"Nothing, I'm going to read a book!"

Chu Peng vaguely denied that this was a secret between him and stupid brother, and he could not tell stupid sister, and it was embarrassing to say such a thing.

"Did you and Tang Weiguo watch that hooligan video together?"

Chu Qiao grabbed the dog brother and asked with a low growl, "The way Chu Peng was acting just now, it was obvious that he didn't have three hundred taels of silver here. What video tapes would two young men of seventeen or eighteen years old be watching at night?"

It can’t be an ideological and moral education movie, right?

Moreover, that boy Tang Weiguo didn't do his job properly. He hung out with a group of gangsters all day long. He had a way to get those messy video tapes. It was too much for this boy to fall into depravity himself. He actually brought Chu Peng into depravity with him.

"No, don't make blind guesses!"

Chu Peng refused to admit it, but his face became redder and redder. His mind was filled with the intense scenes he saw that night. One night last week, he didn't want to go home, so he went to Tang Wei Country to do his homework and went to bed that night. At the Tang family.

When he got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he heard suspicious noises in Tang Weiguo's room. Chu Peng was very curious. He walked over and saw the stupid brother doing some... things. There were some scenes inappropriate for children on the TV.

Chu Peng only glanced at it and then stopped looking. He also advised Tang Weiguo not to look at it. It was a waste of youth and health. It was already three o'clock in the morning. This kid was still not sleeping, which was definitely not good for his health.

However, Tang Weiguo spoke plausibly and said that youth without watching the video tapes was imperfect. He also used Westerners as an analogy, saying that foreign men started to indulge in pornography at the age of sixteen. He just watched some video tapes and it was nothing.

This kid made a lot of lies and even asked him to read it together. Chu Peng refused. He felt sick, and if he didn't sleep at night, he would lose energy in class during the day. He didn't want to be a night owl.

What he said was true, but Chu Qiao didn't believe it. The more he looked at Brother Gou's suspicious appearance, the more doubtful he became. No wonder he didn't have energy in class during the day, and went to see something like that at night. It's strange that he had energy!

No wonder Tang Weiguo taught Gu Ye those messy things, and he might have dragged Gu Ye to read them too. This bastard boy didn't learn well all day long, and he did all these evil things. She would have a good talk with Chang Jinfeng later.

"You have some idea in your mind, don't be too imitated!" Chu Qiao said sincerely.

Chu Peng rolled his eyes angrily. He knew very well that the stupid sister was just a dog worrying about a mouse.

"I'm going back to class."

Chu Peng turned around with the cake and was about to go back to the classroom. Tang Weiguo came out with a smile, his eyes were red, and there were deep marks on his cheeks, which were caused by pillowing on his arms.

"Sister Chu Qiao is here. Is this a cake? It looks delicious. I'll eat a piece!"

Tang Weiguo stretched out his hand to take the cake, but Chu Peng avoided it. He only ordered so much cake, but he didn't even have enough to eat. Tang Weiguo stretched out his hand and complained to Chu Qiao, "Sister Chu Qiao, Dapeng is getting more and more stingy." Got it!"

"I won't give it to you to eat. It would be a waste if you eat it!"

Chu Qiao glared angrily. He taught Gu Ye all those messy things every day, and now he wanted to drag Xiaopeng into trouble. He had bad intentions!

Tang Weiguo was stunned, what's going on?

He just took a nap, why did the world change?

Chu Qiao left angrily, not giving Tang Weiguo a good look from the beginning to the end, which made him feel very sad, and he didn't understand when he had offended someone.

"Dapeng, what's wrong with your sister? I didn't offend her, did I? Did you say bad things about me in front of her?" Tang Weiguo lost all his sleep. He was still waiting for Gu Ye to divorce, and he must not lose his impression points.

"have no idea."

Chu Peng had a dull look on his face and said seriously: "Maybe it's time to do it once a month."

The physiological hygiene teacher said that women will have emotional turmoil once a month, which lasts for three to seven days. The mood fluctuations vary from person to person.

Tang Weiguo suddenly realized, frowning and smiling, that's what happened.

He knows.

"Dapeng, how are your sister and your brother-in-law doing?" Tang Weiguo put his arm around his brother's shoulders affectionately, trying to get some inside information. Gu Ye always shamelessly reported good news but not bad news, saying that he and Chu Qiao were deeply in love. , as good as a single person, and also said that the joy of marriage can only be known after getting married, and a bachelor cannot understand it.

Tang Weiguo didn't believe a word of these words. He felt that Gu Ye was just enjoying himself in suffering and deceiving himself. How could a man with hidden physical diseases be happy after getting married?

"So loving!"

Chu Peng rolled his eyes in warning. He still hasn't given up yet. He insists on hitting the wall and humiliating himself. It's really stupid.

Tang Weiguo curled his lips, feeling that his brother must have been bribed by Gu Ye and helped Gu Ye tell lies. Forget it, he should wait slowly. Anyway, he is still young and it will take four years to reach the legal age. There is no rush.

Let's go catch up on some sleep. He hasn't finished watching the new video tapes he got. They're so exciting. After watching them, he wants to secretly put them back in his uncle's safe to avoid being discovered by his uncle.

After leaving school, Chu Qiao went directly to Chang Jinfeng's house. Chang Jinfeng was watching TV while the Tang family took a nap.

"Xiao Chu is here, sit down quickly."

Chang Jinfeng greeted her warmly. Now she and Chu Qiao get along like real sisters. Ever since she got the whitening cream, she has successfully entered the circle of top rich wives in Shanghai. Although Tang Yaozu is rich, he is not very popular in Shanghai. No matter what, a boss like him can grab a lot of them at will, so the rich ladies Chang Jinfeng usually hangs out with are of the same level as her.

There are many rich people in Shanghai, and the wealth of these people makes Tang Yaozu jealous to the point of pink eye. He wants to break into this circle, because although Tang Yaozu is uneducated, he knows the straw theorem.

Straw and cabbage are tied together, which is the price of cabbage.

But if the straw is tied to the hairy crab, it will be the price of the hairy crab.

In the same way, who you hang out with reflects what kind of person you are. Tang Yaozu wants to establish relationships with those top rich people. A little oil leaking from the fingers of these rich people is enough for him to earn a lot. However, that circle is too It was difficult to blend in. Tang Yaozu sharpened his head and couldn't get in.

Chang Jinfeng wanted to take care of her husband's worries, and also tried her best to get into the circle of wealthy wives, but the result was the same and she failed.

But she didn't expect that her unintentional intervention was successful. A few days ago, Chang Jinfeng received a call from Mrs. Liu, saying that she wanted to buy whitening cream. She was very polite. Chang Jinfeng's voice sounded strange, not her usual. The acquaintance at the party thought she was just an ordinary landlady who came here because of her reputation, but she didn't refuse. She was just a customer when she came to the door, so it would definitely not hurt to make more connections.

So Chang Jinfeng received Mrs. Liu politely, talked about the price, and had a very good chat with Mrs. Liu. After that, Mrs. Liu introduced her identity, which shocked Chang Jinfeng and made her even more happy. She didn't show any shame.

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