"We will go back to the compound in the afternoon to celebrate the New Year. You also have the key to the house. You can come to watch the Spring Festival Gala. There are dumplings and wontons in the refrigerator, as well as a few dishes I prepared. You can just heat them up when you eat."

While Chu Qiao was eating wontons, she told her father that it was strange that her father had done something wrong. He was celebrating the New Year alone, and it was deserted. Many people in the family building had to go back to their hometowns, so it would be at least half empty. Her father's dear eldest sisters were probably It will also be half less, not even a nagging person.

"Don't worry, you can go home. I can handle it alone."

Although Chu Yuanzhi said this, he felt sour in his heart. In his forty-two years of life, this was the second time he spent New Year's Eve alone.

The year his mother passed away from illness, he spent the Spring Festival alone. It was so painful that he shed tears just thinking about it now. Fortunately, he went to the countryside the next year. During the first Spring Festival after going to the countryside, he and the educated youth The time we spent together was quite lively.

The year after he went to the countryside, he married Sun Yinxiu, and he never spent the New Year alone again.

Thinking of having to spend New Year's Eve alone again, Chu Yuanzhi's nose felt sore, but he was not ignorant. His daughter was already married, so she would definitely have to go back to her husband's house to celebrate the New Year. He couldn't drag his daughter back and spend the New Year alone. Just go there alone, there are many people in the family building.

Gu Ye also felt that his father-in-law was pitiful, so he said, "Dad, please come back to the compound with us to celebrate the New Year."

Chu Yuanzhi shook his head vigorously, "No, you live your life, I live well on my own, don't worry about me, I'm such an old person."

There was no reason to spend New Year's Eve at his in-laws' house. He wasn't from a down-and-out family. He was still the dignified young master of the Chu family, so he still had some ambition.

Gu Ye did not try to persuade him, mainly because he felt that it was nothing to celebrate the New Year alone. He remembered that one New Year's Eve, he was still on the battlefield, celebrating the New Year with artillery fire. The New Year's Eve dinner consisted of compressed biscuits soaked in water, and he also grabbed a few handfuls of wild vegetables to supplement it. Vitamins, the enemy attacked on New Year's Day. At that time, some brothers said that if you survive New Year's Eve, you will live another year.

Therefore, as long as there is a peaceful society, everyone will be happy during the New Year.

Other houses were also cleaning, including Zhang Suqin's house next door. After Dabao and Xiaobao wiped the table glass, they ran out to set off firecrackers with their friends. After unpacking a whole hanging firecracker, there were hundreds of small firecrackers. Light one. Just putting one cigarette casually is the greatest happiness for boys.

Dabao and Xiaobao's pockets were stuffed bulging with firecrackers and a lot of kickers, which Chu Qiao bought for them. The two brothers' arrogance made the other children extremely jealous, and they all gathered around to chat with Dabao. Xiaobao played together, and his tone of voice was somewhat fawning, just thinking that he could share the firecrackers.

"Your aunt is so kind to you. She bought so many firecrackers and two kickers." A child said enviously. He also wanted such a good aunt and could trade his mother for it.

The other children all nodded. They also wanted to trade their mother for an aunt like Chu Qiao, who could cook delicious food and buy so many firecrackers, which would be much better than their mother.

"My aunt is the best in the world!"

Dabao raised his neck proudly. He enjoyed the envy and jealousy of his friends. He used to be bullied and humiliated by the children in the village in his hometown. He didn't dare to think about anything. He just wanted to fill his stomach and protect him. Brother, I live in fear every day, fearing that I will starve to death and die of illness, and will not be able to see the sun tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Even when his father was still alive, he and his brother did not live well in their hometown. His father was not at home all year round, and it was the woman who took care of him and his brother. His father sent money home every month, but the money was not spent on him. When his father came home, that woman was very kind to him and his brother. She bought new clothes, delicious food, and spoke softly and softly. This was the happiest time for him and his brother.

But his father's time at home was too short, and the happy time for him and his brother was also very short. As soon as his father left, the woman's face changed. Dabao often wondered whether he and his brother were biological children of that woman?

Even beasts treat their own children very well and leave every bite of delicious food to their children. But that woman is worse than a beast. She either beats or scolds him and his brother, and doesn't care about their life or death. The dogs at home are nicer to them.

Dabao felt that in that woman's heart, he and his brother were probably enemies, right?

"My aunt is the best!" Xiaobao's childish voice shouted, interrupting Dabao's bitter memories. He sniffed and looked at his chubby little brother, feeling sweet in his heart.

He no longer has to worry about his brother dying. Life now is sweeter than sugar. He must listen to his uncle and aunt and be a good and obedient boy. He must also supervise his brother to be a good boy. If his brother is disobedient, he will definitely kill his family. of.

"Xiaobao, can you give me one or two kicks? Just one?" A boy begged with greedy eyes. The other children around him also had the same eyes.

The conditions for the employees in the machine tool factory are okay, but they can only guarantee that they will not go hungry. There are no other recreational toys and snacks. Things like two kickers are considered a waste in the eyes of adults, so naturally they cannot be bought for children to play with. of.

For people like Chu Qiao who are so generous to children, the machine tool factory can't even count one slap in the face.

Xiaobao hesitated for a while. In fact, he was reluctant to part with it, but he remembered that his aunt had said that good things should be shared with friends and you should not be too stingy, so he took a second kicker and handed it to the boy, "Here it is! "

"thank you!"

The boy was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly. The other boys also spoke one after another. Since others have it, they can also share one, right?

Dabao squeezed in and said loudly: "Whatever you divide, let's put them together!"

"Okay, let's put it in a tree hole. It's a pity that it hasn't snowed. Otherwise, it would be fun to put it in the snow!"

The children are happier. Playing together means they can play more kicks. Today's happiness is given by Dabao and Xiaobao. They will be better to Dabao and Xiaobao in the future.

"Go and put it over there. It's empty over there and there are no wires!"

The older boy already had a sense of safety and led a group of children to the other side of the family building. The place was open and there were no wires in the sky, so there was no need to worry about anything happening.

The children chirped, inserted the two kickers into the tree hole, lit the fuse, sparks flew everywhere, and then with a "chirp", the two kickers flew into the sky, and with another crackle, the children screamed happily. Come to think of it, happiness is so simple.

After putting several two kickers in a row, the children got tired of it and thought of a new way to play. Dabao took out an empty can box from home, lit the firecrackers, quickly covered it with the can iron box, and the children dispersed. , and then there was a loud bang, and the can box bounced high.

(This behavior is very dangerous, do not imitate it)

The children's laughter spread far and wide. The adults in the corridor smiled knowingly and did not scold the children for being naughty. During the New Year, you have to be happy to be happy.

Tongtong came over timidly, limping, and watched everyone playing with eager eyes. She wanted to join in several times, but she still didn't dare. Since her mother and Aunt Chuqiao quarreled last time, the children in the factory have not After playing with her, he ignored her when he saw her, and Xiaobao stopped playing with her.

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