80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 493: Breaking out of the momentum of four seas and eight deserts

But seeing the contract in hand, the factory director felt better again. Forty units, Xingda is about to take off!

"I'm going to hold a production meeting right now, and the quality must be guaranteed. Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Gu!"

The factory director patted Gu Ye's shoulder happily, forgetting that he had just dismissed the production meeting.

"No hard work, everything is for Xingda's take-off. Director, we must also step up our fully automatic research and development. Southern Machine Tool is so shameless. This order almost went wrong. We have to fight for it. We must create a fully automatic machine to slap Nanfang Machine Tool in the face!”

Gu Ye angrily talked about Nanfang Machine Tool's rude operation, and the factory director was also furious. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "This is called the upper beam being out of alignment and the lower beam being crooked. The cadres of Nanfang Machine Tool are all like this. They only do things behind their backs." Make small moves."

He had dealt with the factory director of Nanfang Machine Tool before, and he was a sinister villain. What kind of good soldiers could such a factory director bring out?

"Now that we at Xingda have money, I will ask the technical department to go all out to develop fully automatic machine tools. They will definitely be better than Nanfang Machine Tools!"

The factory director clenched his fists and felt the pride of his youth. If he could see the production of fully automatic machine tools with his own eyes before retiring, it would be a perfect ending. It would be perfect.

"We must defeat those scoundrels from Nanfang Machine Tool. That Wu De is not a toy. He is also a honey trap and a wicked bastard. Don't be left alone. I can't beat him to death even if I put a sack on him!"

Gu Ye was cursing, because he hadn't seen Wu De in the past few days, otherwise he would have called a gang of gangsters in the courtyard to make sacks out of that bastard.

The factory director just pretended not to hear it. In fact, he also wanted to put a sack on the director of Nanfang Machine Tools, so he understood Gu Ye's mood. However, as a leader, he certainly could not encourage this kind of behavior, and he did not want to stop it. Anyway, he didn't hear it. Don't know anything.

The factory director who was in a happy mood signed the contract with a flourish of a pen. Gu Ye picked up the contract and asked, "Director, what did you say about the noise just now?"

"Nothing, just go to work!"

The factory director waved his hand with a smile and watched Gu Ye leave cordially.

He was still looking the same as when he came, walking all over the world, but the factory director was very pleased to see it, and his eyes became more kind. He was still a young man with energy, look at how energetic he was jumping around.

The secretary came in and asked for instructions: "Director, do you want to report criticism to Section Chief Gu?"

"What's the criticism?"

The factory director's face darkened, thinking that the secretary was a bit stupid.

"Section Chief Gu makes a loud noise in the office and affects the work of others. He will be fined five yuan." What the secretary said were all factory regulations, which were formulated by the factory director himself.

The factory director's face became even darker and he scolded: "Chief Gu's voice was just a little loud, why did he make so much noise? Xiao Zhang, we can't punish employees for no reason, it will chill the employees."

The secretary reacted quickly and immediately understood that the factory director did not intend to pursue the matter, so he changed his words and said: "I understand, Section Chief Gu has a loud voice, but it does not count as making a lot of noise."

"Well, go down. From now on, don't worry about such small things. It's not good for the office building to be lifeless. It needs to be energetic."

The factory director waved his hand and asked the secretary to go out. He wanted to rejoice alone.

Forty units.

So happy.

In the evening, he wanted to have a few drinks with his secretary to celebrate, a plate of peanuts, a plate of cut pig ears, and a plate of boiled edamame to drink to his heart's content.

With the factory director's signature, Gu Ye went to see Manager Sun to sign the contract. The order was considered stable, and a payment of 100,000 yuan was made first, and the balance was paid after the goods were shipped.

After the matter was settled, Gu Ye immediately called his wife.

Chu Qiao was in the beauty shop. As soon as she heard this guy's tone, she knew that the machine tool must have been ordered, so she asked: "Have you got thirty units?"


Gu Ye giggled for a long time and then said: "Forty units, the boss has added ten more, and the contract has been signed. Qiaoqiao, we can buy a house and a car this year, and then buy the best piano for Xiaobao."

Chu Qiao was also very happy. The commission for forty units was over 100,000 yuan. Now in 1987, 100,000 yuan is equivalent to millions in future generations.

"Husband, you are so awesome. I will go home right now and cook a meal to celebrate!"

Chu Qiao did not hesitate to praise. Men need praise just like children, and Gu Ye is really good. He sold forty units in one go. Xingda Machine Tool Factory has never had such a big order.

Gu Ye couldn't stop laughing, grinning till the back of his ears while running. He secretly vowed to work harder, get a few more big orders, and buy a few more big houses for his wife. He liked to hear his wife praise him for his achievements. Happy with money.

Chu Qiao didn't want to go to the beauty shop anymore. She was going home and had to cook some delicious dishes to reward her husband.

"Xiao Chu, have you made an agreement with Master Mei? When will you visit his gallery?"

Mrs. Liu came down from upstairs, radiant, looking in good condition and much younger.

"As I said, Master Mei is giving lectures outside and won't be back for a few days. When he comes back, I'll tell you!" Chu Qiao dealt with it casually, but Mei Jiuming's painting was not ready yet.

"Okay, Xiao Chu, don't forget to bring some snacks!" Mrs. Liu was a little anxious.

She was about to move into a new home, and her husband would invite some business partners to visit. She also made a promise with her husband that she would decorate the new home in an elegant and stylish way, so that his business partners would be full of praise.

Now she is just waiting for those paintings to be hung in her home to support her appearance.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Liu, the things you told me are more important than my own. When Master Mei comes back, I will call you. I will never forget it." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"Don't think I'm too hasty. My old Liu is going to entertain guests in a few days. I'm going to be promoted to a new house. I did all the decoration and decoration. I even boasted. If it doesn't go well, let Old Liu sit with my friends. I lost face in front of me, and Lao Liu must be angry with me." Mrs. Liu spoke the truth.

These days, her husband comes home more often and leaves the decoration of the new house to her. Mrs. Liu wants to sell her husband well and let him know that she is different from the vixens outside.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu will be impressed by you!"

Chu Qiao gave a guarantee, and Mrs. Liu left with peace of mind. Chu Qiao was not in a hurry to go home and called Mei Jiu Ming to inquire about the progress of the paintings.

"One more week."

"Hold on tight, some of my friends are in a hurry. They need to use it for their new house." Chu Qiao said.

"I can definitely finish it in a week. I have to ensure the quality."

Mei Jiuming explained that even if it is a fake, it must be of high quality. He will not hang messy and inferior products in the gallery.

"Okay, one week later, I will take them to visit your gallery. By the way, let's talk first."

Chu Qiao remembered something important and told Mei Jiu Ming not to betray her when the time came.

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