"These three bottles of medicine are for Mrs. Liu. She is in the circle of that wife, and she is not particularly distinguished. I heard that the leader of that circle is a Mrs. Liang. Her husband's family is in Hong Kong City, but in Shanghai. There is business here, and Mrs. Liang lives in Shanghai for most of the year." Chang Jinfeng sounded a little envious.

We can’t blame Chang Jinfeng for his shallow knowledge. In the inland areas of the 1980s, even food and clothing could not be fully solved. Even in a big city with one of the best economies such as Shanghai, many working-class people could barely have enough to eat and had not yet realized the importance of meat. Those who have free eggs and can eat one meal of meat a week are definitely from a well-off family.

The living standards of Chang Jinfeng and Chu Qiao are among the best in the country, but this is only limited to food, and fashion is not as good as those in Hong Kong City.

The reason why Mrs. Liang can become the leader of that circle is mainly because she understands fashion and knows how to dress up. She can often bring back many foreign brand luxury goods from the Hong Kong city, and she can also talk about some new things from abroad, which makes the inland people Some country bumpkin ladies are eye-opening.

Chang Jinfeng had never met Mrs. Liang with her own eyes, but she had heard about Mrs. Liu and was quite envious of her. Although she was rich, her knowledge was limited and she was just a bumpkin.

"Xiao Chu, you don't know that Mrs. Liang knows so much. She has been to more than a dozen countries. She bought all her clothes and cosmetics in Paris. She only carries one brand of bag. It seems to be called Ai Ma or something. One The bag costs tens of thousands.”

Chu Qiao had no special feelings. The things Chang Jinfeng envied would not be unusual in another twenty or thirty years. By then, the rich ladies in the port city would have to envy the mainland.

"Sister Jinfeng, it's not like you can't afford it. Tens of thousands of dollars is nothing to you. Why are you envious of others?"

"It's not that I'm envious, I just think that's what people enjoy. I've never been abroad before."

Chang Jinfeng was stunned for a moment and then became reserved. She felt that she had indeed become a bit petty just now, but she still envied her, not even the horse-loving Baobao. She just envied him for being able to go wherever he wanted, but she didn't even mention Paris. , I haven’t even been out to Shanghai a few times, what a country bumpkin.

"That's because we are geographically limited. We have just started reforming and opening up, so we are definitely different from others. If you look back in a few decades, those people in Hong Kong City will definitely envy us." Chu Qiao was confident.

Chang Jinfeng was dubious, "They envy us? It's impossible, right?"

"How is it impossible? Don't look at how rich Hong Kong City is now, but think about it. Hong Kong City is a little bigger. In a place as big as your butt, you don't have anything to eat. All the food and drinks are provided by us inland. Now This is already the peak, and we will have to go downhill in the future. Our inland is different. We have a huge land and abundant resources, a large number of people and great strength, and we are not afraid of hardship. We also have wise leaders to lead us forward. It will be a matter of time to surpass them. Just watch. Well, a bunch of people from Hong Kong City will definitely rush back by then."

Chu Qiao sounded very sure, and Chang Jinfeng became more confident and a little excited. She felt that what Chu Qiao said was very similar to her old man.

"Xiao Chu, you and my dad talk very much like each other. My old man often says the same thing. It's exactly the same as what you said. He also said that it's only a matter of time before we catch up with Country M!" Chang Jinfeng said with a smile.

"It's necessary. What's so great about country M? Sister Jinfeng, you don't know. The history of that country is longer than our pot of mutton soup. I heard that criminals and gangsters were exiled there in the past. Otherwise, the history of that country is longer than ours. The crime rate is so high, so the variety is a bit of a problem.”

Chu Qiao deeply believed that Mr. Chang was very far-sighted. Although when she died, China was not strong enough to catch up with Country M, it had already shown its strength as a great country in the world. She was convinced that it would definitely become a great country. of the Eastern Powers.

As for the allusion to mutton soup, Chu Qiao read it from a book, and she laughed to death at the time.

Chang Jinfeng had never heard of this, so he was very interested. When Chu Qiao told this allusion, he laughed until tears came out. The envy he felt towards Country M disappeared immediately, and he even looked down upon it.

"In that case, Country M is actually our ancient Ninggu Pagoda." Chang Jinfeng said lightly.

Chu Qiao shook his head, "You can't say that. The bitter cold land of Ningguta has few resources and survival is difficult. Country M is different. The land is fertile. You can live whatever you plant. The place is large and the population is small. The original indigenous people are the same as the primitive people. , was almost wiped out by these criminals, and then occupied other people's land. Even a group of pigs could live well in the past on such a large and fertile land. Our country looks very big, but there is not much fertile land. Those with much worse congenital conditions cannot be compared.”

Chang Jinfeng nodded and said with emotion: "This is the difference between starting from scratch and having a family. You, Brother Tang, have nothing. It is difficult to start from scratch, but it is much easier for others who have family support."

Chu Qiao smiled and said nothing, but she said in her heart that Tang Yaozu was not self-made. If not for the support of his father-in-law, how could he, a poor boy, have established himself in Shanghai?

It's already been squeezed to death.

In fact, the same goes for Gu Ye. If he is not the old man's son, who is selling him face?

Even if Gu Ye has the strength and can succeed in the future, it will never be so easy.

It is true that many big bosses have emerged in this era, but in fact many of them are not self-made. There are too few who are truly self-made, and they all have some connections.

Chang Jinfeng added: "The person I'm talking about who has allergic skin is Mrs. Liang. She also wants whitening cream, but her skin is prone to allergies. The skin care products she usually uses are all customized."

"Then I have to take a look at Mrs. Liang and understand clearly." Chu Qiao said.

Chang Jinfeng nodded, "I'll talk to Mrs. Liu and see if we can arrange a meeting for you. By the way, how is your beauty shop? I told Mrs. Liu about your beauty shop and she was particularly interested. Said that if it opens, she will definitely go to support it."

"It won't open until spring. I'm currently training my employees. Then I'll have to ask Sister Jinfeng to bring friends to support me and make my store more popular." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"It's necessary. Who among us is following whom?"

Chang Jinfeng readily agreed and started chatting with Chu Qiao. As they chatted, they talked about Tang Weiguo. Chang Jinfeng was worried, "I'm almost worried to death. You, Brother Tang, are not in a hurry at all, and you said you can't pass the exam." It doesn’t matter if he goes to college. If he goes to study abroad for a few years, he can still get a diploma, and it’s gold-encrusted. If he comes back to manage the company, he will definitely starve to death.”

She sighed and said worriedly: "I don't want Weiguo to study abroad. Across thousands of mountains and rivers, I heard that foreigners eat raw, and meat and fish are all bloody. How can this be done, human beings?" I got sick from eating, but you, Brother Tang, didn’t listen to me, and even said that it’s popular to study abroad now, and rich people are sending their children out, oh, I’m so worried.”

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