"I'll help you eat."

Gu Ye smiled and gnawed open the lobster claws, revealing the white and tender meat. He took a sip, and a large piece of meat came out. He dipped it in some sauce and ate it with relish.

“Fresh and delicious.”

Gu Ye finished a large tong in three or two mouthfuls. It was indeed delicious, but the taste was a bit weird, but with the sauce to dip it in, the weird smell was gone.

One lobster was eaten by Gu Ye in a short time, leaving only a pile of shells. After finishing the last piece of meat, Gu Ye licked his lower lips with unsatisfied intention and concluded: "Apart from being a bit sexy, it tastes very good."

"Why are you so horny? Dad, have you peed?" Chu Qiao thought the old man hadn't peed.

If the lobster doesn't urinate, it will indeed taste good after being steamed.

"Let it go. It's such a big bowl. I specially asked the big and small babies to drink a big cup of herbal tea." The old man also gestured to the size of the bowl. He was a little impatient. Everyone asked him if he had urinated. For such a small thing, he Can it be done well?

Chu Qiao's eyes widened, and she looked at the old man's gesturing hands in astonishment, then looked at Dabao and Xiaobao, and then at her silly man who had not yet reacted, and sympathized with this guy for three seconds. .

Lin Yulan finally came to her senses and asked in a voice, "What kind of urine did you put in?"

"Child pee!"

The old man shouted impatiently, "You can't urinate on me!"

Gu Ye was drinking water, and immediately choked after hearing these words. He almost died from coughing, but he managed to calm down. But when he saw the pile of lobster shells on the table, he thought it was better to cough to death.

Lin Yulan was angry and funny. She looked at her son with a strange expression sympathetically. Seeing that the old man still looked confused and angry, she said helplessly: "You should put lobster urine. Oh, you are such a person. You don't understand and don't ask. Whose family is it?" Steamed lobster with a child's urine in it? You...you are simply wasting your natural resources!"

"Does this thing still have urine?"

The old man asked, pointing to the lobster shell on the table.

"Why didn't you pee? I'm too lazy to tell you. Don't you know why you don't know? You know with the soles of your feet that you can't let a child urinate when cooking. You pig brain!"

This pig-headed sentence completely angered the old man. He slapped his hand on the table and said angrily: "Who told you not to explain clearly? You only said to urinate, but not where to urinate. How did I know that this thing is still there?" Urine, Lin Yulan, why are you glaring at me? That’s what you told me, there is a place where eggs are boiled with children’s urine, and it’s a famous dish, that’s what you said, don’t deny it!”

"That's a urinary egg, a local snack, not a vegetable. Don't be unreasonable. I didn't know you didn't understand this. I asked if you had peeed, and you said yes. You said it so smoothly. Who would doubt it? ah!"

Lin Yulan was also angry. How did she know that this old man didn't even know how to cook lobster? How could he still be reasonable after wasting such a big lobster?

"Did I say something wrong? You asked if the urine was released, and I said yes. Where did I say it wrong? You obviously asked the wrong question. You should have asked if the lobster's urine was released. If you say a few more words, you will become mute?"

"Are you asking a few more words and your throat is getting smokey? We all ask questions like this here, and no one is as stupid as you."

"I'm not from your side, and I've never eaten this lobster. It's normal to not understand. Lin Yulan, don't be so unreasonable!"

"Who is being unreasonable now? You obviously did something wrong, but you are still cursing people here. If it weren't for you, would Xiaoye be able to eat urine?"

"Obviously you were the one who caused Xiaoye to eat urine. You are so old that you can't speak. How can you still blame me?"

"Who is older? You are more than ten years older than me, so you are the bad old man!"

"I still go up and down mountains and rivers, and I'm still a good man even when I'm carrying a gun. What else can you do besides cry?"

Chu Qiao watched in astonishment as the old couple quarreled. The topic had seriously strayed away from lobsters. She became more and more impressed by Granny Bai Lianhua. The momentum of the quarrel was not that of White Lotus, but that of Overlord Flower.

"Okay, you dislike me now, you will dislike me when I am old, you have no conscience!"

Lin Yulan's tears came as easily as a faucet, and she didn't forget to curse a few times while crying. The old man's 18.8 meters of arrogance suddenly became 0.8, and his voice became softer. She muttered: "If you can't say it, just cry." , I’m too lazy to argue with you, it’s like this every time, it’s so annoying.”

But after muttering a few words, the old man still shut up. Lin Yulan stopped crying a few times and continued eating, not forgetting to pick up food for Chu Qiao.

Chu Qiao was deeply moved. She was wrong.

Her mother-in-law is definitely a very knowledgeable Bai Lianhua, how else could she control the hot-tempered old man so well.

Gu Ye, who had endured it for a long time, heard his parents peeing one on the left and the other on the right. The lobster he had just eaten could not help but tumbling in his stomach. He couldn't bear it anymore and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. He was even worse than before. Qiao also vomited more violently.

Chu Qiao wanted to comfort her poor husband, but Lin Yulan stopped her, "Sit still and don't move!"

Lin Yulan stood up and poured a glass of water, let Gu Ye drink it and rinse his mouth, and comforted: "Actually, it's nothing. You can eat children's urine. It's a tonic. There is a place in Shaoxing that boils eggs with children's urine. It's good for your waist." "

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yulan's heart skipped a beat and she looked at her son, feeling extremely annoyed. Why didn't she think of boiling the urine-clearing eggs?

Urine-clearing eggs are really effective in nourishing the kidneys. She should have cooked them a long time ago. Lin Yulan looked at Dabao and Xiaobao again, her eyes shining. Such a good urine store for two children can be cooked every day.

"Xiaoye, I'll cook you two urine-clearing eggs every day. Those are kidney-tonifying ones!"

Lin Yulan whispered, not letting her daughter-in-law hear.

Gu Ye, who had completely vomited in his stomach, had already calmed down a bit, but after hearing these words, the nausea came back and he retched several times. What evil had he done?

"No, let my dad eat it!"

Gu Ye flatly refused. Even if he could live forever, he wouldn't want to eat urine eggs. It would make him upset.

"Your dad is old, so supplements are of no use. This one is really effective, and it tastes very fragrant when cooked." Lin Yulan persuaded her sincerely, because she had eaten urine-clearing eggs.

In the alley where she used to live, there was an old lady whose hometown was in Shaoxing. Before the Qingming Festival, there was a custom of boiling urine eggs. When boiled, the smell was very strong and irritating. But after the urine was boiled dry, the eggs were the same as tea eggs. , and there is a strange smell. It is very salty when eaten after peeling off the shell. It tastes very good and does not feel disgusting.

"don't want!"

Gu Ye was impatient. He would never eat such disgusting things.

Lin Yulan didn't dare to persuade her anymore, but she didn't give up. She planned to let the old man persuade her in private. Although her daughter-in-law was pregnant, her son couldn't always rely on a magic pill. It was the medicine that was three-part poison, so it was better to eat urine-clearing eggs.

Dabao and Xiaobao covered their mouths and laughed hard. Fortunately, they didn't eat lobster, otherwise they would be the ones vomiting now.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Gu Ye angrily rewarded each of them with a chestnut. No wonder these two brats refused to eat lobster just now. In the past, they all tried to grab anything delicious from him, but today they were civilized. He should have been suspicious.

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