Not only Chu Qiao was looking forward to it, Niu Taohua was looking forward to it even more. In the past few days, she was counting on her fingers, hoping that Yang Lingling's wedding would be held soon so that the old witch could show some color.

Because a few days ago, Tang Xuemei and Liang Yaozu said that she missed her grandson so much that she couldn't sleep at night, so Liang Yaozu took her son back to her old house. She hadn't seen her eldest son for three days.

If you want to ask who Niu Taohua hates the most right now, it is definitely Tang Xuemei. He wishes that this old witch would die immediately.

But she couldn't show it at all. In front of Liang Yaozu, she had to be considerate, filial and considerate, and speak well of the old witch.

In the past three days, Niu Taohua had been extremely depressed. Fortunately, she still had a young son by her side. Otherwise, she might have really suppressed herself. Even so, she almost couldn't hold it in anymore. She took advantage of Liang Yaozu's return to his old house for dinner. , called Chu Qiao to complain.

After hearing Niu Taohua complaining about Tang Xuemei, Chu Qiao took out her ears and asked, "Your boss Liang is not at home?"

"The old witch asked me to go back to dinner. Huh, it's a pity that this old witch is not an actress. She performed from morning to night. She used to show it to Liang Zhaofa. Now Liang Zhaofa doesn't like her, and the second son doesn't pay attention to her. It's my old boss. Liang still has his mother in his heart. Even if he is filial, he still takes my Zai Zai away. I haven’t seen Zai Zai for three days, and I don’t know if I am eating well at the old witch’s place..."

Niu Taohua complained again, but Chu Qiao couldn't even get a word in. He simply waited for her to finish speaking before reminding her: "Walls have ears, be careful if these words reach Boss Liang."

"Don't worry, they are all my people here. Sister Yu must be obedient and obey me."

Niu Taohua was very proud. She had studied with Miss Sheng Qi for so long. She was not in vain. She had learned very well the art of controlling people and using kindness and power at the same time.

"Lao Liang praised me last time, saying that I managed my servants very well and that they were more disciplined than those at the old house."

Niu Taohua couldn't help but show off. Since learning from Miss Sheng Qi, Lao Liang's attitude towards her has become better and better. Apart from marriage, Lao Liang has happily agreed to everything else.

"You are amazing, amazing!"

Chu Qiao praised perfunctorily, listening with the receiver clamped around her neck, while her hands were busy preparing the medicine. It was all nonsense and a waste of her time.

Niu Taohua was unhappy, "You are not sincere in your praise at all. What are you doing over there? Chu Qiao, you are so rude. I am calling you, but you are doing other things?"

"Please, I was already working. When you called me, I took the time to answer your call despite my busy schedule. I'm sincere enough. If it were anyone else, even the president, I wouldn't answer the call."

Chu Qiao was pounding the medicine, and she pounded it even louder.

"Our relationship is not ordinary. What's so great about the president? Let me tell you, there is a president of a certain country. He is so respectful in front of Lao Liang that he doesn't even dare to breathe."

Niu Taohua just talked about it, not really angry, and sounded very disdainful towards the president.

"You're bragging a little too much. I'm the president after all, so why are you so afraid of your boss Liang?" Chu Qiao didn't believe it.

No matter how powerful Boss Liang is, he is just a businessman, and he is not the most powerful businessman in Hong Kong City. How capable is he?

"Really, it's a small country. I can't remember what it's called. Lao Liang mentioned it to me a few days ago and said he wanted to go there for vacation. That country is full of islands and the scenery is particularly beautiful. You and your family You can also go play in the future, tell me my name is Lao Liang, and walk sideways there."

"Boss Liang won't buy that country, right?" Chu Qiao asked.

"I haven't bought it, but the biggest company there is run by Lao Liang. If Lao Liang withdraws his capital, the economy there will be paralyzed. I heard Lao Liang say that there is no industry there, and it all depends on exporting rubber and cocoa. These natural crops are very poor.”

Niu Taohua didn't hide anything and told everything she knew.

Only then did Chu Qiao believe it. Ganqing was a small country, so no wonder it didn't have much confidence. However, even a big country didn't have much confidence in front of chaebols. For example, the so-called developed countries in the West were actually controlled by big chaebols.

"Don't be angry, there will be good news tomorrow. Remember the teacher's words. As usual, don't be particularly positive, lest Boss Liang suspects it." Chu Qiao reminded.

"I know, oops, I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight. I don't know how angry the old witch will be after reading the newspaper. And Lao Liang, let me tell you, Lao Liang actually cares about all the damsels. In terms of status, he really wants to save face. Although he doesn't have a deep relationship with the old witch, he still maintains a loving mother and a filial piety outside. It's because of the old witch's status as a lady, Lao Liang feels that he has a good reputation."

Niu Taohua sounded a little disdainful, looking down on the hypocrisy of Liang Yaozu's grandmother. To be honest, if Liang Yaozu hadn't been rich, Niu Taohua wouldn't have liked him just because of him.

She added: "Lao Liang also said that he would publish a memoir for the old witch, writing about his parents' tragic love story. Humph, bullshit love is just a nasty story about a pair of bitchy men and women poaching."

"The old witch can't be proud for a few more days. By the way, have you visited the teacher these days?" Chu Qiao asked Miss Sheng Qi.

These days she was busy with Duan Qiqi's sister and brother's wedding and her father's wedding, so she didn't have time to go there.

"I went to see it yesterday. I was in good spirits. I paid the restaurant owner again and asked the owner and his wife to make more tonic soup for the teacher. The couple were quite honest. The teacher said that there was good soup every day and the taste was good. You Do not worry."

Niu Taohua is very fond of her mentor. Although she is uneducated, she also knows how to repay her kindness. If it weren't for Miss Sheng Qi's careful guidance, she would never have the good life she has now.

Of course, Chu Qiao was also her benefactor, and she was able to give birth to a son thanks to Chu Qiao's fragrance. Therefore, Niu Taohua often blew pillow wind into Liang Yaozu's ears, asking him to support Gu Ye more, and the effect was quite remarkable.

Chu Qiao felt relieved and chatted with Niu Taohua for a while before hanging up the phone and focusing on dispensing the medicine.

Liang Zhai

Located in the middle of the mountain, the house looks a bit old from the outside. After all, it is an old house for decades. After all the wind and rain, Liang House has been well maintained. It occupies a vast area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters, which is very rare in the port city where land is at a premium. .

There are large gardens at the front and back, as well as rockery pavilions and various precious flowers and trees, arranged into a small Jiangnan garden. The scenery is very unique. There are dedicated people taking care of the garden on weekdays, so there are no fallen leaves on the paths and it is very clean.

The lights in Liang's house were brightly lit at the moment, and Liang Yaozu was eating with his mother. There were only three of them, his grandfather and grandson, in the huge restaurant. Tang Xuemei was sitting at the top, accompanied by Liang Yaozu and his son. There were some home-cooked dishes on the table.

The food on the table was almost untouched. Liang Yaozu had no appetite, and his son couldn't eat it either. Both father and son had the same idea. Facing Tang Xuemei's expressionless and cold face, they really couldn't work up their appetite.


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