Mei Jiuming was tempted and asked dubiously: "You really won't interfere with my creation?"

"No, if Mr. Mei doesn't believe it, you can write this into the contract. I only want the management rights of the gallery. Of course, I have to decide Mr. Mei's future marketing direction. We are in business, Mr. Mei. What you can have is creative freedom and personal freedom. You have to listen to me on other things in the gallery, including the partners you have, and you can’t mess around. I need my partners to be upright and positive, and not have a messy private life.”

Chu Qiao simply put it more bluntly. She wanted to package Mei Jiu Ming as a top-notch painter because Mei Jiu Ming had good looks, a legendary and ups and downs and positive and inspiring life experience, and her painting skills were quite good. Three points is enough hype.

Mei Jiu Ming was also famous in his previous life, but a few decades later, Mei Jiu Ming was already old, so it was better to become famous as early as possible.

Mei Jiu Ming, who was on the other end of the phone, looked stunned and a little confused. He couldn't accept Chu Qiao's words for a while. This was the first time he heard such an investment plan.

In the past, when bosses came to him for investment, they mostly asked him to be obedient. He had to paint whatever the boss asked him to paint, and they didn't ask for anything else. Mei Jiuming naturally refused.

In order to stick to his creative style, he had a quarrel with his master. How could he compromise for a little money?

Chu Qiao did the opposite, not interfering with his creative style, but restricting his partners. Could it be that the young lady of the Gu family wanted to arrange an arranged marriage and introduce him to a partner?

"Miss Chu, do you want to introduce me to someone?"

Mei Jiuming asked cautiously. He had to ask clearly if something happened. He couldn't get on the pirate ship without knowing anything.


Chu Qiao couldn't help but laugh and joked: "You have a beautiful idea. I don't care whether you have a partner or not. Singleism is okay, but if you have a partner, you can't mess around."

"What does it mean to mess around?" Mei Jiuming asked curiously.

Chu Qiao thought for a while and said in detail: "This is a long story. For example, if you have an affair with a married woman..."


Mei Jiu Ming's violent coughing sound came from the phone. He seemed to be quite frightened. Chu Qiao stopped talking and waited for the guy to finish coughing. After a while, Mei Jiu Ming calmed down and panted: "I can't mess around, I'm not that kind of person."

"I'm making an analogy, don't be so excited, such as having an affair with a married woman, using two boats, or even three, four, five, or six, playing with women's feelings. If you get married, you must be loyal to your marriage, no. You can have an affair within marriage, it’s all cheating.”

Chu Qiao gave examples one by one. She needed Mei Jiu Ming, who was positive, sunny, upright and inspirational. This was the character she set for Mei Jiu Ming, and it had to be real and must not collapse.

"No way."

Mei Jiu Ming's tone was firm. He felt that Chu Qiao thought too much. His schedule was very tight. In addition to painting, he taught students, and ran a gallery. He even turned down many activities arranged by the school. How could this be possible? Got time to fuck?

"Don't be so arrogant. I'm going to start with my ugly words. By the way, one more important thing is that you can't mess around with men. Foreigners are very open-minded about this, but it's definitely not the case in China. Even if you like men, It must be kept deep in your heart, and you can’t do it secretly, unless you don’t want to live in the country anymore.”

Chu Qiao remembered another very important thing, and almost forgot that in his previous life, Mei Jiu Ming seemed to have been single, and there was no scandal at all. There were many rumors that he was gay, but it was not confirmed.

No matter whether Mei Jiuming has that orientation or not, it is better to make the ugly words clear first.

There was the sound of a tea cup falling to the ground, followed by a series of crashing sounds. Mei Jiu Ming didn't say anything. He was probably busy cleaning up the mess. The poor man was too stimulated.

Chu Qiao touched her nose. Could she have said it too bluntly?

I should put it more tactfully, after all, it's still the 1980s.

Mei Jiuming was busy on the floor and managed to clean it up. Just now, he gasped and knocked over the teacup. When he picked up the teacup, he knocked over the easel. Paints and pens were spilled on the floor. The floor was now in a mess.

It's shocking.

This Mrs. Gu's speech was simply unflattering. Fortunately, he had a strong heart and could barely accept it.

"Miss Chu, I don't have any hobbies in that area, don't worry." Mei Jiuming was not angry, it was good to talk things out like this.

"In short, the persona I have positioned for you is that of an outstanding young painter who is positive, upright, sunny and inspiring. Even if no one is watching you, you must follow this persona and demand yourself. I will write these into the contract. If you violate , you have to compensate me, the amount must be quite large."

Listening to Chu Qiao's sweet and cold voice, Mei Jiu Ming couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Why did he feel like he was a brothel oiran who had clearly marked the price and was waiting to be sold?

"Ms. Chu, what do you mean by character design? I'm just a painter. You're making it a bit complicated."

"Personal design means literally, and it is also the promotional direction I set for you. You are a painter, but you need to be famous more. You need more people to know you. Only with fame can you make big money. Before you become famous , I need to spend money to promote you, so that people all over the world know and like you, and then you can hold international touring art exhibitions, and people will come to you to buy paintings in an endless stream, so that your paintings can be sold at high prices and can be sold in the market. He was interviewed on TV shows and became an idol to many people.”

Chu Qiao said it in one breath, then paused and asked, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Mei Jiu Ming was silent for a long time. He understood very clearly that in fact, he felt a little conflicted in his heart. Chu Qiao did treat him as a commodity, and he packaged it beautifully and sold it at a high price.

In his heart, painting is a very sacred thing and cannot be compared with money.

But the reality is cruel. If you don’t have money, you can’t buy paints and painting tools. The paints and painting tools you prefer are very expensive, so the painters who are not famous are very poor. They are so poor that they can only live in basements, and food is not a problem.

"I want to know why Miss Chu chose me? There are many better painters in China than me." Mei Jiu Ming wanted to know the reason.

"Because you are the prettiest."

Chu Qiao is also very straightforward. He is a lot better at painting than Mei Jiu Ming, but he is not as handsome as Mei Jiu Ming. No matter what industry, good-looking people are always more popular, especially in the profession of artist.

Mei Jiu Ming looks like he was born to be an artist. His gloomy and handsome appearance, and his bumpy life and experiences make him feel sad even when he smiles happily.

Such a man is so attractive that his wives will like him, and they will definitely be willing to spend a lot of money on paintings.

If Mei Jiuming was an ordinary-looking man, Chu Qiao would definitely not invest. It's not like she had too much money and nowhere to spend it.

Mei Jiuming laughed helplessly. In the end, he had to rely on this face to make a living.

He is obviously very talented.

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