"Qiaoqiao, I'm back." Gu Ye also saw his wife, so he resisted and didn't hug her.

"How was the journey? Did it go well?"

Chu Qiao slowly walked down the stairs and felt relieved when she saw that Gu Ye was in good spirits.

"It went very smoothly. Boss Liang entertained us very attentively and sent a secretary to accompany us. This trip opened my eyes. The place in Hong Kong City is at least twenty years ahead of ours."

Gu Ye was very emotional. No wonder the ancients said that you should travel around. You really need to go out and see more, and you can't be a frog in the well.

The port city is bustling with traffic, and high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere. Almost every household has household appliances such as TVs and refrigerators, but here in the mainland they are still luxury goods. Even in Shanghai, not everyone has a TV. , not to mention the refrigerator.

"We will catch up soon. We have people with land and resources. Hong Kong City will still envy us in the future." Chu Qiao was confident.

"Yes, it is useless to develop such a place as big as a palm. It is inherently deficient, so there is no need to envy it."

The old man is more confident. He has unwavering confidence in the country and firmly believes that it will get better and better in the future.

"time to eat!"

Lin Yulan came out with the dishes in her hands and glanced meaningfully at the radiant Chu Qiao. Her eyes also moved to her flat belly. She didn't know if it was because of her psychology, but she always felt that her daughter-in-law's belly was a little bigger.

A large table of dishes was quickly placed on the table, and the last dish was lobster. As soon as Lin Yulan opened the lid of the pot, she frowned. The smell that hit her nostrils killed her. The lobster was obviously very fresh, how could it taste like this? ?

"Lao Gu, lobster, have you peed?" Lin Yulan came out and asked.

"Let it go. If you don't believe me, just ask Dabao and Xiaobao." The old man was very unhappy. The things he promised would definitely be done. Isn't it just peeing? What a big deal.

"Grandpa let it go."

Dabao and Xiaobao nodded vigorously, but their expressions were a bit indescribable. They reluctantly looked at the lobster Lin Yulan held out. It was such a big and red lobster. It looked delicious, but they didn't dare to eat it.

"Why does it still smell like this after I put it away?"

Lin Yulan put the lobster on the table, along with the sauce, and smelled it from time to time. The smell was too wrong, but she clearly saw that the lobster was alive and kicking, so it couldn't be a dead shrimp.


As soon as Chu Qiao sat down, she was so stimulated by the smell that she almost vomited. She covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

Lin Yulan's attention also shifted from the lobster, and she happily followed in, patted Chu Qiao's back, and asked in a low voice: "Is it there?"

"Well, it's been two months."

Chu Qiao nodded and rinsed her mouth with water. Seeing Lin Yulan's ecstatic look, she felt very happy.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, you kid...go sit down and walk slowly!"

Lin Yulan supported her carefully, making Chu Qiao dumbfounded, "I'm in good health, as usual."

"No matter how good you are, you can't be careless. You must be careful in the first three months. You should live here and stop cooking."

Lin Yulan was worried. She finally expected her grandson, so she couldn't take it lightly.

"It's really okay. The doctor said we need to exercise more and not lie down every day."

Chu Qiao didn't want to live here. She wanted to be at home. Her parents-in-law were always a little restrictive.

Gu Ye was a little confused and couldn't wrap his head around it. He understood every word of what his mother and wife said, but what did they mean when they were connected together?

Why doesn't he understand?

The old man patted him hard on the head and cursed with a smile: "Silly boy, you are going to be a father!"

Hahahaha, he is going to be a grandfather!

Gu Ye was even more confused, his head was buzzing, he was going to be a father?

He didn't believe it when he left.

Seeing his wife walking slowly towards him, Gu Ye finally came to his senses and jumped up, almost hitting the ceiling.

"I'm going to be a father, haha..."

The ecstatic Gu Ye hugged Chu Qiao and wanted to tell the world.

"Put it down quickly and don't mess around!"

Lin Yulan was very anxious. It was neither serious nor serious, so don't drop her grandson.

Gu Ye was startled, and carefully put down his wife, as if holding a rare treasure, and kept giggling, as if she was dreaming, it was too unreal.

"Look at how stupid you are!"

The old man glared with disdain, he was so ungrateful.

Gu Ye glanced at him, his eyes even more contemptuous. The old man's grin reached behind his ears. Ah Da couldn't laugh at Ah Er.

Dabao and Xiaobao are even happier. They finally have younger siblings.

"Aunt, are you a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"When will the younger siblings arrive?"

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "I don't know yet, do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"Brother!" Dabao.

"Sister." Xiaobao.

The brothers answered in unison, glaring at each other after they finished speaking.

Dabao doesn't like his younger sister. There are many little girls in the machine tool factory who are just crybabies, which is annoying to death. He is better as his younger brother, so they can play with him.

Xiaobao likes a clean and beautiful little sister very much. He will give his sister all the beautiful treasures he has collected to play with.

"We'll find out next spring whether he's a younger brother or a younger sister. Let's eat!"

The old man patted the two children on the head. In fact, he also wanted grandchildren. It was not that he favored boys over girls, but he just thought boys were more fun. It was more convenient for boys to go up mountains and rivers. Girls were more delicate.

But granddaughters are also very good and can act coquettishly. Lao Liu's little granddaughter is particularly good at coquettishness. Lao Liu always talks about his little granddaughter and talks about it non-stop. He always thinks about his little granddaughter if there is anything delicious. The old man is also quite envious of her.

It would be great if the grandchildren could all live together. A son and a daughter would be perfect together.

The old man is a little regretful that he can only have one child now. A family like theirs must abide by the policy.

Chu Qiao sat down. She originally wanted to eat lobster, but when she smelled the smell, her chest began to churn again. She didn't think much about it, thinking it was a pregnancy reaction, so she had to give up the lobster regretfully.

Lin Yulan couldn't eat it either. The smell was too smoky. The old man didn't like eating this in the first place. Moreover, he put the urine in with his own hands, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Big baby and little baby eat pliers."

Lin Yulan broke off two large pliers and gave them to the two brothers. Dabao and Xiaobao waved their hands repeatedly and said in unison: "Give it to Uncle Gu!"

"How can your Uncle Gu finish such a big one? Eat it quickly."

Lin Yulan thought that the child was embarrassed to eat, so she insisted on giving it to the two children. Dabao and Xiaobao shook their heads vigorously. Seeing that they really didn't want to eat, Lin Yulan didn't force it, and put a whole lobster in front of Gu Ye, letting him eat it alone.

"Why does this smell a bit strong?"

Gu Ye smelled it and felt something was wrong. He had eaten lobster before and it didn't taste like this. However, he didn't think much about it. He was mainly immersed in the joy of becoming a father and his sense of smell was not very good.

"Don't worry, eat it. It's alive. If I don't feel uncomfortable, I can finish such a big one." Chu Qiao looked at the lobster with eager eyes. She really wanted to eat it, but unfortunately she couldn't.

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