The whitening cream Chu Qiao sent today was prepared for Mrs. Liu. Chang Jinfeng was so excited that she couldn't sleep these days. She would be able to enter that circle soon. Mrs. Liu promised to introduce several other wives for her.

Because of this, Chang Jinfeng now looks at Chu Qiao as if he is a shining golden god of wealth, so he naturally has a good relationship with her.

"The whitening cream you asked for is ready." Chu Qiao took out three bottles of whitening cream and placed them on the coffee table.

Chang Jinfeng's eyes widened, and she happily picked up the bottle and asked, "Xiao Chu, how long will it take you to use this whitening cream?"

There were several other ladies who wanted it, but Chang Jinfeng didn't dare to agree to all of them, fearing that Chu Qiao wouldn't be able to make it in time, so she had to hold off for now.

"Sister Jinfeng, you said you needed it urgently, so I worked overtime to get these three bottles out. I didn't even sleep at night. It took me three nights to make these three bottles."

Chu Qiao yawned and her eyes were filled with tears. She was pestered by someone until early in the morning last night and she was trapped to death.

In fact, she could prepare three bottles of whitening cream in half a day at most, but if she said that dispensing the medicine was easy, Chang Jinfeng and other customers would definitely think that she was making money too easily, and they would have their own thoughts.

A bottle is about the size of a thumb, so a little bit costs 500 yuan. Some people only earn this amount for half a year, so it is naturally difficult to say this.

Chang Jinfeng had long noticed the black spots under Chu Qiao's eyes. There was no doubt that the imbalance in her heart had faded a lot. In fact, she was a little jealous. Her old Tang was working so hard outside, drinking and bragging, and even lying down. Only by being humble and acting like a grandson can you earn this family fortune, but Chu Qiao can earn so much easily, and people have to look at her face.

In her family, Old Tang earns money while kneeling, but Chu Qiao earns money standing up. There are also many people rushing to deliver money to her door. All the clients of Old Tang's hair growth medicine have made reservations for the year after next. Hers There is also an endless stream of customers for the whitening cream, which is called a huge source of money.

Even if Chang Jinfeng has an open-minded temperament, she will be jealous after seeing it, but it only lasted for a while, and she quickly figured out that Chu Qiao was relying on her true ability to earn a living, and she had a secret recipe that could not be exchanged for a lot of money, which was worth more than the wealth of the entire family. Only if it is valuable can you strengthen your waist.

She couldn't help but think of her son. He was so poor in studies and would definitely not be able to take the imperial examination. Chang Jinfeng was thinking about this these days, wondering whether he should let his son learn a trade. After all, it would not be too easy to do business. Reliable, there is still a certain skill that can be relied on. Like Chu Qiao, who can prepare medicine and play a few musical instruments, he will never be hungry wherever he goes.

Chu Qiao didn't know that this eldest sister could think so much in just a moment. She yawned again, her eyes were misty, and she quickly drank tea to refresh herself.

"Xiao Chu, is your whitening cream suitable for everyone? I have a very important customer whose skin is prone to allergies. Can your whitening cream be used?" Chang Jinfeng thought of something else.

The person with allergic skin is not Mrs. Liu, but another rich lady in Mrs. Liu’s circle. Chang Jinfeng listened to Mrs. Liu’s tone and respected that lady. Obviously her husband’s net worth is better than Mrs. Liu’s husband. Chang Jinfeng Feng naturally didn't dare to neglect, and had to think carefully about everything.

"It depends on the other person's skin condition. I didn't see it, so I can't say for sure now." Chu Qiao didn't dare to speak too fully.

In the prescription left by our ancestors, it was mentioned that it varies from person to person, but it did not go into details, leaving it up to the younger generation to figure it out for themselves. The formula is exactly that, and the dosage will be different for different skin types. The details will depend on the understanding of the younger generation. .

Chu Qiao thought about it for a long time and secretly prepared some by herself, but she hadn't tried it yet, so she didn't dare to be too sure.

Chang Jinfeng frowned slightly. In fact, she didn't really want to introduce Chu Qiao to Mrs. Liu. It wasn't that she was petty, she just felt that she had worked hard for many years and finally had the opportunity to integrate into that circle, but Chu Qiao could get in easily. , she was somewhat upset.

But what Chu Qiao said makes sense. Doctors have to see the patient during consultation.

Chang Jinfeng did not hesitate for too long, and soon figured it out, and said with a smile: "Then I will introduce you to Xiao Chu someday. I tell you, they are quite extraordinary. The circle is very small, and ordinary people You can't get in. Don't look at the fact that my old Tang has five or six people outside. In fact, in the eyes of those people, he is just a small businessman. He can't get into their eyes and can't enter that circle at all."

She just wanted Chu Qiao to know how high-end the circle she introduced was, and how many people would never be able to get into it. She also wanted Chu Qiao to remember her as a favor.

Chu Qiao was a little confused. It was nap time now, and she was getting sleepy. She finished a cup of tea and ate a few torreya, but she felt more and more sleepy. She got up to pour water and looked for a tea can. Hearing these words from Chang Jinfeng.

"What circle? Sister Jinfeng, where is your tea can?"

Chu Qiao didn't understand, so she heard Chang Jinfeng circle to the left and then to the right, which made her even more sleepy and she couldn't find the tea can.

Chang Jinfeng's expression was a little stiff, and he kept talking to her for a long time, but all his words were in vain. Seeing Chu Qiao looking for the tea can all over the world, he was angry and funny, so he picked up the tea can from Chu Qiao's back and gave it to her, "Just Next to you, you can't see it."

Chu Qiao smiled, grabbed a handful of tea leaves, added boiling water, then sat down and asked: "What circle did you just talk about?"

"It's nothing. They are just some famous bosses in Shanghai. Their men have a men's circle, and we women also have a women's circle. We usually go shopping together, play mahjong, drink afternoon tea and brag."

Chang Jinfeng said lightly, feeling a little embarrassed. Suddenly she felt that the scope of her thoughts just now was too small. Chu Qiao didn't pay attention to things at all, but she thought so much and was worried that others would take advantage of her. Her current Her mentality is what her father often said is that the situation is too small, and the heart of a villain will judge the heart of a gentleman.

Her father, Mr. Chang, often said that suffering is a blessing. He also said that we must know how to win-win. You can't just sweep the snow in front of your own house. The snow in front of other people's houses must also be swept away. You can't stay away from home for the rest of your life. When you go out, I have to pass by someone else's house, and if the snow is not swept away, I will fall down.

The old man also said that if those brothers who shed blood and sacrificed their lives in the past only thought about themselves, there would be no new society now. The personality structure must be big, and it is okay to suffer a little loss.

The more Chang Jinfeng thought about it, the more ashamed she became. Over the years, she had been doing business with Tang Yaozu and dealt with those little ladies every day. The situation had indeed become a lot smaller and they had become vulgar and philistine. Fortunately, she woke up today. She will definitely change in the future.

Even in Mrs. Liu's circle, Chang Jinfeng suddenly felt that it was actually meaningless. There was no need to rush to fawn over her. If he didn't want to make friends with her, then he wouldn't make friends. She was not inferior to others, so there was nothing to feel inferior about.

As soon as Chang Jinfeng's mentality changed, she seemed calm. She chatted with Chu Qiao about the circle and told her everything she knew.

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