80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 494: This isn’t called bragging, it’s called marketing

"My paintings are not that expensive. The most expensive one is only 100,000 US dollars, and they are not that popular. The president did not receive me. I only held one art exhibition in France. It was small and not successful."

Mei Jiu Ming's face turned red. How could the internationally renowned painter Chu Qiao mentioned be him?

That was his dream, but he didn't realize it.

Now he is just a down-and-out painter who can't even pay the rent and is in debt. Maybe one day he won't even be able to paint anymore and will have to move bricks at a construction site.

"For publicity, it must be a little exaggerated, otherwise my friends would not be interested in you. Don't feel embarrassed. Many famous foreign painters have used this method. This is called marketing."

"But you're not just a little bit, you're exaggerating a lot."

Mei Jiuming still couldn't accept it. Hearing what Chu Qiao said, he wanted to crawl into the cracks of the earth, and——

"All my colleagues know my details. If your friends ask, I will be embarrassed."

What Mei Jiuming is worried about is that he will be betrayed when the time comes. There is no airtight wall in the world, and paper cannot contain fire. His colleagues in the calligraphy and painting circles all know his details and cannot hide them.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes. This guy is still too honest. No wonder the gallery is going to close down. He has no talent for doing business at all.

How can you sell things without cheating people?

"Let me ask you, do your domestic colleagues know about what you did abroad?"

Mei Jiuming was stunned for a moment and replied: "I don't know about that. There are not many colleagues from the mainland who go to France to study, and some of them never come back."

"Then have you told your colleagues about things abroad?"

"I didn't say it. It's not a very honorable thing. I mentioned it to my master." Mei Jiuming answered honestly.

He became a student of Ouyang Lin before going abroad. Not long after becoming a teacher, he found a way to go to France. When he returned to France two years ago, when he visited Ouyang Lin, he briefly mentioned life abroad.

"You only mentioned it to your master? Did you say much?" Chu Qiao asked.

"not much."

Chu Qiao was relieved, "That's okay. Your master is not a talkative woman. He will definitely not go out and talk nonsense. Moreover, you are his disciple. Now that you have become famous, your master's face will be bright. He will definitely support it."

Mei Jiu Ming was very moved by what she said. He was so eager to become famous. Can this Chu Qiao really make him famous?

"According to your marketing, can I really become famous?" Mei Jiuming was dubious.

"Of course, as long as you strictly follow what I say and our contract, don't forget that if you violate it, you have to pay me liquidated damages." Chu Qiao reminded.

She asked Gu Ye to find a lawyer friend and draw up a contract. She signed it with Mei Jiu Ming two days ago. The twenty-year contract was signed by Mei Jiu Ming without hesitation for too long after reading it.

He just wants to concentrate on painting without being disturbed by the outside world. Since Chu Qiao can help him become famous, he will take a gamble.

And he had nowhere to go.

Chu Qiao is now the only life-saving straw he can grasp.

"Okay, I believe you. Let your friends come over in a week!" Mei Jiuming was confident.

Although the people and objects he painted were not beautiful, it was not that he couldn't paint beautiful things. On the contrary, he painted very well, but he didn't want to change his style. Since it was an imitation painting, it didn't matter.

He had to make money first, and only then could he concentrate on painting.

Chu Qiao still has great confidence in Mei Jiu Ming. Without her help in the previous life, Mei Jiu Ming has become an international master. He must be strong and good-looking. Now with her marketing, he will definitely become famous in one fell swoop.

In the evening, Chu Qiao cooked a large table of hard dishes to celebrate Gu Ye's sale of forty machine tools. She also drank a few glasses of wine with her, her expression unchanged, but Gu Ye was drunk and went to bed after eating. .

This guy behaves like this when he's drunk. He doesn't go crazy, sleeps peacefully, and his wine is pretty good.

Dabao and Xiaobao took the initiative to clear the table, and Dabao went to wash the dishes. Now Dabao basically washes the dishes at home, while Xiaobao wipes the table behind and mixes the black beans with rice.

The remaining broth from the evening was mixed with a few pieces of meat, mixed with a bowl of rice, and placed in a special black bean bowl.

Heidou, who was so anxious when eating, waggled his tail and went to eat, purring and eating with gusto, with grains of rice on his lips. This little guy has grown up a lot and is not as cute as he was when he was a child, but he is still very cute. Look The house is particularly powerful. If there is any slight disturbance, Heidou will call out and the whole building will know about it.

The residents upstairs also like black beans, as well as soybeans from Xuan Hongxia's house. With these two around, thieves don't dare to come to the door.

"Eat slowly, be careful of stuck bones."

Xiaobao squatted and watched Heidou eat, and from time to time he reached out to touch Heidou's head.

Dabao finished washing the dishes and came over to squat. The two brothers watched with great interest.

When Chu Qiao wiped Gu Ye's face and came out, she saw the two brothers squatting and making love. She couldn't help but smile. It was really good to have a dog. Both children were much more sensible and no longer had to bark when working.

"Big baby and little baby, come here, I have something to tell you."

Chu Qiao called the two brothers and asked them to sit down, looking very serious.

Dabao's heart skipped a beat, thinking that his aunt was going to drive Heidou away, so he quickly said: "Aunt, Heidou peed in the bathroom today. I came back from school and let him go out to poop. He peed in the flower bed."

"Auntie, Heidou doesn't pee randomly now, can you please don't send it away?" Xiaobao also helped to plead.

"I didn't say I wanted to send Heidou away. It just needs to be corrected. I'll talk to you about other things. Sit back."

Chu Qiao signaled the two children to sit down. The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief. It was fine as long as they didn't send the black beans away, so they sat down obediently.

"I plan to buy a piano and hire a piano teacher to take lessons. Dabao, do you want to learn?" Chu Qiao asked.

Dabao shook his head vigorously, "I don't want to, aunt, let my brother learn, he likes it."

He doesn't want to learn the piano. Those girls are so annoying that they won't even learn it even if they kill him.

Chu Qiao was not surprised. Dabao had no interest in music and always sang out of tune. She just asked and then looked at Xiaobao, "What about you? Do you want to learn?"

Xiaobao's eyes were bright and he nodded vigorously, "I want to learn, Auntie, is the piano expensive?"

If it was too expensive, he might as well not learn it.

Chu Qiao smiled, "It's not expensive, but if you buy it back, Xiaobao, you have to study hard. You can't give up half way through. You have to persevere no matter how hard or tired you are. Can you do it?"

"Yes, I like playing the piano!"

Xiaobao puffed up his chest and promised loudly that he would never give up.

"In a few days, I will buy a piano and hire a teacher to teach me. Dabao, is there anything you want to learn?"

You can't favor one over the other, but you have to cultivate an interest for Dabao.

Dabao thought for a long time before hesitantly said: "I want to learn martial arts, can I learn it?"

The martial artists on TV looked majestic and he wanted to learn from them.

"Okay, but can you persist? Practicing martial arts is very hard." Chu Qiao asked.

"Yes, I'm not afraid of hardship."

Dabao also promised loudly that he would become a martial arts master so that no one would bully him and his younger brother in the future, and he would be able to protect his aunt, as well as the younger siblings born to his aunt and Uncle Gu in the future.

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