Chu Qiao was very curious about the identity of Aunt Qian, so she asked, "Aunt Qian's son is also in Shanghai?"

"Yes, Aunt Qian said that her son was busy at work. After sending her grandson to school, there was no one at home. She was very bored by herself. It was good to chat with me." Qian Liujin said with a smile. . .

Chu Qiao understood and guessed that Aunt Qian came to the city to take care of her son's children. She was used to rural life and would inevitably be lonely in a big city. When she met the sincere Qian Liujin, the old and young fell in love.

"Then you and Aunt Qian are chatting. You have to hurry up and sell machine tools. You can't chat every day." Chu Qiao persuaded with a smile.

Gu Ye almost wanted to give up Qian Liujin, and even made an agreement with the workshop director to arrange for the child to work in the workshop, but Chu Qiao always felt that Qian Liujin could sell machine tools. Although he couldn't speak and wasn't very smart, he still felt that Qian Liujin could sell machine tools. Qian Liujin is sincere and down-to-earth, God will not let him down.

"I know. Aunt Qian said she would fry spring rolls for me tomorrow. I ate the spring rolls and then went somewhere else."

Qian Liujin was a little reluctant to leave. He went to other places. He was afraid that it would be difficult to see Aunt Qian in the future, and he would not be able to eat Aunt Qian's meat buns.

Another slap on the head came from Gu Ye.

"Eat, eat, eat. You can just go to a restaurant and be a chef in the future!"

Gu Ye said it out of anger. Now he is still thinking about eating spring rolls. It's not like he's missing such silly food. As for why he's so greedy?

Qian Liujin smiled brightly and nodded vigorously, "It's good to be a chef. You can have delicious food every day."

He thought this was a good idea, and it was better than going to a workshop. Otherwise, he would go to a restaurant as an apprentice in three months.

"Eat yours!"

Gu Ye took a large piece of meat and blocked the idiot's mouth. If he continued to listen to this idiot, he would be fooled at a young age.

"The top three, you have to sign the contract tomorrow. Let's meet one of them. I wish you success and immediate success!"

Han Shizhong raised his glass and blessed Xu Sanqiang.

Everyone touched each other, drank the wine, and were all happy for Xu Sanqiang. Xu Sanqiang himself was so happy that he never closed his mouth. He also talked a lot about Boss Mao, took special care of him, and even bought him clothes.

"Mr. Mao is very good. You are in luck among the top three!"

Everyone didn't think much about it, thinking that Xu Sanqiang was lucky and met a noble person.

Chu Qiao hesitated to speak, but had a different idea. She always felt that Sister Mao might have ulterior motives for Xu Sanqiang.

But she didn't say anything. After all, everyone is happy now, so there is no need to say disappointing things. Let's wait and see what happens next. I hope she is overthinking it.

When sleeping at night, Chu Qiao still couldn't hold back and told Gu Ye about her concerns, "Do you think Mr. Mao has other plans for Xu Sanqiang?"

"What else do you have in mind?"

Gu Ye had just taken a shower and was still wet with moisture. He wiped his hair with a towel and didn't react for a while.

"That's unreasonable thought." Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, insisting on forcing her to speak so frankly.

"Improper thoughts? How is that possible? Qiaoqiao, don't think too much!"

Gu Ye didn't even wipe his hair, thinking that his wife was just having a whim, and said: "Old Xu is not even thirty yet, and that person named Mao is already forty-five or six. In ancient times, she could have been Old Xu's mother. You are so stupid." What do you think?"

There is a difference of more than ten years in age, so it is impossible for me to have such thoughts. Wife, this is pure nonsense!

Chu Qiao said angrily: "What's wrong with being a teenager? If Wu Zetian is sixty or seventy years old, she still has the appearance of a teenager. Isn't she happy that Mr. Mao will find a thirty-year-old boyfriend?"

Anyway, she felt that Mr. Mao meant something to Xu Sanqiang. He was sending clothes and belts. Is this an ordinary customer relationship?

Xu Sanqiang is tall, handsome, sweet-tongued, and good at coaxing people. Such a man is most popular with rich women. I wonder if Xu Sanqiang himself is aware of it?

Gu Ye still didn't believe it and said in a firm tone, "Wu Zetian is Wu Zetian. If you don't like this now, even if that person surnamed Mao has this intention, there is no way Lao Xu will follow it."

After saying that, he clapped his mouth in annoyance and asked his wife to lead her into the ditch.

Gu Ye cleared his throat and said sternly: "Such dirty and wrong ideas should never be thought of again, nor should they be mentioned outside!"

"I know, I'm not a talkative woman. I didn't even say anything during dinner at night."

Chu Qiao glared, pulled up the blanket and went to sleep. She would not mention it unless she mentioned it. She had reminded her anyway.

Gu Ye chuckled, wiped his hair, and got in. His hands were still restless, but Chu Qiao slapped them away, "Sleep!"

"It's still early, why don't you do some work?"

Gu Ye didn't stop. He couldn't sleep so early, so he might as well exercise.

"No, I'm sleepy!"

Chu Qiao's anger had not subsided, and she was very bored at night and had no interest in moving.

But she underestimated someone's shamelessness and perseverance, and kept making trouble until she had no power to resist and could only give in...

The next day, the sky was still very dull. The clouds in the sky were dark and heavy, as if they were pressing on the top of the head, making people breathless. However, the rain did not come down. The weather forecast said it would rain tomorrow.

It was particularly uncomfortable on such days. Even if I sat still, I would sweat, and my heart would feel stuffy, as if there was a blockage. Qian Liujin had breakfast and went to the industrial zone in the western suburbs as usual. He and Aunt Qian talked about it every day. place.

Qian Liujin went to several other factories, but he was scolded and dogs were set to bite him. Qian Liujin was accustomed to running very fast. After running far away, he smiled smugly at the dog sticking out his tongue behind him. .

However, during this run, Qian Liujin was sweating profusely, and his clothes were stuck to his body. He was too lazy to go to other factories, so he went to sit under the big tree where he was chatting with Aunt Qian, and sat on the ground waiting for Aunt Qian to come over.

Aunt Qian said yesterday that she would bring spring rolls for him to eat today and asked him to come over early.

Qian Liujin took out a newspaper and put it on the ground. He sat down and looked quietly at the factory across the road, called Changsheng Machinery Factory. The factory was of a decent size and it was a private enterprise. It seemed to be a Sino-foreign joint venture. He used to go to that factory for sales. However, the guard was polite and didn't let the dog bite him, but he didn't let him in either.

The clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, and Qian Liujin also felt uncomfortable. It would definitely rain heavily tomorrow, and the weather would only be good if it rained.

At eleven o'clock, Aunt Qian came. She was of medium height, a little fat, and dressed in ordinary clothes. She walked over quickly carrying a cloth bag she made. She saw Qian Liujin from a distance and waved to him. .

Qian Liujin stood up and went over to greet her, smiling honestly: "Auntie."

"You've been waiting for a long time. Come sit down and eat the spring rolls. They are freshly fried and so crispy!"

Aunt Qian took out the aluminum lunch box from the bag. As soon as she opened it, the aroma came out. Inside were golden spring rolls. She smiled and said: "They are stuffed with cabbage, shredded pork, and fungus. My son and grandson all like to eat this stuffing. If you are six pounds, Eat them all.”

A lunch box full of spring rolls made Qian Liujin's mouth water. He was not polite, picked up the lunch box and started eating. Aunt Qian sat down next to him and watched him eat kindly. She liked to watch this child eat the most. It's better to eat it by yourself.


Continue tomorrow

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