80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 428: The secret of pretending to be lame is exposed

Tongtong didn't blame Xiaobao, because her mother and Aunt Chuqiao had a fight, so Xiaobao didn't play with her, but she really wanted to play with her friends. It was great like before.

Tongtong sniffed her sour nose, looked down at her feet, and mustered up the courage to approach Dabao and the others. In the end, she didn't dare to get too close for fear of being scolded by her mother.

"Go away, your mother will go crazy again if she sees it!"

One boy yelled in disgust. His mother had warned him at home not to play with Tongtong, so as not to provoke a psychopath. He had already remembered it.

"I...I don't want to play, I just want to watch!"

Tongtong's eyes turned red and she took a few steps back.

Xiaobao saw it from a distance, frowned, then came over and said to Tongtong: "Let's set off the firecrackers together."

Since the last quarrel between Tongtong's mother and aunt, he rarely played with Tongtong at school. Sometimes he wanted to play with Tongtong, but Tongtong was very afraid, saying that his mother would scold him, and Xiaobao didn't dare to do it anymore. .

But Xiaobao feels that Tongtong is very pitiful. He is obviously not a lame, but he is forced to pretend to be a lame by his psychotic mother. He cannot even walk happily. How painful it is.

Xiaobao couldn't understand what Tongtong's mother was thinking. He felt that Tongtong's mother was just as hateful as that woman. Although he and his brother also called that woman mother, in his heart, that woman couldn't even compare to his aunt's toes.

If that woman had a fight with his aunt, he would definitely help her aunt beat that woman, huh!

Tongtong's eyes lit up instantly and she looked happy. Can she really play?

"Xiaobao, her mother is crazy and wants to scold others!" someone reminded loudly, Tongtong's eyes dimmed again, she lowered her head in hurt, and twisted her clothes uneasily.

"Just don't let her mother know. Her mother is cleaning the house and can't see it."

Xiaobao smiled slyly. They were playing under another family building. They were far away and Tongtong's mother would definitely not be able to see them.

The other children thought about it and felt that what Xiaobao said made sense, so they agreed to play with Tongtong.

Tongtong's eyes were bright, and she was even happier than being praised by the teacher. Xiaobao gave her a few firecrackers and carefully instructed: "Throw them out as soon as you light the fuses. You have to throw them faster. The explosion will hurt your hands!"


Tongtong nodded vigorously. She had watched it for a long time and had learned that as long as she threw it fast, it would definitely not explode.

Xiaobao also generously gave her a cigarette. He took a few cigarettes from Gu Ye's pocket. It was a waste of money to set off the firecrackers.

The first time she set off a firecracker, Tongtong was a little scared and her hands were shaking. She was about to light it several times, but she retracted her hand. With Xiaobao's encouragement, she finally lit it, and the fuse burst into flames. Tongtong immediately threw the sparks away and covered her ears. After a while, the firecrackers exploded and the smoke filled the air. Tongtong jumped up happily and returned to her previous liveliness.

Several adults came over. Seeing the children so happy, they even asked with concern: "Blow your eyes carefully!"

"No, we throw it very quickly!"

Several children answered loudly, and deliberately lit the firecrackers in front of the adults. They waited for the fuses to burn for a while before throwing them out. The adults were frightened and laughed and shook their heads. They were really bold bears. child.

Chu Qiao was still doing hygiene. She heated hot water and added alkali to scrub the stove. Next door, Zhang Suqin was also wiping the stove. She was already pregnant, probably more than four months old.

She glanced at Chu Qiao coldly, snorted lightly, with contempt on her face. Chu Qiao rolled his eyes at her, snorted louder, and shouted into the room: "Husband, this alkaline water hurts your hands." !”

"Let me wipe it!"

Gu Ye immediately rushed out, grabbed the rag, and said considerately: "I can finish such a small job in a few minutes, you go and sit down!"

"Well, hurry up!"

Chu Qiaote protracted her voice pretentiously and glanced at Zhang Suqin. Even if she was pregnant, she still had to work. If she wasn't pregnant, her husband wouldn't let her do it.

The gap between people is so big, it makes this crazy person mad.

While Gu Ye was scrubbing the stove, he didn't forget to say to Chu Qiao sitting in the room: "When you are bored, just watch TV. There are torreya and pine nuts in the cabinet. You can peel them and eat them."

"I don't want to peel it off, my hands hurt!"

Chu Qiao snorted proudly and stretched out her white and tender hands towards Gu Ye. How could her white and tender claws be used to peel nuts.

Gu Ye responded very knowingly: "I'll peel it off for you after I clean the stove."

"Well, there are also little walnuts."

"Okay, I'll peel whatever you want to eat."

Gu Ye said with a smile, looking like he was working hard without complaint. Zhang Suqin next to her was wiping the stove hard, and her stomach was about to get sore. She knew that bitch must have done it on purpose, deliberately showing off how obedient a man is in front of her. Shameless bitch, let’s see how long you can be proud of yourself!

If you don’t have a son by your side, so what if you are favored now?

Humph, men fall out of love faster than turning the pages of a book. If they get tired of it in a few years, let’s see if they are still as submissive as they are now.

After thinking about it this way, Zhang Suqin felt better, but when she saw her husband slowly wiping the table in the room, and then looking at Gu Ye who was quick and agile next to him, she felt sour again.

She is also a man, why can that bitch marry such a good man as Gu Ye? She is pregnant, and her husband doesn't care about her. He keeps a cold face all the time and never says anything nice.

Zhang Suqin lowered her head, glanced at her bulging belly, and felt a lot in her heart. Her mother was right. As long as she has a son, she will be the hero of the Zheng family and she will have a firm foothold. A man's attitude is not important, the key is life. son.

After knowing that she might be pregnant with a son, the attitude of the two old parents-in-law changed obviously. They greeted her warmly and even bought her things every now and then. When she gave birth to Tongtong, she was not treated so well. She gave birth to a boy. It's so different from having a girl.

Zhang Suqin straightened her back. She had a son. A mother is more valuable than a son. Even though that bitch Chu Qiao is so proud now, there will be times when this bitch will cry in the future.

There were other housewives cleaning the stove in the corridor, and all the women were doing it. Only Gu Ye was a green leaf. The other housewives were unhappy and called their men out.

"Learn well from Section Chief Gu!"

The housewives pointed at Gu Ye in protest, and the men didn't dare to be lazy anymore, so they had to take over the task of cleaning the stove. They felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that Gu Ye was too unmanly and had hurt them.

I also heard Gu Ye cleaning the stove and flirting with his wife. Everyone got goosebumps and couldn't help teasing: "Chief Gu, you two haven't had enough intimacy at night!"

"Not enough, 48 hours a day is not enough!"

Gu Ye is very thick-skinned and doesn't feel embarrassed at all. He speaks from his heart. He wishes he had 72 hours a day, eight hours for working, eight hours for sleeping, eight hours for eating, reading, and the rest of the time with his wife. Intimate love, so perfect.

"There are really 48 hours in a day. Chief Gu, I'm afraid your gadget is not enough!"

Several men laughed loudly. For married men, such colorful words are easy to understand. Gu Ye also laughed and showed off: "Even 72 hours is more than enough for me. It's not like you, a None of them are of any use, and I won’t be able to get there in three minutes!”

"Who gave you three minutes? What you say must be well-founded!" Someone was anxious and seemed to have hit a sore spot.

"I didn't tell you anything, why are you so anxious?"

"It's just that you feel guilty!"

"Who is feeling guilty? I am very powerful!"

Several men in their thirties started arguing childishly like children. The housewives rolled their eyes and wished they could replace the useless men in the family.

The children downstairs were laughing and laughing, and the adults upstairs were also very happy. They had been busy for a whole year, and it was only during the New Year that they could completely relax. Everyone was working and telling dirty jokes, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

But a child shouted from downstairs: "Tongtong, why aren't your feet lame!"


Will update again in the morning

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