"Come on!"

The old man's voice came from afar. He was not as energetic as usual, but at least he was okay. Chu Qiao's heart immediately calmed down and she said to Lin Yulan, "Dad is okay."

Lin Yulan nodded and cried with joy.

Chu Qiao was speechless, she even cried when she was happy, alas!

"Lao Liu, Lao Chang, come quickly, there is a big fish!"

Mr. Gu shouted, he was worried, but fortunately the old guys came.

"Is there really a big fish? I'm coming!"

The old men were in great spirits, and each one ran as fast as flying, swishing toward the pond, frightening the orderly who was driving. If the leaders had any shortcomings, they would not be able to compensate by killing him.

Chu Qiao also followed, curious about how big the fish was that the old man couldn't handle for several hours. Could it be that it had become a sperm?

When we arrived at the pond, we saw from a distance that the old man was leaning backwards, like a tug of war, holding the fishing rod tightly with both hands, clenching his teeth and confronting him. From time to time, he would run along the shore, and the fishing rod would be pulled into pieces. Curved, almost broken.

The old man started running again, spinning the wheel quickly, trying to reel in the fishing line, but the fish in the water were too strong, and the rod would break if he reeled it in again, so he had to let out more. He was like a mouse being played by a cat. Same, running around on the shore.

It's been going back and forth like this for four or five hours. Thanks to the old man's good physical condition, otherwise he would have been dragged into the water by the big fish.

"Oh... you're such a big guy, he looks quite big. I'll do it, please stop me!"

As soon as Mr. Liu saw this situation in the water, he knew there was a big fish. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and took over Mr. Gu's shift. Several other old men were also ready to go. They were ready to join the battle. They must use up all the fish. strength.

The driver wanted to take over. After all, he was a young man and must be stronger. Moreover, he was more worried about something happening to some of the old leaders.

"Go, go, stay here!"

The driver was driven aside in disgust by several old men. This was their first time fishing for such a big fish and they had to subdue it with their own hands.

Mr. Gu let go of the fishing rod and handed it to Mr. Liu. He breathed a sigh of relief. His hands were numb and he was frozen and couldn't move. It took him a while to recover.

Lin Yulan checked up and down and saw that nothing was wrong with him, so she felt relieved and scolded: "You are such an old man and you are not sensible at all. Why don't you make a call if you don't come back? If we don't come here, you plan to stay in this pond overnight?"

She really couldn't understand what was so good about catching broken fish. There were so many fish in the market that you could buy them if you had money. You could buy them as big as you wanted, so why bother to come so far to catch them?

This is a hellish place where chickens don't poop and birds don't lay eggs. There are a lot of mosquitoes in the summer, and the cold wind blows in the winter, and it's exposed to the sun and wind. Why do you have to suffer this at your age?

How about staying at home peacefully?

"Don't fish anymore. If you want to fish, you can fish in your own fish tank. You can fish whatever you want."

Lin Yulan came up with an idea. She had a big fish tank at home and raised a lot of fish. She could do whatever the old man did, but she would definitely not say a word. If he did it a few times like today, her heart would go into shock.

"Where did the phone come from in this barren mountain? Where can I call and send you a radio message? I can send it, but do you know the password?"

Mr. Gu glared angrily. What the old lady said was unreasonable and not based on the actual situation.

He even let him fish in the broken fish tank at home. Why didn't this old woman spread some soil on the bed to plant flowers? He didn't blame this old woman for pulling out his radish seedlings.

The good radish seedlings were pulled out, and the broken roses were planted instead, and they couldn't be eaten. What did he say?

"Then you can't not come back at night, right? There are so many dangers like this, what if a fish is dragged into the water for you?" Lin Yulan was so angry that she cursed, and she mistook all her good intentions for nothing.

"Go, go, you ladies don't know anything. I swam across the Yangtze River in one go. How could such a small pond trap me?"

"You also said it was back then. How old were you then and how old are you now? You are already in your sixties or seventies. If you try to see if you can swim the Yangtze River in one go, you are just bragging. Why don't you say you can fly across the Pacific Ocean? Why didn’t you say you could fly to the moon?”

Lin Yulan was so angry that she burst into tears, but she didn't forget to fight back. She was frightened along the way, and the old man didn't appreciate it, so she still felt aggrieved.

The corner of Chu Qiao's mouth twitched, and she looked at Granny Bai Lianhua with admiration. No wonder she was able to make the old man docile. She was so talkative.

"Lin Yulan, don't be unreasonable and make trouble. Why don't you run to the moon in the Pacific? Come and show me. Okay, don't drop that cat urine. I'll treat you to a big fish later!"

"Eat your head!"

Lin Yulan turned her head away in anger, too lazy to pay attention to the old guy.

The old man snorted, ignored her, and went to the pond to watch the fun. Mr. Liu and Big Fish were still in a stalemate. The old man's face turned red. Mr. Chang said with all his strength on the side: "Old Liu, you can't do it. Get out of the way. I'm here." !”

But Mr. Liu refused to give in. He felt that he could do it. If he pulled the big fish up, he would be able to brag about it in the courtyard. This credit must not be taken away by others.

"Oh, Lao Liu, hurry up, this big fish is at the end of its might and is about to make a final counterattack!"

"Hard and steady!"

Several old men were shouting and yelling. They were more nervous than fighting. They hugged Mr. Liu's waist and tackled the big fish together one after another.

Chu Qiao was very happy to see it. She couldn't understand the joy of fishing. If she had such leisure, she might as well sleep at home.

But she also wonders, is the strength of the fish so strong? Several people can't deal with one fish, it can't be a fish spirit, right?

"Ah... this thing must weigh over twenty pounds. It must be a big grass carp!"

Mr. Liu stumbled and was almost dragged into the water by the fish. Fortunately, he was caught by the brothers behind him. There were splashes in the water, and a shadowy black figure could be seen. It was impossible to tell what kind of fish it was.

Chu Qiao looked up at the sky. It was already very late. Looking at this posture, she was afraid that she would be exhausted if the stalemate could last for several more hours.

"Let me do it. "

Chu Qiao walked over, wanting to end this 'mermaid war' quickly.

"Xiao Chu, go ahead. This fish is much stronger than you."

Mr. Liu was struggling to even speak. If he didn't want to take the credit for catching the big fish, he would definitely not be able to persist.

Chu Qiao was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly snatched the fishing rod from Mr. Liu's hand, "You guys stand back!"

Several old men were stunned for a moment and did not react. Mr. Gu dragged them back. He knew his daughter-in-law's strength, but he had forgotten about it just now. He should have let his daughter-in-law take advantage of it earlier.

As soon as Chu Qiao took advantage of it, she felt a strong force and pulled her into the water with all her strength. It was no less powerful than an adult man. No wonder several old men couldn't subdue him.

She walked along the shore, slowly reeled in the fishing line, and pulled the fish closer to the shore. It took a lot of effort from her. In her hands, the fish immediately became obedient and swam over obediently. The old man looked stunned.

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