"Brother Tang is right. It is good to go out and experience things. My Xiaopeng also wants to go abroad, but my family has no money, so we can only let him take the exam at public expense. If he fails, he will not go out." Chu Qiao advised.

In fact, she wanted to say that Tang Weiguo had a very good life in his previous life, but he looked like a dog. Chang Jinfeng and others praised his son for his great potential, but Chang Jinfeng was still worried because Tang Weiguo refused to get married and had a bad relationship with her dog brother. The same, but not exactly the same.

Chu Peng was not a womanizer, but Tang Weiguo was a very womanizer. He never had sex with women around him. He was like a bee, collecting honey every day, but he didn't build a nest, which made Chang Jinfeng complain every day and he couldn't hold his grandson.

"Your Xiaopeng doesn't need adults to worry about him. He studies so well. If Weiguo was half as good as Xiaopeng, I would laugh in my dreams." Chang Jinfeng's tone was a little sour, and it was He Jihong who was so sour.

This stinky bitch is so lucky to have given birth to such a promising son, who is outstanding in appearance and academics. He is a hundred times stronger than the evil in her family. Every time she goes to a parent-teacher meeting, Chang Jinfeng is upset. I was so jealous that I wanted to strangle my son to death. It was so embarrassing.

Especially when this brat was sitting at the same table as Chu Peng, and she had to sit with He Jihong during the parent-teacher meeting. This brat was so proud that she ranked first in every category after hearing the teacher's praise. The only people in her family who were deaf could hear criticism. , Menmen is also first and last.

That stinky bitch also deliberately spoke to irritate her, saying that she never cared about Chu Peng and that the child learned it by herself. She also said that Chu Peng was very self-conscious in his studies and read very late at night. She had to say it several times every time, Chu Peng Then he was willing to go to bed.

In fact, what He Jihong told was the truth, but she didn't know that Chu Peng was reading extracurricular books.

Chang Jinfeng felt even more sad. Her family always stayed up late every night, but either watched TV or never touched a book after returning home. How could the gap between people be so big?

She gave birth to a son, but she gave birth to a debt collector.

God was so blind that He Jihong gave birth to such a good son. She was so angry.

Chu Qiao heard Chang Jinfeng's sourness and was secretly amused. She had heard a little about the grudges between He Jihong and Chang Jinfeng, but He Jihong was also very lucky. Her daughter did not live up to her expectations, but her son did. No wonder Chang Jinfeng is sour.

"Your Weiguo is not bad at all. Although his studies are a bit poor, Weiguo can communicate well. To do business, you have to be well-rounded. Learning well does not necessarily mean you will be good at business. My Xiaopeng is just not very good at socializing. He is cold all day long. He keeps a stern face and doesn't speak at home from morning to night. I'm worried that he won't be able to marry a wife in the future. Which girl would like this kind of dead face?"

Chu Qiao had belittled her dog brother, and she was telling the truth. In his previous life, Chu Peng was just an old bachelor.

Chang Jinfeng felt a lot more balanced in her heart. She felt that Chu Qiao spoke very nicely, and her son also had some good qualities. The boy like Chu Peng was indeed a bit colder in temperament, and he was definitely not as good as Wei Guo in social communication.

"Xiao Peng is good-looking and good at studies. Don't worry about why he can't find a partner. I'm worried about Wei Guo now. I'm afraid that he won't be able to do anything in the future. Do you think I can let him learn a trade? ?" Chang Jinfeng couldn't help but speak her mind. She didn't know what to do, so she wanted someone to help her make up her mind.


Chu Qiao couldn't help but laugh, "Sister Jinfeng, your family has so many businesses, but Weiguo is the only son. What kind of craft do you want him to learn? It's enough to learn how to do business. Look at how many of those who are carpenters and masons have made a fortune. ?The knowledge of doing business is very profound, so don’t worry about it."

Chang Jinfeng also smiled, "I'm just anxious. When you have a child, you will definitely be like me. Alas, I don't want Weiguo to have a big future. I just hope that he can keep the family business and be safe and healthy." , just marry a good wife and live a good life."

"It will definitely be a good time."

Chu Qiao comforted her, then changed her tone and said in a low voice: "Sister Jinfeng, I went to school today and saw Wei Guo sleeping on the table in broad daylight. He didn't wake up despite the thunder. He's not feeling well."

The brat dared to lead her younger brother into a bad way, and even taught her husband a bad lesson. Hmph, I need to put some eye drops on him now.

Chang Jinfeng was immediately alert, "Xiao Chu, have you gone to school? What happened to Wei Guo?"

"I went there at noon and fell asleep on the table. There was so much noise in the classroom that I didn't wake up. Xiaopeng said that he has been like this for the past few days and slept in class. He was young and lost all his vitality. Sister Jinfeng, you have to take care of it. Let Weiguo go to bed early at night. It's not good for your health to have day and night reversed every day." Chu Qiao advised.

"No, that's right. This brat always watches TV at night. I wake up and he's still watching TV. Even scolding him doesn't work. I'm so angry. Why did he have such a bad thing?"

Chang Jinfeng was angry and worried, angry that her son was not living up to expectations, and worried about her son's health. She was so angry that her head began to hurt again, so she used cooling oil to rub her temples. She had not stopped using the cooling oil since Tang Weiguo was seven or eight years old.

She is often so angry that her head explodes. At this time, there is no word for rebellious stage. Chang Jinfeng knows that her family has been troubled since she was seven or eight years old. It makes her angry almost every day. The white hair on her head , and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, every one of them is caused by his son’s anger.

What a sin!

"Are you really watching TV? Sister Jinfeng, are you watching carefully?" Chu Qiao asked deliberately.

Chang Jinfeng was stunned for a moment, "What else can I watch if I don't watch TV?"

She added: "Maybe you can also watch the video tapes. Wei Guo's brother-in-law has made a lot of martial arts movies. Wei Guo likes to watch them. Even the ones from Hong Kong City, Old Tang and I also like to watch them."

Seeing that Chu Qiao was hesitant to speak, Chang Jinfeng's heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked, "Xiao Chu, if you have something to say, just tell me. We can't hide it. Is Wei Guo doing something bad outside?"

"That's not true, it's just... Oh, I don't know what to say about this, it's so embarrassing." Chu Qiao's unwillingness to speak made Chang Jinfeng even more anxious, and he kept urging her to speak.

"Then I told you, I heard what Xiaopeng said, and I was very angry after hearing it. Weiguo is so shameless. He secretly watched that kind of video tape at night, and even dragged Xiaopeng to watch it."

Chu Qiao lowered her voice, making Chang Jinfeng confused, "What kind of video tape?"

"It's just that kind of dishonest thing. Sister Jinfeng, don't you know?" Chu Qiao said more clearly.

Chang Jinfeng understood immediately, and the blood on her face suddenly rushed to the top of her head. She had also seen this kind of video tape. Tang Yaozu brought it back secretly, and said that foreigners were watching this. She was so ashamed after watching it that she felt that These people are so shameless, how could they take photos of such embarrassing things?

It was released for so many people to see. How would you behave if your relatives and friends saw it?

She only watched it once, and then didn't watch it again. She even asked Tang Yaozu to throw away this dirty thing and not keep it at home, so as not to spoil her son. But she didn't expect that the evil boy was already watching this kind of thing. Poisonous weed.

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