"How much did you earn?"

Chu Qiao took it with a smile, glanced at it casually, and threw it on the table. As long as it didn't lose money, it was good. It didn't matter how much money it made, so she didn't look at it carefully.

"Look carefully."

Chu Peng was very dissatisfied with Silly Sister's calmness and felt so sorry for all the hard work he had put in.

These days, he has been guarding the stock exchange every day, staring unblinkingly, his eyes are blurred, so he can earn this money. The stupid sister should be ecstatic and beaming with joy, that is the correct reaction.

Chu Qiao was stunned for a moment, and then her heart was shocked. In that glance just now, she seemed to have seen several zeros, could it be?

She picked up the money order again and looked at it. Sure enough, there were many zeros. Her heart beat loudly. She swallowed hard and stretched out her fingers to count them one by one.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million... one, ten, one hundred..."

Chu Qiao counted several times before confirming that she had counted correctly. Her pupils were widened, her breathing was rapid, and she stared at the money order in her hand in disbelief.

2.1 million.

She gave Brother Gou 200,000 yuan, and this guy doubled it more than ten times.

"Ah... I'm rich!"

Chu Qiao shouted, and Chu Peng across from him curled his lips in satisfaction, this is right.

But soon Chu Peng was no longer satisfied. Chu Qiao, who was ecstatic, hugged him excitedly, just like swinging a sedan chair, bumping up and down, making Chu Peng dizzy, nauseated, and more... shame.

Because Gu Ye, who ran out after hearing the scream, leaned against the door frame and smiled like a fool. Chu Peng felt that the stupid brother-in-law must be laughing at him. The two of them were nothing. He had worked so hard to earn so much money, and he was actually like this. treat him.

Repay kindness with hatred!

"Put me down and I'll count to three, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu Peng warned coldly, but when he counted to thirteen, his body was still in the air, and Chu Qiao was bouncing even more violently. Chu Peng felt that what he had eaten in the morning was already in his throat and he was about to vomit it out.

"Xiaopeng, you are so awesome. I knew you were a genius. Next time you buy stocks, tell me. I will give you money and I will buy whatever you buy."

Chu Qiao smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. No wonder so many people like stock trading. They know that there are tigers in the mountains, but they still want to go to the tiger mountains. The profits are too high. How can business be compared with stock trading?

"If you don't let me go, I won't be able to earn a penny!"

Chu Peng was so threatened that his body immediately fell to the ground. He was a little touched by the down-to-earth feeling, and it was still more comfortable to stand.

Staring at the culprit angrily, Chu Peng straightened his clothes and took a few deep breaths before feeling more comfortable.

"Don't be so stingy. A man should be generous. Let's go to the bank and withdraw money."

Chu Qiao didn't pay any attention to Brother Gou's warning. She could see now that Brother Gou was actually hard-spoken and soft-hearted. He usually pretended not to recognize his relatives, but he was actually quite humane.

"No, I don't have time."

Chu Peng didn't want to go to the bank. He wanted to buy something, a gift for Tang Weiguo and Tian Guo.

"You don't want the hard-earned money given to you? Then forget it."

Chu Qiao put away the money order and was about to put it in her bag, but Chu Peng grabbed her, "Let's go!"

"Don't you have time?"

"Now we have it, hurry up!"

Chu Peng dragged the person out, thinking that the stupid sister had some conscience.

Chu Qiao snorted softly. Seeing the money-minded guy, Gu Ye followed him. He was worried about bringing so much money.

"I'll give you 100,000 yuan. Do you want to buy a house here?"

Chu Qiao originally wanted to give more, but Agent Xu recommended an excellent house for 2.8 million. She had made some money dispensing medicine these days, and with the 2 million, it was just enough.

"Go back to the capital and buy it."

Chu Peng has no plans to buy real estate in the port city for the time being. With the 100,000 yuan, he plans to buy another courtyard house in the capital. After some research, he found that courtyard houses in the capital will definitely become scarce in the future. Scarce things are more valuable, so he only needs If you stock up on more courtyard houses, you will definitely make a lot of money.

In the afternoon, Chu Peng and Wu Bing were about to leave, and Chu Qiao's family all went to see her off. Before leaving, Chu Peng reminded: "That Chu Dingxiang who is my second wife hasn't given up yet, so please pay more attention."

"Did you meet her?" Chu Qiao asked.

Chu Peng nodded. They met by chance a few days ago. The port city is so big, so the chance of meeting by chance is quite high.

Chu Qiao sneered, "I won't give the prescription to my second-in-law. Even if grandpa comes to ask in person, I won't give it to him."

She added: "The pharmaceutical company has gone public and will receive dividends during the Chinese New Year. Then each of us will get half."

Chu Peng looked surprised, "Why are you giving me the dividend?"

"The prescription is for us together. Boss Tang pays for it and we write the prescription. It's fair and reasonable. That's it. Anyway, when the time comes, we will share the money."

Chu Qiao had told Gu Ye a long time ago that Brother Gou would share half of the prescription and half of the dividends. She had never thought about monopolizing it, and neither had Gu Ye.

Chu Peng smiled, feeling a very strange feeling in his heart, like eating marshmallows, he couldn't describe it.

Recently, his heart seemed to be getting more and more wrong. He had to control it and couldn't go on like this.

He wants to be disowned by his relatives and cannot always be soft-hearted.

"You don't have to worry about Duan Qiqi's medical expenses. Please stay out of your own business from now on."

As the car was about to leave, Chu Peng reminded the stupid sister that Duan Qiqi was very dangerous. Even a hundred stupid sisters couldn't deal with Duan Qiqi. In fact, he wanted Chu Qiao to stay away from the trouble of Duan Qiqi.

But Chu Qiao would definitely not agree, and Chu Peng was too lazy to persuade him.

"I know, you have to mind your own business, especially other people's housework, and get in the car quickly, mother-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Chu Qiao pushed him into the car. She thought Duan Qiqi was very good. Although she was a bit cold, this little girl had a grateful heart, which was enough.

After sending Chu Peng away, Chu Qiao called Agent Xu and bought the three-story building that she had chosen. The location was not particularly good, but the building had a yard at the foot of the mountain and the scenery was very good. , in a city like Hong Kong where land is at a premium, it is rare to have a building with an independent yard.

The owner of the house and his family immigrated abroad. The furniture and electrical appliances inside were given away. The decoration was also very high-end. All good materials were used. The design style was also very fashionable. It would not be out of date in more than ten years. Chu Qiao was attracted by it at first sight. She fell in love and paid the money readily. The agent Xu will take care of the rest of the procedures, so she doesn’t have to worry about it.

"Thanks to Mrs. Gu, I can take my wife and children on vacation abroad during the Chinese New Year this year."

Agent Xu made a joke. In just two months, Mrs. Gu had closed several deals by herself. His commission was enough for the family to travel abroad.

"Thanks to Mr. Xu, I bought a house I'm satisfied with. If there is a good house in the future, Mr. Xu must notify me." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Gu, you are now my supreme customer, and I will definitely notify you as soon as possible." Agent Xu assured.

He wished that Chu Qiao would come to him every day, and if there were more generous clients like this, he would be able to retire after a few years of service.

Chu Qiao did not live in the newly bought house. She entrusted Agent Xu to help find tenants. She wanted to find someone who was clean and high-quality, and Agent Xu agreed.

Within a few days, Chu Qiao received a call from Mrs. Wang, asking her to go hiking the next morning. Qi Feng, his wife, and Niu Taohua also went, and Chu Qiao readily agreed.

Early the next morning, Chu Qiao and Gu Ye both put on light sportswear, carried their hearts on their belts, and went to the foot of the mountain to meet Qi Feng and the others.


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