"Piece rate? What does this mean?" The factory director didn't understand.

As a veteran cadre, his thinking can no longer keep up with the times.

"You know, right? Household contracting has been implemented in rural areas for a long time, but our factory is still eating from the big pot. Workers must be demotivated in this way. We must reform the system, learn from rural household contracting, and implement piece-rate wages!"

Gu Ye thought about it carefully later, and realized that the piece-rate wage his wife mentioned was actually the household contracting method in rural areas. The principle was exactly the same, and the piece-rate wage was simpler to operate.

It is not that easy to implement household contracting in rural areas. The most troublesome thing is to divide the fields. Everyone wants fat fields, but no one wants thin and remote fields. Don’t think that rural people are all simple. In fact, there are cunning and vicious people. There are many cases where people may lose their lives in order to divide their fields.

Although Gu Ye has never lived in the countryside, Xu Sanqiang, Han Shizhong, and the four of them are all rural people, and they have all experienced the distribution of farmland to households, so he has a good understanding of rural life and how vicious some rural people are. I understand why rural people desperately want to have a son.

Being without a son in the countryside means being destitute, which makes people look down upon. The second most terrifying thing is being deprived of a family.

Outsiders would not have this idea. What is vicious is that people with the same surname, or even close relatives by blood, use the banner of a family and shout the slogan that property cannot be cheap to outsiders, and justly seize property. The reason is that your family has no sons or daughters. Sooner or later, you are from someone else's family, and the property must be inherited by people with the same surname. This reason is very fair and cannot be refuted, and no one will intercede for you, because everyone thinks so.

Who told you not to give birth to a son?

Han Shizhong only has two daughters. This is his personal experience. The person who wants to occupy his family's property is not an outsider, but his biological eldest brother. Even his biological parents side with his eldest brother.

Just because the eldest brother Han Shizhong has two sons, but he only has two daughters, one of whom is deaf-mute. In the old man's heart, this deaf-mute granddaughter can only be regarded as half a person at most. How can she be qualified to share the Han family's property? She should keep To two grandchildren.

Fortunately, Han Shizhong had a clear mind and did not favor boys over girls. No matter how his parents cried and lamented the misfortune, he would not agree and only said that daughters and sons were the same.

That's why Han Shizhong came to Lucheng to make a living. He just wanted to make more money, settle down in Shanghai, and then take his wife and daughter out, so as not to stay in the village and be bullied, not only by outsiders, but also by his own family.

The old factory director's eyes lit up. He knew that the contract would be delivered to each household. He understood it when he said this.

"Do you want to do household contracting in the workshop?"

The old factory director hesitated. He didn't dare to make a decision on such a big matter. No other factory had done this, so he didn't dare to set a precedent.

Gu Ye nodded, "We are contracting to households. Now the workers in the workshop are not very motivated to work. The inventory of machine tools in the warehouse is getting less and less. My sales department is getting more and more orders. If we don't improve the workers' motivation, I will be out there." With so many orders coming back, we can’t ship the goods without machine tools, and we’ll have to deal with those bastards from Southern Machine Tool!”

The old factory director's heart skipped a beat. This sentence hit his pain point. It would be fine if there was no order. If there was an order, it would not be shipped. Moreover, Southern Machine Tool would be cheaper. He couldn't accept this.

It was even more uncomfortable than letting someone sleep with his wife.

"No one has ever done this piece rate wage. If we do it, will the superiors criticize us?" the old factory director said in a somewhat relaxed tone.

What he fears most is criticism. After all, he is about to retire. He wants to leave with honor and dignity. He doesn't want to be criticized even when he is old. It would be so embarrassing.

Gu Ye frowned slightly, feeling very disdainful of the old factory director's timidity. He always got into trouble when he couldn't do anything. No wonder the machine tool factory was about to close down.

"This is our internal matter. If we don't tell anyone, how will the higher ups know about it?"

The old factory director shook his head, "There is no airtight wall in the world. There is no way the higher ups don't know."

Gu Ye was a little impatient. He was afraid of things and couldn't do anything well. It was a pity that he was not the factory director, otherwise he wouldn't have to waste time with this old man and just file a document to get piece-rate wages.

As soon as this idea came up, Gu Zhiyi jumped up.

Why can't he be the factory director?

The old factory director is about to retire, and a successor has not yet been found. He can definitely take over this shift and lead the entire factory to make the machine tool factory a great success.

This idea is like a weed, growing crazily as soon as the spring breeze blows. If he didn't still have some sense, Gu Ye would have wanted to say directly to the old factory director: "Old man, please give up your position and make way for someone better. Don't occupy the manhole without peeing." "

Gu Ye suppressed the idea of ​​'compiling the position' and patiently advised: "It doesn't matter even if the superiors know about it, it's not a violation of law and discipline. Rural areas can be contracted to each household, why can't our machine tool factory be paid on a piece-rate basis? And? We don’t need to pay wages from above. Our factory is now in good financial condition and can be completely self-sufficient without adding any burden to the country. If the workers are active in their work, they will be able to generate more income, pay more taxes, and contribute more to the country. What a great thing!”

The old factory director's expression became more and more relaxed, and it sounded reasonable.

Mainly because he made more contributions to the country, he was moved. Although the old factory director was incompetent and still friendly, his deep love for the country was unquestionable.

As long as he can contribute to the country, he can fight for his old life.

"I'll discuss it with the secretary again."

The old factory director did not agree immediately. Such a big matter must be discussed in detail with the old man. If the secretary had no objection, it was decided.

Gu Ye didn't press anymore. As long as the old factory director relented, the good old secretary would definitely be fine.

The secretary did not disappoint Gu Ye, and the results came out the next day. He fully agreed to the piece-rate wage, because like the old factory director, he would support it a hundred times as long as he could pay more taxes to the country.

The working atmosphere in the workshop is very poor these days. The workshop director has begun to slack off. How can the workers below still want to work?

Anyway, whether you work or not, it’s just a few living wages, so only a fool will work hard.


The big loudspeaker in the factory suddenly started blasting. It was now half past nine in the morning. Normally the loudspeaker rarely blasts at this time, and only passionate songs would be played at seven in the morning.

"All employees rushed to the canteen immediately to hold an important meeting. The directors of each workshop counted the number of people and gathered in the canteen within ten minutes!"

The person who announced the instructions was the director of the administrative office. Meetings in the factory were always notified by the director of the administrative office. However, the factory had not held an emergency meeting for a long time, and the employees couldn't help but feel uneasy and uneasy.

Are you worried that they haven't worked hard during this period, and the factory will select a few people to scare the monkeys?

You shouldn't blame them, right?

Everyone was worried about being singled out, with their hearts in their throats, and went to the cafeteria in panic. Every time a factory-wide meeting was held, the venue was in the cafeteria. It was a large, open and excellent meeting place.

The old factory director and secretary stood on the stage, as well as the director of the administrative office, with serious expressions.

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