"Lao Gu, your Xiao Chu is very strong!" Mr. Liu was extremely envious. With such strength, in war years, he would definitely be a good hand at carrying cannons.

"That's right, my little Chu is born with supernatural powers, and he doesn't even need an ox to plow the fields!"

Mr. Gu was very proud. Apart from having children, he was satisfied with everything about his daughter-in-law.

"Dad, come and catch the fish!"

Chu Qiao shouted, the fish had already reached the shore and was jumping in the water, looking dark.


Mr. Gu was in great spirits. He picked up the net and went on board. Several old men worked together to catch the fish. To their surprise, it was not that big, only fifteen or six pounds. It was a fierce black fish. It was still in the net pocket. Rampage, very horizontal.

"No wonder this pond can't raise fish alive. With this thing here, everything you raise will be in vain. You don't know how many fry you have eaten when you grow so big." Mr. Liu was extremely envious.

Snakeheaded fish is nutritious and tastes good. You can eat several meals for such a big snakeheaded fish. It’s so cheap.

"Xiao Chu, take this fish home and make pickled fish to eat tomorrow. Hey, why isn't Xiao Ye here?"

Only then did Mr. Gu realize that his son had not shown up. How could he let his daughter-in-law and his wife come out so late at night? What a shame.

"Gu Ye went on a long trip and left today."

Chu Qiao frowned, and the nausea came back. She had never felt fishy before. Just now she got closer to look at the black fish, and a fishy smell rushed up, making her feel uncomfortable to death.

"It's so fast, then you bring the fish and make soup for Xiaopeng. The college entrance examination is about to take place. The black fish will replenish your brain!"

Mr. Gu was a little reluctant to give up. He actually wanted to eat pickled fish, but his son was not here. It was inconvenient for him as an old father-in-law to go to his daughter-in-law's place to eat. He would definitely be able to catch big fish in the future, and there would be plenty of opportunities to eat them.

"Dad, you and mom will both come to eat tomorrow. I'll make sauerkraut... vomit..."

Chu Qiao couldn't bear it anymore, so she covered her mouth before she finished speaking, ran to the side and vomited. She vomited out all the food she had eaten at night, and her stomach was empty.

"What's wrong with Xiao Chu?"

The old man was shocked. He couldn't be sick, could he?

Lin Yulan glared at him, "It's all your fault for causing trouble at night!"

She walked over and patted Chu Qiao's back gently, feeling a little suspicious but not daring to ask.

The old man also blamed himself for causing his daughter-in-law to fall ill, and he could not delay it so late in the future.

"Is Xiao Chu pregnant?" Mr. Liu whispered, winking at him.

The old man's heart skipped a beat as he thought of the medicine he had given before. Could it be that the harvest season has come?

He couldn't help but be elated, he would be able to have a grandson soon!

Chu Qiao vomited, wiped her mouth, and felt much better. Seeing Lin Yulan's concerned look, she said, "I'm motion sick. I felt like vomiting on the road just now."

Lin Yulan was a little disappointed. Was she wrong?

"I got motion sick when I came here. Just spit it out and it'll be fine."

Chu Qiao explained to a few old men that she felt embarrassed.

Mr. Gu was also very disappointed. Instead of being pregnant, his grandson was gone.


The driver first sent Chu Qiao home, and then sent several old men back to the compound. The old man took the black fish home. Chu Qiao really couldn't smell the fishy smell, so Lin Yulan was considerate of her and took it home.

On the way, Mr. Gu felt a little disappointed and didn't say anything. Mr. Liu comforted him and said, "I think your little Chu is most likely pregnant. My daughter was like this before. She vomited when she smelled the fishy smell."

"Xiao Chu said it was motion sickness."

"Young people can't tell the difference. Yu Lan, you need to be more alert. Don't let Xiao Chu eat randomly. It's better to take her to the hospital for a check-up." Mr. Liu reminded.

Lin Yulan suddenly became nervous and nodded, "Okay, I will take Xiao Chu to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow."

She also felt that her daughter-in-law seemed to be pregnant, so she went to the hospital for a checkup to feel reassured.

Mr. Gu was happy again, clapped his thigh and said happily: "If it happens, I can have a grandson next spring."

Several old men were also happy for him. They knew what Lao Gu was thinking about, and what he wanted most was to have his grandson. Fortunately, he got his wish this time.

"With my grandson, those gossips will stop."

The main reason is that those old ladies are nagging every day, saying that Gu Ye is not good at birth. Now that he has strong facts, he will definitely slap those old ladies hard.

Mr. Liu suddenly thought of something and was very happy, "Lao Gu, didn't you say that you dreamed of a big golden carp last night? This was a fetal dream. The carp jumped over the dragon's gate, which is a good sign. Lao Gu, your grandson is incredible, I'm sure Promising!"

"Yes, isn't this just a fetal dream? The golden carp leaps over the dragon gate. Lao Gu, you have to treat me!"

"I must invite you. Let's go to a restaurant tomorrow!"

Mr. Gu couldn't close his mouth, "Please, definitely please, haha..."

He would be happy to invite him every day, and the old man became happy when he thought of the big, lively carp in his dream. He must be his fat grandson, as energetic as the big carp.

Chu Qiao was very tired. As soon as she got home, she fell into bed and fell asleep. She slept until she woke up naturally. Dabao and Xiaobao had already gone to school. The brothers bought breakfast during their morning run. They also brought some for Chu Qiao. It's cold.

It was a basket of steamed buns, Chu Qiao's favorite food. She smiled, raising two children was not in vain.

Her stomach growled a few times. She had vomited all last night, and now she was very hungry. Chu Qiao took a small steamed bun and stuffed it into her mouth. It was hot now, so it was okay to eat something cold.

But as soon as the buns entered his mouth, he started to feel nauseated. The meat filling that used to be particularly delicious became extremely fishy and disgusting. Chu Qiao vomited the buns and retched several times, but nothing came out. Her appetite was gone. , no appetite at all.

What's wrong with her?

Chu Qiao was a little worried. She might be suffering from a bad disease, right?

Her stomach has always been good, but it started to feel abnormal last night. She glanced at the xiaolongbao on the table and wondered if the meat filling was stale. Nowadays, some restaurant owners have bad consciences and do not handle the pork properly. Make meat filling.

Chu Qiao's heart tightened, and she decided not to get up too late in the future, so that she could make breakfast. The eldest baby and the little one were currently in their growth stage, so they had to eat better and could no longer buy breakfast outside.

She picked up a bowl of pickled cucumbers from the kimchi jar and started to nibble on it. Her appetite suddenly improved and her stomach felt comfortable. Chu Qiao ate another xiaolongbao with pickled cucumbers, and her nausea miraculously disappeared.

I ate a basket of steamed buns with pickled cucumbers. I was full and my stomach was fine.

Chu Qiao felt that she was just worrying blindly. The owner and his wife of the breakfast restaurant where the Dabao brothers often go are very down-to-earth. They chop the meat fillings themselves, and all the employees from the machine tool factory eat there. There is absolutely no problem with the ingredients, otherwise it would be impossible. Opened for so many years.

It must be because she didn't sleep well the night before. That guy Gu Ye pestered her all night. She didn't have a good rest and naturally lost her appetite. It was all her fault.

Not knowing where this guy was and not even calling back, Chu Qiao pouted, changed her clothes and prepared to go to the beauty salon.

The phone rang. It was Lin Yulan. Chu Qiao was a little disappointed. She thought it was Gu Ye, but Gu Ye took the green train to the south and should still be on the train now. Liang Yao's ancestor went to Hong Kong City. Gu Ye I used to be reluctant to buy plane tickets. Nowadays, plane tickets are too expensive, costing several thousand yuan each.

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