Chu Qiao sighed with emotion, and then said: "You know there is a famous painter abroad named Van Gogh. Have you heard of it?"

Mrs. Liu and the three of them shook their heads together. They all had primary school education. If they hadn't been lucky and caught up with the good times, they would still be farming in the countryside. Who knows about Van Gogh?

"Eh, rice cake? Isn't it the painting from Mrs. Sun's house?"

"Yes, Mrs. Sun said that the sunflower in her house was painted by rice cake. Boss Chu, is this rice cake very famous?"

Chu Qiao smiled and nodded, "He is very famous. The sunflowers he painted are particularly expensive."

"The sunflower painting is really good, just like the real thing, but it's too expensive, costing hundreds of thousands."

Chu Qiao deliberately exaggerated: "Impossible!"

"Really, Mrs. Sun said it herself. Boss Sun bought it in Hong Kong City for hundreds of thousands." A woman said with certainty, thinking that Chu Qiao didn't believe it was so expensive.

"You can't buy it for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Van Gogh's original sunflowers cost at least 100 million, and they won't sell them at all. They are displayed in the museum." Chu Qiao's stomach almost hurt from laughing.

The expressions of Mrs. Liu and the three of them became strange, and they exchanged glances again, secretly cursing Mrs. Sun for being such an idiot for coaxing them.

"Then Mrs. Sun's sunflowers are fake?" Mrs. Liu asked.

Chu Qiao nodded, "It's 100% fake. You really can't buy it, and you can't afford it. In fact, you can't buy many authentic Western paintings. All the ones circulating in the market are fakes."

"Are fakes expensive?" Mrs. Liu asked.

The other two people also looked at Chu Qiao eagerly, wondering if it really cost hundreds of thousands.

Chu Qiao smiled and said: "It depends on who painted it. Even fakes are divided into grades. Some people's paintings can be fake and real. They are definitely not cheap. It can be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Some only cost a few thousand yuan, such as Some of the paintings by unknown students are very cheap and can be bought for a few thousand yuan, and the quality is guaranteed.”

"Only a few thousand yuan?" Mrs. Liu raised her voice, somewhat in disbelief.

There is a huge difference between a few thousand yuan and hundreds of thousands.

"Thousands of dollars are not cheap anymore. Let me tell you, there is a huge difference between famous and unfamous painters. A famous painter can cost millions per painting, but an unknown artist may not be able to sell it for a few hundred dollars." Chu Qiao explain.

Mrs. Liu and the others were worried. A few thousand dollars seemed to them to be a bargain, but they didn't say they wanted to buy it. They had to take another look.

"Those paintings won't be recognized by others, right?" Mrs. Liu asked.

She was afraid that if she hung it at home, someone would recognize it as a fake and she would be embarrassed.

Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing, "Sister, let me tell you this, the Western paintings hanging at home are basically fakes. Everyone knows it well, what are you afraid of?"

Mrs. Liu also smiled and felt relieved that it was all fake.

"Xiao Chu, please take us to see Mr. Mei's gallery someday. I recently moved to a new house and am short of ornaments." Mrs. Liu said.

"Me too, I just renovated the house and put up a few Western paintings to improve the quality."

Not to be outdone, the other two women both wanted to buy paintings.

Chu Qiao was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "I haven't been free recently, and Mr. Mei is also very busy. When I am free, I will make an appointment with Mr. Mei. Are you not in a hurry?"

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time, Master, it's normal to be a little more assertive." Mrs. Liu was very easy to talk to.

After the three ladies left, Chu Qiao called Mei Jiuming.

"Mr. Mei, you'd better speed up. I've already contacted the client. Let me know when you're done."

Mei Jiu Ming had already set up his easel. He was going to copy famous Western paintings and he could finish them in a few days. He didn't expect Chu Qiao to move so quickly, which made him feel happy and worried at the same time.

I am happy that I will be able to make money soon, but I am worried that the paintings I copy will not satisfy customers and sell at high prices.

"I wonder what the customer's specific requirements are for the painting?" Mei Jiuming wanted to ask more clearly.

"You have to be famous. The more famous the better. They don't understand. They only care about whether it looks good or not. Of course, the level of painting cannot be too bad. After all, one has status. The things at home cannot be too cheap. Mr. Mei understands what I mean. ?"

Chu Qiao actually didn't understand this either, and was afraid that Mei Jiuming wouldn't understand.

Mei Jiuming's chuckle came from the phone, "I understand, I can bring them here in half a month, and I will make arrangements."

"Okay, the price can't be set too low, it can range from tens of thousands to several thousand yuan."


Mei Jiu Ming replied and smiled again. He didn't want to sell it too cheap. Although his students were not famous, they were all talented and learned. He didn't bother to sell it for a hundred yuan. He was sorry for the hard work of those students who had studied hard for many years. .

A few thousand dollars is fine, but I don't know how much commission Chu Qiao will take.

"Ms. Chu, there is something I want to ask first. How much commission are you prepared to take?"

Mei Jiu Ming asked directly. It was better to be a villain first and then a gentleman, so as to avoid conflicts in the future due to unclear accounts. He had suffered from this before, and he had been at loggerheads with friends for many years, and now they have not reconciled. , it is estimated that it will be difficult to get better in this life.

"I have two plans, Mr. Mei, please choose. The first plan is that I invest in Mr. Mei's gallery, which can solve your urgent needs. I will continue to introduce customers in the future, but I want to occupy 51% of the gallery. equity.”

Chu Qiao is more inclined to the first option. Although she cherishes talents, she will not be a good person for no reason, even if Mei Jiu Ming is a great painter in the future.

The gallery must make money, and the profit is very high. Chu Qiao mainly wants to make money, so he can help Mei Jiu Ming and form a good relationship.

"Miss Chu, isn't fifty-one percent too much? The gallery doesn't belong to me anymore." Mei Jiu Ming said in a dissatisfied tone. He didn't expect Chu Qiao to be as mean as those capitalists.

He wanted a controlling stake when he opened his mouth. The reason why he persisted for so many years was because he could control the gallery in his own hands. Otherwise, why would he have to work so hard?

It’s not like no one invests in his gallery, it’s mostly the bosses who invest.

Chu Qiao smiled, "Of course the gallery still belongs to Mr. Mei, but after persisting for so many years, Mr. Mei should have a clear understanding of himself. You are good at painting, but not good at business. You see, the gallery is about to collapse in your hands." ”

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a long time before Mei Jiu Ming said angrily: "It's just a temporary difficulty and it will get better."

This was said with no confidence. Even Mei Jiu Ming himself had no confidence. If he couldn't make any more money, he would be kicked out by the landlord next month.

Chu Qiao said rudely: "You can't even deceive yourself with such words. Everyone has their own areas of expertise. Mr. Mei, you should shine in painting and don't let the smell of copper taint you. Doing business is something like this." Leave it to me. The reason why I want 51% of the equity is to control the management. Don’t worry, I won’t interfere with your painting. You can paint whatever you want, but it depends on how the gallery is run. My, you should be able to accept this, right?"

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