Chu Yuanzhi was a little angry, but seeing his daughter sweating profusely in pain, he couldn't bear it anymore and continued to massage her, but the more he pressed, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but say, "I've done a lot of reliable things."

At least he has raised a son and a daughter, and is much better than those men who abandon their children.

Chu Yuanzhi was very aggrieved. His son and daughter did not understand his difficulties, and they all liked to prick his heart. Fortunately, he had a strong heart and was not angry to death by these evil-hearted children.

Chu Qiao snorted and wanted to retaliate, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. If her father was angry and stopped massaging her, she would still have to suffer.

Chu Yuanzhi pressed the button for a full hour and was almost exhausted. He looked even worse than Chu Qiao.

The doctor came to check again and finally said, "Enter the delivery room."

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, she could finally unload the goods.

Gu Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, his arm was finally free.

Chu Qiao was carried to the delivery room, and Gu Ye was stopped outside. He was not in the mood to sit, so he stood at the door and waited. Chu Qiao screamed a few times at first, which made his legs weak and his head dizzy, but then he stopped. The sound was loud, and the delivery room was very quiet. The silence made him even more panicked, and he couldn't stand still.

Just when Chu Yuanzhi came over, Gu Ye, as if seeing a savior, pinched his father-in-law's arm and asked nervously: "Why doesn't Qiaoqiao stop screaming? Is something wrong? I have to go in and take a look."

"Calm down, the mother can't scream all the time. She has to save her energy to give birth. Hey... let go!"

Chu Yuanzhi tried several times but couldn't pull it out. The pain made him almost cry. He felt that he was worse than his daughter in the delivery room.

Only then did Gu Ye react and retracted his hand, half convinced. After all, his father-in-law was a quack and what he said seemed unreliable.

Chu Yuanzhi snorted angrily, walked to the side and sat down. After massaging for an hour, he was exhausted.

Gu Ye walked back and forth outside the delivery room, like a tireless hour hand, walking non-stop. The old man couldn't help it and shouted: "Sit down for me, or lie down, don't walk around all the time." , I’m so shaken that I’m dizzy!”

He was already nervous, but this brat kept moving at the same pace as the clock hand, which made him even more nervous. When Lin Yulan gave birth to her child, the old man had never been so nervous.

"Close your eyes if you feel dizzy!"

Gu Ye retorted angrily, his wife was suffering inside, how could he sit down?

The old man just sits and talks without pain in his back. It’s not his wife who’s suffering inside.

Whoever's wife feels sorry for him, but he won't sit down anyway.

The old man snorted angrily and turned his head, out of sight and out of mind.

Lin Yulan clasped her hands together and muttered something, praying to various Bodhisattvas to bless her daughter-in-law to give birth smoothly and not suffer too much.

Chu Qiao didn't know how long she had been giving birth, and her body was already numb from pain. She wanted to scream, but the doctor said she couldn't scream, and she had to conserve her strength to give birth to the baby. If she ran out of energy, the baby wouldn't be born, and there would be a lack of oxygen in her belly. .

She was so frightened that she bit her lip and did not dare to scream no matter how painful it was, for fear of giving birth to a child with cerebral palsy.

Although the mother does not think the child is ugly, if she really gives birth to a child with problems, it is better not to give birth to a child. The child will suffer, and the adults will suffer too.

"If you see the child's head, try harder!"

Hearing the doctor's words, Chu Qiao held back all her strength. The pain was so painful that her body was about to burst. Her mind was blurred. She vaguely heard the doctor talking, followed by a loud cry.

Chu Qiao felt relieved. The child was crying so loudly. He must be very healthy, right?

"Congratulations, you are a daughter of a daughter, weighing seven pounds and eight taels, and very healthy."

The doctor congratulated Chu Qiao in his ear.

Chu Qiao only heard about health and fell asleep happily. She was almost exhausted.

The doctor washed the child, put on small clothes, wrapped the child tightly in quilt, and carried him out, "Chu Qiao's family!"


Gu Ye responded loudly. Seeing the child in the doctor's arms, he was so excited that his hands and feet had nowhere to rest, and asked, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

"It's good. I fell asleep. Congratulations, you are a seven-pound daughter and very healthy."

The doctor handed the child to him, but Gu Ye didn't dare to take it. He was so excited that he didn't even hear the doctor's words clearly. He looked at the child without blinking, his eyes rolling around. He was white and fat, with thick hair, and there was no trace of it at all. Like a newborn.

He had seen newborn babies from his comrades' homes before. They were wrinkled, like little old men, and quite ugly. However, after a few months of raising them, the babies grew fuller and looked quite good-looking.

Lin Yulan and the old man both came over and looked at the child excitedly. Dabao and Xiaobao jumped up to see, but they didn't see it and were blocked by the adults.

"I'll hold you."

Lin Yulan happily took the child and said excitedly: "Look, look at me, these eyes are so bright, black and bright, just like her mother, very beautiful."

The old man wanted to poke the child's soft cheek, but he didn't dare, for fear of hurting the little guy.

"The cry is quite loud and energetic!"

The old man was very pleased. As soon as he heard the cry, he knew that he was a great young man and he would definitely be an excellent soldier in the future.

Chu Qiao pushed it out and fell asleep all the time. Her face was pale, her lips were dry and peeling, and there were some blood spots. She was bitten when it hurt too much. Her hair was disheveled, and there were a few strands of hair stuck to her forehead and temples. She looked very embarrassed. .

In the past, Chu Qiao always dressed up beautifully, and she had never been so embarrassed. But in Gu Ye's eyes, the daughter-in-law at this moment was the most beautiful.

How could it not be beautiful after working so hard to give birth to a child for him and suffering so much?

Chu Qiao slept until the afternoon and was woken up by the child's cry. Her eyelids were heavy and she blinked a few times before opening her eyes. The cry became louder and louder. Chu Qiao was very pleased. The child's lung capacity was definitely high and his body was strong. It’s great and easy to feed.

My body is heavy and my whole body aches. I have never been so tired. Giving birth is more tiring than plowing a field.

"Qiaoqiao is awake, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Gu Ye's voice of surprise sounded in her ears. Chu Qiao opened her eyes a few more times, and finally opened her mouth. She asked in a hoarse voice, "Who does he look like?"

"Looks like you, very beautiful."

Gu Ye grinned, but he was a little worried. The boy had such a face that would bring disaster to the country and the people. What would he do in the future?

It's quite sad.

Until now, the family still doesn’t know it’s a girl. The whole family didn’t hear what the doctor said clearly and they all preconceivedly thought it was a boy.

"He must be hungry, let Xiao Chu feed him quickly!" The old man was heartbroken. He was crying so miserably. His grandson must be starving.

"Why are you so anxious? It's good for the child's lungs to cry a few times. Let Xiao Chu sleep a little longer. I think he peed."

Lin Yulan was unhurried. She had experience raising children. It was okay for the baby to cry a few times, as it could exercise the lungs.

She lifted up the quilt, spread her legs, and smiled, "I just said it was peeing. Bring me a clean diaper!"

The old man immediately handed over a clean diaper and moved closer curiously, wanting to see his eldest grandson's little penis.

Following Lin Yulan's movements, the wet diaper was taken off, and then she was about to put on a new diaper. The old man screamed in a fuss, "Where's Ding Ding? Where did he go?"

What’s amazing is that his eldest grandson doesn’t have a penis!

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