80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 551: It’s not good for your children to be too promising

"Eat slowly, don't choke, drink water!"

Aunt Qian is like a mother, reminding her from time to time with a smile on her face.


Qian Liujin ate it hungrily, and even picked up one to feed to Aunt Qian, "Auntie, you can eat it too."

Aunt Qian didn't eat. "You eat it. You can't eat much as you get older. It tastes better to see you eat it than to eat it myself."

Every time after watching this child eat, her appetite will be much better and she can eat half a bowl of rice more.

Qian Liujin was not polite at all, and continued to eat. After a while, he had a lunch box full of spring rolls, and he was licked up even the dregs.

"Thank you, aunt."

Qian Liujin was very grateful and thought that when he got his salary, he would buy some gifts for Aunt Qian. He couldn't eat for nothing every day.

"Thank you for nothing. Auntie, I still want to thank you for chatting with my old lady every day."

Aunt Qian frowned, put away the lunch box, and asked with concern: "Have you sold the machine tool?"


Qian Liujin shook his head in frustration and said reluctantly: "Auntie, I won't come here anymore. I will sell it elsewhere. I will come to chat with you when I am free!"

Aunt Qian was also very reluctant to give up. She liked this honest child very much. Although he was a little dull-minded, he had a good heart. It would be great if he was her son.

She now understands that children do not need to be very promising, they just need to be healthy, filial, and have a job. Children who are very promising are trained for the country. In addition to their reputation, parents actually do not have much glory. .

It would be better for him to be an honest child like Liujin, who has the patience to chat with the old man, is strong, and has a good heart. Unfortunately, he is not her biological son, and he refuses to be her godson.

After suffering a serious illness last year, Aunt Qian looked away and figured out many things she didn't understand before. Everyone praised her for her good fortune. Her son was a boss and her daughter was a cadre in the capital. Everyone envied her.

She used to be complacent and felt that she was finally able to enjoy happiness. She had worked hard to raise her children, and they all had great potential. Now she only needs to take her grandson to school, and she does not need to do housework. Her son hired a nanny.

The old man refused to go to the city and lived alone in the country. Aunt Qian was in the city. As time passed, she felt lonely. She didn’t even have anyone to talk to. Her son and daughter-in-law were busier than the president. Say a word to her. I don't have time to talk, and I can't talk to my grandson, but this can be overcome.

The most chilling thing for Aunt Qian is that she had a serious illness last year and almost went to see the Lord of Hell. She was lying on the hospital bed unable to move, and she had to hold her urine and excrement. Her son called his sister, and her daughter said that she couldn't ask for leave and asked her to leave. The daughter-in-law took care of him, but the daughter-in-law said she couldn't ask for leave, so her son couldn't count on it, so the unfilial son hired a caregiver.

How could a stranger take such considerate care of his daughter? During the few days she was hospitalized, Aunt Qian's heart went cold. She suffered every day and even wanted to die.

Especially the old lady in the next ward. Her children take turns to take care of her, and she takes good care of her. Even if she can't poop, her daughter doesn't mind it. She digs it out with her hands and cooks delicious food for her every day. People in the hospital praise her for her filial piety. Blessed is the old lady.

Aunt Qian also felt that the old lady was very lucky. Although the old lady lived in an ordinary ward and her children were ordinary workers and did not have much money, she was extremely envious of the old lady who lived in a single ward.

Her children are promising, but when she is sick, she can't count on anyone to take care of her. Aunt Qian is not unreasonable. She knows that her children are busy and really can't spare time, so it is filial to hire a caregiver for her, but in her heart It just doesn't taste good.

So Aunt Qian now exercises every day and cannot cause trouble to her children. She no longer wants to go to the hospital and suffer. Her biggest wish now is to be able to take care of herself when she is alive and to die quickly so that she does not suffer.

Aunt Qian was reluctant to part with the six pounds of money, but she didn't say anything to persuade her to keep it. She knew that work was the most important thing, so she comforted her: "Don't be discouraged. Auntie is optimistic about you, and she will definitely be able to sell the machine tools!"

Qian Liujin grinned, "I'm not discouraged, Auntie, I've thought about it. If I can't sell anything, I'll go work in the workshop. My brother and I have agreed that we don't have to be chefs. We can have delicious food every day." "

Aunt Qian was amused, the silly boy was so optimistic.

"Liu Jin, what is the machine tool you sell used for?"

Aunt Qian and Qian Liujin chatted for so long, but they still didn't understand the use of machine tools. She was an old rural lady, and what she knew best was sewing machines and tractors.

"To make gears, put a piece of iron in and the machine tool will cut out the gears." Qian Liujin explained while gesturing.

"What are the gears for?"

Aunt Qian was even more confused.

This stumped Qian Liujin. He knew what a gear looked like, but he couldn't explain how to use it. After holding on for a long time, he came up with the most direct and effective explanation. He pointed to the machinery factory across the road and said : "Anyway, the machine tools in our factory are sold to this kind of factory. I don't know what they do specifically."

Aunt Qian looked surprised and wanted to ask more clearly, "This factory wants to buy your machine tools?"

"People don't buy it, but they will definitely use it. Maybe they can buy it elsewhere."

Aunt Qian nodded, she understood.

"Liu Jin, come and talk to your aunt next time when you are empty. Don't go out tomorrow, it's raining!"

"I understand. Auntie, please go slowly. I will come to chat with you later."

Qian Liujin nodded obediently. Originally, he had no plans to go out tomorrow. The weather forecast said there would be heavy rain, lightning and thunder, so it was not safe to go out. Someone in his hometown village had been struck to death by lightning before.

"Okay, Auntie is waiting for you. I'll make this call when I get back next time. She's usually at home."

Aunt Qian reported her phone number and asked Qian Liujin to take a piece of paper and write it down. It was the home phone number. Her son had installed a phone at home, so it was very convenient to make calls.


Qian Liujin took note of it carefully without thinking about it. People who could install a phone in their home at this time were either rich or noble. He had always thought that Aunt Qian's family had average conditions.

Aunt Qian smiled kindly and walked away slowly. She lived near the factory, so it was very convenient to come here.

Qian Liujin also left. He was going to visit other places in the afternoon. Even if he was ready to leave the workshop in three months, he couldn't just deal with it casually during these three months. He still had to sell machine tools seriously.

There are not many people on the road at this time. The weather is hot. Everyone has to take a nap after eating. Even if they don’t sleep, they will not go out in the hot weather. They would rather sit at home and walk alone on the road with only six pounds of money. It won’t take long. My son was covered in sweat again.

After walking about two or three miles, Qian Liujin raised his hand to wipe the sweat with his arm. Suddenly he remembered something. There was a handkerchief in the bag. Aunt Qian asked him to wipe his hands just now. After wiping his hands, he threw it in the bag. Here, I forgot to return the money to Auntie.

Qian Liujin slapped his forehead in frustration, turned around and walked back, hoping to catch up with Aunt Qian.

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