Zhu Yuzhen was disrespectful to Yulan and made rude remarks to her over the years.

Damn it!

The old man gritted his teeth, with a livid face, walked step by step to Zhu Yuzhen, and looked at her intently.

Zhu Yuzhen was so frightened that she backed away and retorted: "Dad, I'm right, that's what my mother said."

"you shut up!"

Gu Jiefang rushed over and slapped him. His normally honest and kind face became ferocious, his eyes bulged, and he glared at Zhu Yuzhen viciously. The stinky woman has no eyesight at all. Why did his mother marry him such a stupid woman? Make him swear not to divorce.

"You hit me? Gu Jiefang, you dare to hit me? I will fight with you!"

Zhu Yuzhen was stunned for three seconds. The burning pain on her face made her furious. She rushed over and fought with Gu Jiefang. Her mother-in-law loved her as if she were her own daughter. She also said that she had a kinship with her, just like her biological daughter. He has been good to her since she was a child and often bought her delicious food when she was in the village. After her mother-in-law went to Shanghai, she also sent her new clothes and snacks.

She has the most new clothes in the village and the best food. Her parents treat her well, even better than their two younger brothers. They don’t even say a harsh word. A rural girl has to work since she was a child, and she is a half-brother. Although she was a hard worker, Zhu Yuzhen was as pampered as a city girl. Even during the wheat harvest season, her parents would not let her do any work.

Zhu Yuzhen, who had grown up in a honey pot, had never suffered any grievances. How could she bear Gu Jiefang's slap? Zhu Yuzhen, who was very vicious, scratched Gu Jiefang's head until it was bloody, and even pulled him halfway. Head hair.

"You shrew, you will never survive a divorce!"

Gu Jiefang, who was in such a state of embarrassment, had forgotten all his damn instructions. He had tolerated it for decades, and if he couldn't bear it any longer, he had to get divorced.

"Gu Jiefang, how dare you? What did our mother tell you? You are a black-hearted person. You have even forgotten what mother said. Be careful, mother will teach you a lesson tonight!"

Zhu Yuzhen was not afraid at all, but instead became more domineering. Her mother-in-law told her before she died that she was Gu Jiefang's noble person and Gu Jiefang could not live without her. This was the reason why he arranged a baby wedding for them.

"I'm going to divorce. I'm going to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow!" Gu Jiefang yelled, squeezing his neck. The idea of ​​divorce had been brewing in his heart for decades. To be honest, he wanted to leave on the wedding night.

Zhu Yuzhen, an ordinary-looking, uneducated, rustic rural girl, was not worthy of him, the dignified eldest son of the Gu family. If he hadn't agreed to his mother, he wouldn't have suffered this injustice.

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