"Uncle Gu, the key is in your pocket." Dabao reminded.

Gu Ye reached out and touched it, and sure enough he took out the key and hit his forehead in frustration.

"Don't panic, Xiaoye, come and help Qiaoqiao. The baby won't be born so soon. Lao Gu, please hold the bag."

At this moment, in front of two panicked men, Lin Yulan had the air of a general and commanded calmly.

Gu Ye quickly came over to support his wife. Chu Qiao was in so much pain that she couldn't stand anymore. He simply picked her up and ran outside.

Lin Yulan turned off the TV, and together with the old man, she led Dabao and Xiaobao into the car. Chu Qiao felt more and more painful, like a bean in her stomach. It was about to sprout when it was full of water, and she wanted to get out of her body.

"It hurts...am I going to die?"

Chu Qiao was very scared. This familiar pain reminded her of her previous life, when it was so painful, and then she died.

"No, bah bah bah...good luck!"

Gu Ye was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was sweating profusely. The know-it-all in the factory said that women have to go through hell to give birth to children. Many women have to die after giving birth to children. Bah bah bah...his wife must be fine.

Bodhisattva bless you, everything will be fine!

Gu Ye, who never believed in such things, had already saved all kinds of gods and goddesses, just hoping to bless his wife to give birth to a child smoothly.

Even if he is on a vegetarian diet for a month, it will be fine.

Finally we arrived at the hospital. After the doctor checked, he was very calm and asked Chu Qiao to walk more.

"I can't walk, it hurts..."

Chu Qiao's waist was so painful that she couldn't straighten up. She must be looking very embarrassed now, with disheveled hair and oily sweat on her face. Gu Ye felt very distressed as he supported her.

"You have to go even if it hurts. The delivery will go smoothly after a while."

The doctor seemed a little indifferent. After all, women like Chu Qiao had to deliver dozens of babies every day, so it was no surprise.

Chu Qiao gritted her teeth and forced herself to walk. Every step she took felt like she was crossing a mountain of knives. It was too painful.

Every second was like torture, as if a century had passed.

"Only ten minutes." Gu Ye couldn't bear it, but the fact was that it was only ten minutes.

Chu Qiao closed her eyes in despair. It felt like a hundred years had passed. Why was it only ten minutes?

"Your expression is broken..."

"Yes, this watch is broken. I will throw it away tomorrow."

"Throw it away now."

"Throw it now."

Gu Ye pulled off the watch without hesitation and threw it aside. The old man quickly caught it. This watch cost hundreds of dollars. It would be a pity to throw it away broken.


Chu Qiao was sweating profusely in pain. She couldn't walk anymore. She had no strength at all. Her whole body fell on Gu Ye. She didn't want to take a step away. Now she just wanted to take out the baby in her belly quickly, even if Just give her a knife.

"Qiaoqiao, be patient and listen to the doctor..."

Gu Ye was also in pain and gritted his teeth to endure it, because Chu Qiao was biting his hand so hard that blood came out.

He couldn't complain about the pain. It was so painful for his wife to give birth to a baby, so it was nothing to him. If he could give birth to a baby for his wife, he would definitely be willing.

"If you don't listen...have a caesarean section, I won't give birth..."

Chu Qiao couldn't bear it anymore. Even if she had difficulty giving birth in her previous life, it didn't hurt so much. She really couldn't stand it anymore. She didn't want to give birth anymore, so she had to have an operation.

"It's all your fault. I said I wouldn't give birth, but you insisted on letting me give birth. I don't want to give birth anymore..."

Chu Qiao turned her pain into anger and bit the culprit next to her hard. Gu Ye took a breath, held back, and kept saying: "It's my fault, it's all my fault, let's just have this one, and never have another baby." ”

It would never happen again, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

It really hurts when my wife bites someone!

Even more powerful than wolf teeth.

Dabao and Xiaobao huddled in the corner, too scared to say anything. Xiaobao kept crying because he was afraid that his aunt was dead.

"Cry your ass!"

Dabao stared. Although he didn't understand much, he also knew that giving birth to a child was a happy event. It was so frustrating for his stupid brother to cry so annoyingly.

"Brother, will auntie die?" Xiaobao asked with red eyes, and received a slap on the forehead from Dabao.

"Shut up, if you say anything depressing again, I'll beat you to death!"

Dabao warned fiercely. Xiaobao shrank his neck and shook his head vigorously, looking pitiful. Dabao's heart softened again and whispered: "This is how babies are born, and pigs are also born like this. They howled all night, and they were worse than their aunt." awful."

He had seen a sow giving birth to piglets before. The old sow in the village screamed miserably and moaned all night, giving birth to more than a dozen piglets. The sow recovered after giving birth. Now, you can still eat a big bowl of pig food.

Auntie will definitely be fine.

Xiaobao nodded in understanding. His brother must be right. It turns out that this is how giving birth to a baby is.

It hurt so much that he definitely didn't want to have babies in the future.

The doctor checked again and asked Chu Qiao to continue walking. His tone was very calm. Chu Qiao felt aggrieved. She was in so much pain. Why did he let her go? Why couldn't he give her a quick stab?

She would rather have a scar on her stomach than have such pain anymore.

"You can give birth naturally and naturally. If you don't arrive at this time, you have to walk for another hour." The doctor was dissatisfied. It was best to have a mature baby. Cesarean section was prepared for women with dystocia. Chu Qiao did not have dystocia, so there was no need for surgery.

Chu Qiao was desperate. It would take another hour.

She will die of pain.

"I'm going to die from pain... If you check again, I must be in labor."

Chu Qiao was scared. She was afraid that if the doctor didn't check carefully, she would have difficulty giving birth in her previous life, and she might have difficulty giving birth in this life. The doctor just took a rough look at it. What if he made a mistake?

She kills two people with one body.

"Doctor, please take another look." Gu Ye also begged.

"The time has not come yet, keep walking!"

The doctor glared angrily. She had to deliver dozens of mothers every day, so how could she have so much energy to talk nonsense? She had just checked, and it was not yet time. No matter how painful it was, she had to go. Giving birth is a process that goes through. Nothing pretentious.

After saying that, the doctor left "ruthlessly". Chu Qiao still had to go. She was in so much pain that she had no strength left. It was Gu Ye who dragged her away.

After receiving the news, Chu Yuanzhi arrived panting. Seeing that Chu Qiao was in so much pain, he was extremely anxious. In desperation, he came up with a good idea.

"Qiaoqiao, let me massage your acupuncture points to relieve pain."

Chu Qiao looked at her father suspiciously. She didn't quite believe it when her father was unreliable.

"It really helps the pain."

Chu Yuanzhi was a little unhappy. Is he so untrustworthy?

After all, he is also a member of the Chu family and has some real skills.

Chu Yuanzhi didn't waste any time. He grabbed Chu Qiao's arm, found the acupuncture point, and started massaging it. It had no effect at first, but after a few presses, the pain was relieved a lot.

"Are you feeling better?"

Chu Yuanzhi asked, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead. The massage required a lot of effort and he couldn't stop. For a weak scholar like him, it was indeed a bit difficult to do this job.


Chu Qiao was filled with emotions, her father was finally reliable for once.

It didn't hurt so much anymore, and Chu Qiao's energy improved a lot. She couldn't help but said to Chu Yuanzhi, "Dad, after all these years, you finally did something reliable."

Chu Yuanzhi, who was massaging hard, paused his hand after hearing this, and immediately stopped pressing it.

Is this human language?

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