The old man was so anxious that he couldn't turn around. He still stubbornly thought it was his grandson. He stared at it unblinkingly. In just a few seconds, the old man thought a lot.

He was thinking that his grandson was born without a penis. What kind of strange disease is this?

No, he couldn't despise his grandson and go back to ask if Ding Ding could pick him up?

The old man's expression became sad. He had never heard of Tintin being able to take it. If he had this skill, the eunuchs would have left the palace to marry wives and have children.

Chu Qiao was so frightened that she woke up and wanted to get out of bed to see why her son didn't have a penis?

Is this still a normal person?

"Qiaoqiao, don't worry, I'll go take a look."

Gu Ye held his wife down and walked over to check. His heart felt cold. It was true that he didn't have a penis. It was over. His son was born to be a father-in-law.

What's wrong with this?

Both father and son have the same brain circuit, and they have trapped themselves to death.

Lin Yulan was stunned at first, but quickly realized it and asked Gu Ye, "When the doctor brought the child out, did he talk to you about a daughter or a son?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "I didn't hear that. By the way, what did the doctor say?"

"The doctor had already said it when I came over. You are so unreliable that you don't even understand your son and daughter!"

The old man glared angrily and walked out angrily. He had to find out whether he was his grandson or granddaughter.

After a while, the old man came back and said happily: "She's not sick, she's just a daughter. She doesn't have a penis in the first place."

It made him worry in vain.

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help laughing, and almost scared her to death.

I thought she gave birth to a monster.

The old man stared at his granddaughter carefully like he was looking at a zoetrope, and then he smiled, feeling very proud. Lin Yulan had changed the diaper and said angrily to him: "Get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

Like a fool, he can't help at all and is in the way, which is annoying to death.

The old man followed step by step and couldn't get enough of it. He also said: "Old Liu shows off all day long and says how handsome his granddaughter is. Turn around and let him see our granddaughter. This is called handsome!"

When his granddaughter is one month old, he will take her out to show off, so that Old Liu can see what a handsome girl is!

"My child must be the most handsome, don't be stupid!"

Lin Yulan reminded that the old man always spoke unabashedly, so don't offend Lao Liu again.

Even if Lao Liu's granddaughter is not good-looking, she is still a fairy in Lao Liu's eyes, and she doesn't bother others, so what's there to say?

She put the child next to Chu Qiao and said, "Let the child suck it and see if there is no water."

Lin Yulan took a hot towel, wiped it clean for Chu Qiao, and then asked the child to suck it. Eating was probably a human instinct, so the little guy didn't need to be taught, so he just sucked it in hard. He was very strong, and after a few sucks, the water came out.

After eating, the little guy broke out in a sweat and fell asleep. His face was red and very cute. Chu Qiao's heart was as soft as cotton and she couldn't bear to look away. This was the child she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy.

She even felt that it was probably her daughter who was not born in her previous life and came back in this life.

After staying in the hospital for two days, Chu Qiao was discharged. The advantage of having a natural birth is that she recovers quickly. Some people who are in good health can walk on the same day.

When Chu Qiao went home for confinement, Lin Yulan took good care of her. She was not allowed to touch any raw water. Unlike some mothers-in-law, who did not let their daughter-in-law get out of bed or take a bath, wash her face or brush her teeth. Lin Yulan completely followed the doctor's instructions and let Chu Qiao She sometimes got out of bed and walked around, and boiled mugwort water for her to scrub her body and wash her hair.

After one month of confinement, Chu Qiao looked very good and was in good spirits, almost the same as before giving birth. This was all due to Lin Yulan.

"Mom, have you decided on your daughter's name?"

Chu Qiao thought of something important and asked Lin Yulan.

I left the important matter of choosing a name to the old man, but he still hasn't replied. The child is about to be registered, so I can't keep calling him coyly.

"I didn't pick it right. The Xinhua Dictionary was all messed up, and I didn't pick a decent name. They said a cheap name would make a living. If it wasn't Dani, it was Maodan. If it wasn't Xiaoni, or Xiaocao, how could my granddaughter be called This name is so tacky, I’ll be laughed at in school.”

Lin Yulan's tone was full of disgust, and she was so angry that she didn't let the old man choose the name, and gave it to her grandpa Chu Yuanzhi. After all, he was a man of culture, so he was definitely better than the old man who couldn't read.

The corner of Chu Qiao's mouth twitched. Fortunately, her mother-in-law saw it clearly. If her daughter was really called Mao Dan, she would have a ready-made nickname when she went to school, so she wouldn't have to worry about choosing one. Think of a beautiful girl named Gu Mao Dan.

Tsk... That’s hilarious.

In the evening, Chu Yuanzhi ran over excitedly. After thinking for three days and racking his brains, he finally came up with one.

"How is Gu Xinyi?"

Chu Yuanzhi explained the origin of the name: "Xinyi is also known as Mulan, a rare and precious flower and tree. If our daughter is named this, she will definitely achieve extraordinary things and be different in the future. What do you think?"

"It sounds good, so I'll call you Xin Yi."

The old man didn't understand these formal things. He just felt that his in-laws were very nice to talk to, had extraordinary achievements, and were different. His granddaughter would definitely have a future.

Chu Qiao tasted it carefully, Gu Xinyi, it sounded quite easy to pronounce, and Xinyi is a medicinal material that can dispel wind and cold and clear the nose. The Chu family likes to use Chinese herbal names when naming. It is elegant and has artistic conception. This name is really good.

Gu Ye and Lin Yulan didn't have any objections. Anyway, it was better than the old man's cat egg grass.

"Choose another nickname." Chu Qiao said.

Gu Xinyi is a famous name, so he deserves a nickname that is catchy.

"The cat eggs are pretty good, and the nickname is easy to make a living on." The old man said immediately.

In his hometown village, the girls named Mao Dan are all very strong, can climb trees and dive into water, and can fight more wildly than men. His granddaughter is named Mao Dan, and she will definitely be strong in the future.

As for children, whether they are boys or girls, the most important thing is to have a strong body.

Lin Yulan rolled her eyes angrily, "Why don't you call me Gu Maodan?"

I know Maodan every day and I don’t have any culture at all.

The old man snorted, too lazy to behave like a woman.

"My nickname is Xin Xin Hao. It's easier to call her." Chu Qiao decided on a name, and everyone thought it was pretty good.

"Then it will be called Xinxin. Why is my little heart so beautiful? Oh, haha. I understand it. I am so happy to see it."

Lin Yulan picked up her granddaughter and teased her. The little girl opened her big eyes and suddenly grinned. Her eyes were dark and she looked like a mold of her mother. But at first glance, she looked like a restless child. She was still lying in her grandma's arms. He was moving around, kicking his legs non-stop, and screaming, full of energy.

"This energy is so good!"

The old man was very pleased. Although she was a little girl, her energy was stronger than many boys. After leaving, he would teach his granddaughter how to box. Chairman, he said that women can hold up half the sky.

His granddaughter, Gu Huai Nian, must be more powerful than the boy.

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