Chu Qiao frowned and asked, "Where is Xiaopeng sleeping now?"

"Your old room."

"He Jihong asked him to move?" Chu Qiao asked fiercely. He Jihong was out of his mind. Chu Peng was her own son.

"No, Xiaopeng moved it by himself. Xu Bilian insisted on living in a big room. If he didn't agree, he would make trouble. Xiaopeng said that he lived in a small room." Chu Yuanzhi said helplessly. Since Xu Bilian came back, the house has been in chaos every day. A quiet day.

Chu Qiao believed that bitch Xu Bilian could indeed do such a thing. This bitch was selfish and cold-blooded. She only cared about her own enjoyment and would cry when she couldn't achieve her goal. He Jihong just followed her example. As long as Xu Bilian made trouble, he would Will compromise, even his own son Chu Peng has to step aside.

"I'm going to see Xiaopeng. We'll talk about Xu Bilian later."

Chu Qiao didn't agree. She definitely couldn't let that bitch harm her beauty shop. Moreover, she was also wondering, what did Xu Bilian do every night?

It doesn't sound like a serious matter. What serious woman would get drunk every night and go home in the middle of the night?

Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly thought of a possibility. This is what Lulu and A Mei's professions were like. Wouldn't Xu Bilian do this too?

But I think it's impossible. Lulu and A Mei were forced to fall into prostitution because of the pressure of life. Xu Bilian was not short of money and had no pressure to support her family. Could she be making a fool of herself?

"Dad, do you know what Xu Bilian did at night?" Chu Qiao asked.

"I didn't know that I was so drunk as soon as I came back. Your Aunt He took off her clothes and shoes. She slept like a dead pig during the day and went out again as soon as it got dark. Ask her if she can hold up a hundred dollars." Sentence." Chu Yuanzhi complained.

"Then does she have money on hand? Did your wife give it to you?"

"I don't know about this, Qiaoqiao, what do you mean?" Chu Yuanzhi had guessed it, but was not sure. He thought it was unlikely. If He Jihong knew about it, he would be furious.

"It's nothing, we'll talk about it later."

Chu Qiao smiled and hung up the phone. She was now 70 to 80% sure that Xu Bilian had definitely done nothing good. This bitch really didn't disappoint her.

Since he was going to school to see his dog brother, he couldn't leave his hands empty-handed. Chu Qiao made some dough temporarily, put in a lot of eggs, baked some cakes, cut them into squares, stacked them neatly, and wrapped them in clean burlap paper. Get up, tie it with a rope, and go to school.

It happened to be lunch break when I arrived at school. From a distance, I saw Brother Dog lying on the table sleeping from the window. Chu Qiao felt even more angry. In the past, every time she came, Chu Peng was reading and very energetic, but now he is Go to bed, obviously I didn't sleep well at night.

Tang Weiguo was still the same, lying on the table and sleeping soundly. The two of them were listless, as if they had become thieves at night.

As soon as Chu Qiao appeared at the door of the classroom, some classmates recognized her and woke Chu Peng up.

Chu Peng raised his head sleepily. When he saw the stupid sister, he immediately woke up, yawned and came out.

"Did you become a thief at night?" Chu Qiao was annoyed.

The dog brother was very fierce in front of her, and he got cold feet when he met Xu Bilian. He even took the initiative to give up the room. He had never been so kind to her before. When he thought about it, he became angry and wanted to leave with the cake.

"I'm a little late reading. Is this a cake?"

Chu Peng's eyes were bright. He saw the square burlap paper, which seemed to be edible. He could still vaguely smell the scent of cake. He immediately became energetic and reached out to take it.

Chu Qiao avoided it and snorted, "Bricks are not for food."

"Let me see."

Of course Chu Peng didn't believe it and snatched the cake. As soon as he held it in his hand, he knew that the stupid sister was lying. It was so light that it must have been eaten. He untied the rope and the strong fragrance of the cake floated out, attracting many students in the classroom. Drooling, he craned his neck to look outside, feeling envious and jealous in his heart.

Xueba Peng's sister is not only beautiful, she also brings delicious food every time she comes, which is even more delicious than store-bought. Other people's sisters are kind-hearted and good at cooking, but their sisters only know how to exploit. Bully them.


Chu Peng took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth. His sleepiness disappeared immediately, but the black and blue under his eyes showed that he was seriously sleep deprived, which made Chu Qiao get angry again.

"Xu Bilian robbed your room?"

"No, I gave it to her."

Chu Peng had cake in his mouth and spoke slurred words. Chu Qiao gritted his teeth, stood on tiptoes, slapped him on the head, and growled: "You are so kind. When I lived in a small room, what did you do? Don’t you want to give it to me? Give me the cake back, don’t eat it!”

The dog brother is not worthy!

She shouldn't have come here this time, it's none of her business, they have a deep love for each other.

"Are you jealous?"

Chu Peng's tone was very serious. The stupid sister's body was filled with sour gas, and her jealousy was overturned. He then said: "I gave in, but you said no."

Then he said: "I gave in three times, but you said no, it's only three times."

He would repeat one thing at most three times, and forget it if it didn't work. It wasn't worth wasting his time anymore.

Chu Qiao was stunned. Did Brother Dog give in?

It seemed that this was the case. Chu Qiao remembered that Chu Peng said that he lived in the storage room, but she refused because she was afraid of being scolded by He Jihong. In this way, she had indeed wronged Brother Gou.

"Then you can't leave it to Xu Bilian. You don't want to take the college entrance examination? Look at your dark eyes. They are darker than those of a giant panda. You are not energetic in class during the day. How can you still study well?"

There was distress in Chu Qiao's tone that she didn't even notice.

The corners of Chu Peng's mouth raised slightly, he swallowed the cake in his hand, and said nonchalantly: "I won't listen in class."

He had never listened carefully to the lectures. He had already learned what the teacher said on his own. Of course, it would not affect the college entrance examination. It was just that he couldn't sleep well at night, which was really uncomfortable.

"Modest gain, full loss, don't think you can definitely get into a key university." Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, feeling a little unbalanced.

They both have the same father. Brother Gou studied easily and could get 100% on the test without attending classes. In his previous life, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the capital and passed the TOEFL easily. He studied abroad at public expense, but she could not even pass the test. It was very strenuous. I had listened carefully in class and taken notes, but I just couldn’t solve the questions. My brain was like a blocked sewer pipe, and I just couldn’t figure it out.

Chu Peng twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing. He would definitely pass the exam, so he decided not to say anything to avoid irritating his stupid sister. After all, he was an intellectually disabled person who found it difficult to get even 60 points in the exam.

"Tang Weiguo also became a thief at night? He slept so soundly that he couldn't even wake up from the thunder." Chu Qiao couldn't help but ridicule.

The bell has already been rung. The bell is so loud and the classroom is very noisy, but Tang Weiguo still sleeps like a dead pig.

"He's been obsessed with watching tapes lately."

Chu Peng blurted out, a suspicious red cloud appeared on his face, and quickly lowered his head to eat the cake. Some scenes that were not suitable for children appeared in his mind. He saw them accidentally when he spent the night in Tang Wei country last time. Only then did he understand why the stupid brother I feel listless every day.

Chu Qiao suddenly became alert, "What video tape? Did you watch it too?"

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